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Everything posted by TRL

  1. Im eating one now called Ritter Sport with hazul nuts or however you spell it. Heavenly.
  2. I think Naysons forum posting has sky rocketed after quitting
  3. What do you think of this build for PvE raiding Dan?
  4. If you look at the picture you can see a button down centered which is highlighted in white. You simply click it and start picking. Ideally you wanna put a lot of talent points into one tree, which means one talent side like Balance or Feral. The more points into a tree you get, the better your talents become. And since you are levelling you ignore PvE specs and talent points. Healing, PvP, tanking etc. talents are worthless while levelling. Put everything into dealing damage. If you wanna re-train your talent points, you can head to your Druid trainer and pay a certain amount of gold to do so. But you should seriously re-roll on the Tarren Mill server. The game is much more fun with friends, and we got a VT channel 8) Level 19 is nothing anyway. You can get there fast enough on a new realm.
  5. Cant believe you said that Nays! :shock: you just went down two notches on my cool'o'meter
  6. Oh dont take it wrong. Didnt mean it offensive. In World of Warcraft each class can use talent points which pin points there character towards a certain spec. Mages Arcane/Fire/Frost, or in your case Druid Balance/Feral/Resto. You get your first talent point at lvl 10 and from then one talent point each level. As you are level 19 you have 9 talent points to spend, but you probably didnt know it, or atleast you are 'untalented'. This is the Dan joke as he did the same mistake, and i found it very amusing This is you. Where it says untalented, it should say a number combo which identifies your spec. And re-roll Tarren Mill server :!:
  7. Please, i say one thing and your predicting how i play? Was just an internal joke about how you have spent your talents so far, or more the lack of it.
  8. He is called Nayson! Check him out on the armory! He is called Nayson and plays like Evildan! This is to much
  9. The dps caster ring is argueably better then all rings you get before Hyjaal. I just think Blizzard are trying to keep most people happy before the release of the next expansion. They have **** raiding in general and know it.
  10. You tank with equal DPS as the lock we had.
  11. Nah thats the thing. I copied your macroes, so i might have **** up, but here with me its like this; I set focus, then the felhunter will spellock my focused target with this macro if im targeting something else or nothing. If i focus target the mob and have it targeted aswell, then the spellock refuse to work and i have to do it old school. If i dont have focus set, it does nothing. Then i cant even push the button :/
  12. I definatly need one 3 v 3 on my priest and 2 vs 2 on my warlock. Anyway, ive got these macroes you linked fixed now Nays. Ive got it pretty much like this; And im curious. Right now i have to CTRL click, get the target focused, then i can push "E" or the button when the target isnt targeted by myself to get it spellocked. But how come i cant click "E" or the button to get the target spellocked when the target is targeted?
  13. lol can you get further from Nagrand arena then Ghostlands? Seriously?
  14. I fancy going a 7/7/47 spec. I dont have much crit gear though, but i think it would be a lot of fun
  15. Anyway, i continued me and Scarab's 2 vs 2 yesterday. When we started it the point was that we were gonna dot everything and win, but since ive respecced PvP healing, we had to adapt a bit. It went well though. We had 8 wins and 3 losses, all lossen came against a feckin rogue team. Anyway what i wanna say is this; Blizzard are some stupid words removed. In the middle of our third match, we got stuck in Nagrand Arena. Couldnt leave. Couldnt log off. Basically couldnt do a **** thing. So i ticketed a GM, waited 5 min, then realised we could be waiting the entire night. So we restarted the game. After then logging on again and starting a new match, i was DC'ed. Didnt understand it myself. We lost the match and i logged on again. We started a new match, and under a rogue zerg, i got DC'ed AGAIN. I tried to log on, but got this message; I tried a few more times and finally got in. When the loading time was done i had been transferred from Nagrand Arena MID-FIGHT to DUROTAR. I Wuz LIEK WTF O.o Then i got an in-game post from Blizzard. Can you **** believe it? They apparantly answered my ticket without checking wether people had taken actions themselves, and simply relogged me twice MID-FIGHT, then sent me to Durotar. I kid you not 2 of our 3 losses came directly from this **** GM prick.
  16. Its so **** brilliant.
  17. Yeh have to agree. I havent really thought much of it before, but he is a proper whining bastard in our 5 vs 5. Not only telling people how to do their biz, but crying over heals, wants to have 2 targets banished at once, well just about everything. Its a shame really because he is a nice fella, but the way he tries to get things through to people is kinda, well, idiotic.
  18. Not really. They are probably just shit players.
  19. They are nutty, but i doubt they would consider that stuff without checking for avalanche risks. As he is a Norwegian they are used to having Glacierologists checking it before any fun.
  20. Meh just a arguement. Anyway, i hope we can do some 5 vs 5 quite frequently. We tend to always meet teams with a paladin + warrior, the rest is random. We really struggle with 2-3 healers though, and i guess it will be hard doing anything about it. We have to be more tactical regarding Murazor. I think if you are a shadowpriest/ele-shaman you have to use LoS and generally get into the fight after they have focused someone else. Il try out proximo aswell. And i have to say, locking out a paladin - mage - warlocks, is fairly easy, but its very frustrating have zero burst dps and listening to you whine about where the **** focus fire and burst is. Seriously, my closest thing to a nuke is a 3 sec cast. Might aswell just drain life and beg for a shadow trance.
  21. when you are starving for a bite... the most annoying thing ever?
  22. Looks like a deflection to me. And utter shit goalkeeping.
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