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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. If he sells Bent in the summer, for me this will be the final straw. I will attend any protest or campaign out there. Who thinks the same.
  2. I like Ireland, I really do. Just can't help thinking, he has started to play, just so he can attract a buyer from another club.
  3. Again they have shown there best, we have seen it. Its just McLeish cannot motivate and get it out of them.
  4. I want him gone believe, but even if he does get the bullet, will we ever forgive our board for appointing him. Does anyone beieve he has been appointed for short term, to lower the finances ready for sale. This is the rumour. Surely there must be a method in this insane appointment by the board. Otherwise they must have seriously no idea of football and be the crazy ones.
  5. **** me its all changed on here since the Fulham game. That was the turn around and it may have been of he played the same **** team. He is truely clueless, he don't even know his best team. If he did he would'nt play Heskey up front as a lone striker. Weimann is ready to score us some goals, so he gives him 30 minutes???. I cannot understand why he would not set us up to attack today then maybe drop into parking the bus if it failed. The game was won from the start, your not gonna keep Arsenal out for 90 minutes with those shit tactics. Don't blame the players, set them up right and we can give any team a good hard game. Let McLeish set us up and it holds players back looking like they are not up for it. He cannot continue here surely, McLeish and the board are proving they have zero respect for us, I've spoke to no one who is enjoying Villa at the moment.
  6. So let me get this right. Playing Heskey as the lone striker is not negative football. Of purse nit cause McLeish don't play negative does he. **** anther one.
  7. Attacking better, too late though, attack when losing always with McLeish, he is so **** frustrating.
  8. McLeish is a shite clueless manager. Proof below Why did he not consider starting Weimann, Garderner and NZog (we know his not injured). We then may have had some attacking threat. If it was to much for them we could have then brought on the experience and parked the bus. But hang on, McLeish don't play negative football. Please correct me if im wrong and you still wanna defend Mc bumhole.
  9. The players have proved there worth, ok only once or twice this season. Tactics stop players playing to there ability, I.e the tactics today hold players back, passing and attacking. I.e shite McLeish football.
  10. we miss NZog big time. Shame McLeish has fell out with him again.
  11. I do not want him spending our money to bring his own players here, please please nooooo!
  12. To not play NZog with Ireland is suicidal. To not play him at all, McLeish you useless test.
  13. You big up McLeish all through this forum lately, but still dont think were safe from relegation. If he was really any good, you would be sure were safe.
  14. Ash and Downing, replaced by NZog and Ireland and its hardley a problem having Bent out now is it. Probably gives McLeish the chance to work out how to play him. I mean we could have Messi and even he would'nt be able to score under Mcleish's tactics.
  15. Even if McLeish starts winning a few, (which I doubt) we will never be an exciting team to watch under him. I also worry about the development of our youth, never being technical or creative players. There is no future at our club for him. I would be willing to give the likes of Martinez a season or even 2, but McLeish, i think we have already seen his best, we have the players, always have, he just don't know how to use them, never will.
  16. To beat Arsenal and win that trophy, then get relegated, points to the manager not doing something right, dont ya think??? That should have pushed them on to stay in the league at least. Tipical McLeish mentallity and motivation.
  17. What a great acheivement beating Fulham 1-0 last week. Although Swansea are destroying them at home 3-0. Well done McLeish, well done. Can't wait till next season????
  18. Naaa, im not falling for the "we have won one game now back Mcleish bullshite. He's been shit, he's still shite and he will prove it again against Bolton, if not definately against one of the bigger teams we have left. He only plays boring negative football and is clueless. I believe the game against Fulham was luck, I mean he had to win sometime. It was'nt about great tactical subs or managerial quality. Love the win it was a Villa win. Hate the manager!
  19. One reason I want him gone is I dread who he will buy in the summer. I dont want him to build his own team at Villa. The Blues team was awful, so will we be. He's hardly proved he has an eye for a player. Answer me this, what if he builds his team and we still win **** all, then they sack him. We will be in a whole world of plop. We will be back to the drawing board trying to sell shite players again. Transition! **** I hate that word
  20. We were as good as safe before yesterdays game. So a loss.......? What ever it takes to get McLeish out of our club!
  21. Shall we just see how the Bolton game goes. We should smash em, now we have 10 days till the game and McLeish has found his form.
  22. Taking Nzog off killed his confidence, he was having a good game and looked to be enjoying it. Remember CI and co, it was Fulham, not Man united not Arsenal not Man city and certainly not Tottenham. Chill ya beans, as far as im concerned its not the start of a winning streak. McLeish is still the same man he was against Wigan and Blackburn. I'm not expecting a turn around.
  23. Isolated yesterday like Bent gets isolated, tipical McLeish again. Don't believe all the bullshit in the press, he don't get on with McLeish, Period.
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