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Everything posted by Jarpie

  1. I don't think we've approached RM, at least not yet or otherwise DW would've been spouting crap about it.
  2. Agreed Just to add to my comments is that fans are obviously frustated because they do not trust the board to make a good decision due the mistakes they've done in the past - I think this might be the last chance for them to get manager appointment right before fans abandon the club.
  3. True but it's an odd conversation to have at all with anyone IF you've the slightest doubt about YOUR situation. MoldeFK leaked the conversation to cause maximum amount of alarm bells ringing I would think, so that everyone would know the consequences of OGS leaving - it would mean others leaving too. As Jarpie correctly said this is either a case of emotional blackmail...... ... or a facesaver all round that actually AVFC hadn't/weren't going to offer him the job anyhow.. Of course the other explanation could be that big wads of dosh changed hands. What I've read about Rökke, I wouldn't be surprised if he went "I'll make things very difficult for Molde, the staff and the players if you leave - they will be utterly screwed".
  4. Jake ‏@JacobKidd_LFC My dad has just told me he has got to go for a meeting at Villa park next week, maybe he is going to be the next manager... #AVFC Is that twitter account of son of Brian Kidd?
  5. Paul Kendrick the Wigan journo? Glanced through the article and seemed pretty shite.
  6. Just a final point on the OGS Norwegian saga.... What I find bizarre about all the goings on with OGS is he is quoted as stating that he wanted to bring both his English coaches AND MoldeFK's star player to Villa.... which obviously would have meant THEM moving their families etc over to England. And I'm sure OGS must have at least discussed this with them all before making it public. So it's just bizarre that HE pulls out because he doesn't want to move his family all of a sudden??! You would have thought OGS would have given THAT serious consideration before publically coming out with statements involving other people etc. Rokke & his business partner must have applied the screws and threatened all sorts over MoldeFK.. IMHO... the family thing is just an excuse. Oh definitely, either Villa told him that he won't get the job or Rökke got to him. He must've talked with his family before even going to meet RL because he was pretty certain of taking the job and he had thought who to take with him. Like someone here wrote before, Rökke or Molde must've leaked Randy's jet coming to Kristiansund because journalists were clearly already waiting for it.
  7. I hear what you are saying about beating Barcelona but did you see the tactics he used to do that? It was like a scene from Custers last stand. 10 men in the box. After McNegative last year we need something more exciting to bring fans back. I want to see us go out and attack the 'elite' teams like the 2-2 against Man Utd under Houllier and I worry that DiMatteo would be tempted to employ negative tactics instead. What a ridiculous argument, HELLO! HE BEAT BARCELONA! It baffles me it really does, a guy who has just won the european cup gets less support than a guy with one seaosn in norway. Because he uses **** boring anti-football tactics.
  8. They are kinda in lose/lose situation, if they'd communicate more then there'd be higher chance of media finding out about candidates and so on, but because they (have to) stay quiet, the fans get frustated due uncertainty and lack of communication.
  9. If OGS told Lerner that he's out of the race in tuesday afternoon, why the hell didn't Villa put out press release stating that Vill have decided not to offer him contract before OGS/Rökke/Molde had a chance of going "OGS have rejected Villa"-route.
  10. There's again talk in shit media (Talksport, Daily Fail etc.) that Villa is trying to woo Roberto Martinez. Them clutching at straws due lack of rumours?
  11. I just want to get this over so we can all go back to complaining about how poor our manager is.
  12. Quiet before the storm...it's gonna be doom and gloom again.
  13. didn't Diego Maradona want the job last summer? ;D
  14. They might...at least I hope so, I don't think VTers could wait over another weekend without getting aneurysms.
  15. I don't know...but he might have personality to sort our players out...but he has some baggage.
  16. I still have not seem anything from Lambert?? Why the hell was the PL thread locked so quickly? Can someone post it here? It's on the BBC website PL describes suggestion he will leave Norwich as "absolute nonsense" That's good news IMHO as he's taking them down next season You mean this article? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18173465 He's not saying anything about not going, he's said that "I never said I'm leaving. I've said I never know what's going to happen tomorrow. I absolutely love it here. I've loved my time here," which I don't see as ruling out of the moving to Villa.
  17. Maybe PF has gone "Lets do the search in Villa Talk...WOW! Mick McCarthy is very popoular! so many threads has messages about him! Let's hire him!"
  18. It better not be RDM, Fathead-Bruce etc. unpopular choice or I think there will be another revolt in the local fanbase.
  19. Would Zola be capable of sorting out the troublemakers in Villa? Didn't seem the type when he was in West Spam.
  20. What might've happened is that Villa informed OGS that he's not getting the job, and OGS goes to Rökke "What are you willing to give me to stay"?
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