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Everything posted by limpid

  1. limpid

    New Look Vt

    I agree, I'll look into this once I'm sure everything is settled down. For now users of those forums can always bookmark them.
  2. limpid

    New Look Vt

    Did you try uploading a background image? I've not tried it myself, but I think that might work
  3. limpid

    General Issues

    Old PM's are accessible at http://old.villatalk.net. Please pick them up promptly the site won't be there forever.
  4. limpid

    General Issues

    Please see the "General Issues" topic for updates on PMs. I hope to have this fixed shortly.
  5. limpid

    Adverts / Donors

    That's always been easy to do.
  6. limpid

    Adverts / Donors

    Donors now have access to a new theme, please see the link at the bottom of the page.
  7. It's a great picture of an ugly phone
  8. Site migrations are hard work

  9. I bought a cutter on Amazon for about 6 quid delivered. It was delivered before I got my S3
  10. limpid

    Mobile Access

    Anyone that tries the iphone app, please can you post your experiences?
  11. limpid

    New Look Vt

    Click your username in the top right -> my settings -> profile customization
  12. limpid

    General Issues

    Your browser or proxy or ISP has cached something. You could try clearing your browser cache, but it should clear itself if you leave it a little while.
  13. limpid

    New Look Vt

    I must have created that forum between the first data transfer and the last I'll re-create it now.
  14. limpid

    New Look Vt

    I don't know what you mean. It's in the top right of the page, the same place as google and facebook logins. If it's not there, can you tell me which OS and browser you are using so I can try and reproduce it?
  15. limpid

    New Look Vt

    Click on someone's name to see their profile. There have been stickies and announcements on the forum for a few weeks, posts on twitter, facebook and Google+. It shouldn't have been a shock No idea about tapatalk, but I think the mobile interface is good enough that this would be a very low priority.
  16. Please ask if you are having problems and we'll set up a FAQ if it is needed.
  17. limpid

    New Look Vt

    The software costs money and the hosting is more expensive. There's also the vast amounts of my spare time and a week of my holidays. I've not got the donations part working yet, but all donations will be welcome. Donors will, as ever, be able to remove all the adverts. I've no idea how the "like" system works yet. I'll get to it eventually.
  18. limpid

    New Look Vt

    All avatars were removed. If you had previously created a http://gravatar.com then that is now used. You can change it by clicking on your username in the top right. There is a separate topic for this. I'll look into what can be done to "roll-up" the list of forums once things have settled down. It involved several weeks of work and planning. I've taken the week off work this week to do the migration. I'll do this in minute. Any others? I can honestly say I have no idea. I think it's joined some posts together if they were made in quick succession. They didn't. I shut the site down before I extracted the data. I'll add that smiley shortly.
  19. If you aren't sure, buy it online and make use of the distance selling regulations.
  20. limpid

    New Look Vt

    I'll move this into the forum for discussing the new site After the amount of work I've done, yes, this is a permanent change. There is more to come, but once I'm happy I've cleared up the niggles, I'll be taking a break for a bit.
  21. limpid

    Mobile Access

    You may have noticed that there is a mobile version of the site. There is also an iphone app and an android app is being developed.
  22. If you ignored two weeks of announcements about the site changing and now can't reset your password because your email address isn't correct, please send me a PM with your old and new email addresses.
  23. Please post a reply to this thread or send me a PM if you are having any difficulties with the new site. If you just want to be able to post, please visit the "Welcome" forum.
  24. I'm still working to fix the issues that you are seeing some (or all) of the adverts. I'll address these as a priority. It's likely there will be a new theme for donors in a short while, Some adverts are appearing blank and distorting the layout. I'm working on this.
  25. limpid

    General Issues

    PM's have not been migrated as they weren't compatible with the new software. I should be able to have the old site available in a few days if you need to recover them. Avatars haven't been migrated, but if you were using a http://www.gravatar.com it should still work. Your signature may well need updating. Click the dropdown next to your name in the top right. [uPDATE] Old PM's are accessible at http://old.villatalk.net. Please pick them up promptly the site won't be there forever.
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