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Drinking alone, is it wrong???


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Those who know, know.

Ah she is indeed a terrible mistress. I've woken up in Brugges many a time with the worlds most epic hangover following a jaunt through their more exotic beers.


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Don't think they sell it in pints

The Lescar in Sheffield do pints of Rosie I'm pretty sure

Think he was on about Duvel.

Old Rosie is readily available on tap if you have a cidering hole in your satnav...

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  • 2 months later...

Thought that I would pull this thread back up.

I didn't intend to but I am doing exactly the same thing now that I was in the opening post, sitting down in the dark having a few cans playing my guitar and listening to music, not something I planned, I just thought "yeah I'll have a can" and that has turned into a nice peaceful session

I uqve decided there is nothing wrong with it

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You know those days where its really nice and warm, you've been working hard all day, the AC doesn't work in the car and you're just a little bit sweaty, dry mouthed and ever slighty narked off?

There's no better feeling in the world when you crack the top off that bottled beer you just got out of the fridge...

crisp, wet, goodness, trickling down your throat, with an after taste to cry over...

But nah, don't generally drink on my own, unless i'm feeling sophiscated and fancy a whisky on the rocks 8)

Law of averages says there is at least 1 alcoholic on VT who probably read this post then darted straight for the nearest offy for a bottle of Vladivar vodka and 6 cans of Super!

However, back to the OP, I agree with most of the comments - there's nothing wrong with having a drink on your own at home as long as you ain't getting bladdered 5-6 times a week and crying yourself to sleep!

I think there's an age thing aswell, I wouldn't have considered it when I was younger (18-24) but as I matured into my mid 20's, it seemed completely acceptable!

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