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Password Manager


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The password manager I've been using is no longer free ro use and will be going to read only (preventing adding or changing any passwords on there and stopping you copy/paste when you need them).

Has anyone got any good recommendations for good password managers? Ideally free for a limited amount of passwords (say less than 50). 

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Why do you need a bespoke password manager? Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. all have them built in and are multi-platform, multi device compatible.

Like if you have an Android phone, a Windows PC, an Apple tablet or whatever mix, you can use (say) Firefox, or Chrome, or whatever to store your passwords. Not just for websites, but for apps and stuff too.

You can also export passwords from one and import them to another.

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What @blandy said.

Do you have specific, non-standard requirements?

But also, has your trust broken down with the current supplier? It seems to me like if you are invested enough to be asking this question then paying for the service would be reasonable.

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4 hours ago, limpid said:

What @blandy said.

Do you have specific, non-standard requirements?

But also, has your trust broken down with the current supplier? It seems to me like if you are invested enough to be asking this question then paying for the service would be reasonable.

Because I'm cheap.

Would happily pay a one off fee but feels overkill to pay a monthly subscription. 

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