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Rise of the Ronin

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Thought I'd start a new thread for this one, as there might be a few on here playing it since it's an open world Soulslike.

Put a few more hours into it last night. So far it's good. I think that it's naturally going to be heavily compared to Ghost of Tsushima and (to a lesser extent) Sekiro. I think we were slightly spoiled with GoT, as they (in my opinion) nailed the aesthetic, and the game was just stunning visually. 

Graphically, RotR is quite far behind. In some moments it looks really good, but generally speaking it's not quite up to the standard that you expect for a full price next gen title. The graphics aren't terrible though, and I'm more than happy to sacrifice visuals for good gameplay.

In typical Team Ninja fashion, they've put a lot of emphasis on the combat, and I think that's where it excels. I'm still getting to grips with it, but it's very involved and there's a lot of variation. It also wants you to get the hang of parrying pretty quickly, a la Sekiro. 

I'm enjoying it so far. I can see myself putting a lot of hours in, if not mainly due to the fact that it's a game set in Japan and that's usually enough to keep me interested 😅

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Hearing it's a very good game that can be recommended, especially if you're in any way interestes in Japan like Joshvilla. But if you are, you probably already have the game. 🙂

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I am a few hours into this (My player is at level 10). It is fun,the combat is nice,but there are sooooo much to do. And so many markers on the map. Overwhelming. It is really fun when i play,but sometimes i dont start it up because i feel i have got myself into a never ending thing,and there are too much to do,or at least that should be done. Cats to collect,other ronins roaming,trouble with gangs,that inventor guy,and so on. Starting to get better at the combat,but still feel it is strange to have two "parry buttons".  So.... Fun,but overwhelming.

I have never played Nioh,or other games from Team Ninja.

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Spent quite a few hours on it now and I'm actually really enjoying it. Like fleksnes said above, there's quite a lot to do if you're the kind of person that likes to cross everything off your to-do list. The combat is awesome though. I don't even notice the graphics any more, and there are moments where it does look genuinely good.

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I’m only a few hours in (lv 10) but my lad is blasting through it and loving it.

I really like it, it has elements of AC Odyssey, Ghosts of Tsushima and the scale reminds me of Red Dead Redemption!


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  • 2 months later...

Finished this earlier today.

Overall a good game, very satisfying combat and not a bad story.

My main issue was that it was about 10-15 hours too long and so it got a bit repetitive which put me off platinuming it.

Had a lot of fun with it though and would definitely be interested in a more polished sequel.

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