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Week 17: At Season's End


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Again I have to say he shouldn't be allowed to do that. As the Colt in that situation my natural instinct would be to be hesitant in tackling a player with an exposed head. That gives the Jaguar player a kind of advantage in that people won't necessarily go 100% full force at him. Now they might do, but I'm guessing many wouldn't. Which is why I think refs are supposed to call a play dead as soon as a helmet is dislodged, for precisely that reason.

I don't think it's allowed in college football. You have to stop playing, which makes sense.

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I'm pretty sure something changed in the NFL a few years back regarding equipment too packoman. Specifically around the helmet. It just creates a situation where the attacker says 'will I, won't I?' and his decision (I will) either endangers the opponent or (I won't) unfairly benefits the player with no helmet. To me it's not bravery at all as by that point it's not a level playing field. But anyhoo, they're my thunks :)

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