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Everything posted by Django_Zooms

  1. And to make him screaming mad by scoring twice from corners!
  2. I don’t think Grealish has been fouled yet. A new record.
  3. Tony Pulis makes football horrible. Brilliant to infuriate him by scoring from a corner.
  4. Grealish asking Whelan to be Sheringham when he shoulda crossed to Tammy Shearer. What goes on in players’ minds??!
  5. Who the expletive is this bleep Lolley anyway?! Shame on you, defensive coach John Terry.
  6. Can I have the VHS of this for Christmas to go with my 81, 82, 94, 96 and 5-1 v Blues ones?!
  7. Hutton suspended for Boro match. For moaning at a ref who had already sent off their player. Idiot.
  8. And Villa have to win it, to get into the winning frame of mind that has been missing since 2010.
  9. It is in effect 0-0 and the Villa defence needs a right royal bollocking at half time.
  10. Dean Smith’s post-match interview cements my long-held certainty that he is the manager we have needed since 2010. He clearly fully understands the tactics of modern football and has a game plan to beat each opponent. He was not happy that the players ignored what they were told for the first half an hour.
  11. The new (lady) boss of the Premier League is a Fulham fan. Coincidence? Or a massive influence on the ITK referee who should have sent off Ryan Fredericks?
  12. So much attacking talent in this squad. Hope we build up momentum so that teams are scared to play us. (Once they somehow forget that our defence is shite.)
  13. Interesting. Deano resting Tammy and trying to boost Hogan and Kodija’s confidence when two up?
  14. He took early blows to back, chin and shin. Must be feeling bruised.
  15. Terrible decision making at key moments so many times tonight. When will the Randy Lerner hangover finally wear off and the simple basics of football return to Villa players’ minds?
  16. Nope. It is the same old: score early and then forget everything the coach said and try really hard to concede.
  17. As Hinchcliffe just said ‘players popping up in a variety of positions’. Kodija and Albert have swapped sides. Jack is swapping with McGinn left and right. Could this be that there quality football of which we heard tell in legends?!
  18. Nice of those 30-40 Bolton fans to travel down the M6...
  19. That blow to the head in Norfolk removed Tammy’s scoring sense.
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