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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. I live not far from Barr Beacon so am really high up and the wind was as bad as I've known it last night. Opened the blinds on the kitchen to total carnage in the garden this morning 3 fence panels out and smashed and the covers that we put on the garden furniture all ripped to pieces.

    I also flew back from Spain yesterday afternoon into Manchester airport and the landing was as bumpy as I've ever experienced.  

    • Sad 1
  2. I turned on sky news earlier and was greeted by Mark Francois giving a press conference in the street waffling on about advice the ERG had gotten from their star chamber. I thought for a second we had gone back to 2017 and Theresa May is PM and Francois is spouting his brexit nonsense. The useless windbag is though now being given air time to spout bollocks about this ridiculous Rwanda policy. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, May-Z said:

    Actually wasn't a bad review of the main decisions in our game. About right. 

    Really? they basically said that the Jesus coming together with Luiz should have been a penalty and the Havertz triple handball shouldn't have been and the goal should have been given. They spouted bollocks from what I heard. 

    • Like 1
  4. If you were picking a combined 11 then I think Villa players fill around half that team.  We also have a better manager. You then factor in that we are at home where we are on an unbelievable run and the fact the atmosphere will be unreal then I can't see anything other than a win for us. 3-1 to Villa. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 05/12/2023 at 09:12, useless said:


    May December (Todd Haynes) - i thought this was really great, I liked everything about it, one of the best new films I've seen in a while.

    Going to give this a watch tonight mate, based on your recommendation. If it's crap I'll let my missus know it was your fault 🙂 

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Am I right in thinking that we've sent Rwanda £240mil in order to be able to house 200 asylum seekers a year?

    That would appear to be £1.2mil per asylum seeker

    It is slightly worse than that. There is another 50 mill payment expected to be made on top of the 240 mill already paid so it will be 1.45 mill per person if , and it is a huge if, we send 200 people over.


    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Genie said:


    How is sending up to 200 people to Rwanda going go stop upwards of 140,000 travelling on small boats across the channel?

    Also, how much have we paid France on top of this to step up their patrols?

    Its astonishing what is going on.

    Out of interest mate when you say stop upwards of 140k people travelling on small boats where is that 140k figure from? as of last month 27k had crossed the channel in small boats this year, last year (2022) was the highest ever yearly total at 47k.

    This whole thing is a farce and a complete waste of our money, something which the Tories have made into a national past time over the last handful of years. 

    I doubt we'll see anyone deported to Rwanda but even if the figure of 200 is reached, before we have a change of government and this policy is abandoned, that works out at a cost of 1.45 million pound per person. You couldn't make this crap up.

  8. 22 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    tbf , I hardly slagged him off , more commented on the legendary status , 

    Guess I should look back to when thatcher died and see everyone’s kind words though …


    In fairness mate I am not really seeing the passing of a known evil, divisive bitch like Thatcher, who by her actions devastated/ruined the lives of millions of people, as a meaningful comparison as to the reaction to the death of someone who, from the many times I saw him on tele/listened to him speak, seemed to be a beacon for good. 

  9. For pretty much all of us this is the most confident Villa side at home we will have ever seen. I think some of us are failing to grasp or down play just how good we are at home. We are exceptional. You have to be to win 13 home league games on the bounce in the toughest league in the world.

    You add in that we are currently one of the best 4 teams in the country then I don't think we could go into this game in better shape. 

    Villa Park under the lights in big games has given me some really special memories. I'm confident Wednesday will produce another one.


    • Like 2
  10. 21 minutes ago, Genie said:

    So what about the jobs these 300,000 people were doing, who is going to do them?

    In the sectors that are already struggling to recruit, such as the NHS and the care sector, then vacancies will just continue to rise.

    I am sure those people who a policy like this is designed to appeal to though will be more than happy to continue to sit in A&E for 12 + hours or sit in their own piss and shit indefinitely rather than have someone with brown skin come to help them. 

    • Like 1
  11. It was inevitable that Ollie was going to miss a league game eventually and I am sure Emery would have contemplated that over the summer when he made the decision not to bring in another centre forward. Emery must have seen enough in Duran to believe if need be he could come in and cover for Ollie. 

    Duran has been here almost a year now. He hasn't started a league game but has shown that he has a lot of ability and also has something about him character wise and seems to have a real desire to want to succeed. I'd imagine he'll be chomping at the bit if he does get to start today and whilst I'll be disappointed if Ollie is out I look forward to seeing what Duran can do. 

    • Like 1
  12. We walked past a load of Warsaw fans by the Tesco and towards Witton Lane island on the way to the ground at about 7:30pm and in fairness they seemed fine. The biggest worry was a few tanked up young Villa fans giving it the big un trying to antagonise them. We then walked the long way round to the Holte avoiding Witton Lane.

    In the first half saw a few bottles fly into the lower Holte from Trinity Road which was apparently Warsaw fans. 

    Disgusting what some of them have done but I am sure amongst them there would have been fans not wanting trouble and just there to enjoy the game and they have all lost out.

    It made for a strange atmosphere in the ground having no away fans and knowing there was trouble outside. 

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