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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. That is a penalty. If that is an outfield player, or the keeper, and a player misses the ball with his legs and then connects with a player the way the keeper has there with his arms then that is given as a free kick every time.

    Just to compound the misery for Forest Newcastle have now scored.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Genie said:

    I just had an email cancelling my booking :lol: Just as well I already booked a taxi transfer, I wasn’t going go risk it.

    I knew as soon as I had the notification that you'd quoted me in this topic my chips were about to be pissed on 😀 I have just checked and also had the cancellation email. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, nick76 said:

    It looked far from sell out.  What was the crowd in the end?  I was looking around the ground early into the match and could see empty seats.


    The attendance was 40,013. From where I was in the Holte looking around the only area of really noticeable empty seats was the centre of the Trinity Road and the first 3 or 4 rows of the upper north which were netted off.

    As for the atmosphere I actually thought it was fine and even at 3 down the crowd were getting right behind the players which I think helped in that we did keep pushing including getting the late goal. Those that were still there at the end, which was still a decent amount, clapped the players off and Watkins, Emi, McGinn and Lenglet I remember all coming up to the Holte at the end.

    I think we give ourselves a hard time sometimes. Bottom line is that we were 1 down early and I remember the crowd reacting and chanting before we had even kicked off to re start the game, but then we were quickly 2 down. Then you hope for a rally kicking towards the Holte in the second half to find ourselves 3 down early in that half. What happens on the pitch obviously hugely affects crowd reaction. 

    • Like 3
  4. 11 minutes ago, El Segundo said:

    Anyone else still not received their e-ticket?   They emailed me to say I'd purchased it on 31st January (done automatically it seems, I hadn't ordered it).  Since then nothing.  Called about 40 minutes ago, waited 5 minutes in queue then told to try later as too many calls.  Emailed and got a response saying it could take up to 10 days to respond, and if urgent to call them.  Genius.  They really are fecking useless.  What do I do now?

    I assume you are a season ticket holder? if so and you purchased on the day they were released, which by the sounds of it you did, then this game will have been uploaded to your season ticket and you get in using that as you normally would. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, kurtsimonw said:

    Offered a job to start next Wednesday in a small company as part of their finance team and bricking it. More or less been out of work for a year, and almost feel like a fraud even though I was very honest on my CV and interview - probably too honest.

    I suffer with really bad anxiety and barely leave the house these days, the account manager at the recruitment agency I got the job through asked about me being ou of work for a year, and then she mentioned she could relate as she has agoraphobia; and then switched from talking to me about the job they initially wanted to talk to me about, to the one I'll be starting next week as their directors are big on mental health and work with mental health charities. Although it's low paid, I'm happy with minimum wage work and the fact it's not minimum wage is a bonus, it's far more than enough to cover my mortgage and other bills.

    I think I'm just worried that being out of work for a year, not having had a finance role for 4 years, that I'll just struggle and my anxiety will get the best of me. Job seems a bit 'too good to be true' in pretty much every aspect that I'll end up **** it up.


    These feelings you are having aren't unique to you mate. Most people starting a new job would be anxious, more so if they hadn't worked for a while. If you suffer with anxiety anyway it is probably going to be exacerbated but on the flip side to that it seems your new employer is really aware of and sympathetic to mental health issues.

    Give it a week or two and I am sure you'll be thinking what was all my worry about. Congratulations on the new job. Go smash it.  

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, avfc456 said:

    All of P2 Upper Doug has already been released, I thought that was one of the blocks held for the lower grounds?

    I'm not sure mate. There are only about 750 left now and looks like pretty much single seats so if they are holding tickets back they'd be as well to release them soon.

    • Like 1
  7. Hopefully he won't be out for too long.

    Whilst him being out will be a blow that blow is at least softened a little because he has played a decent amount of games this season at right back which has allowed Carlos/Torres and Carlos/Lenglet to build up an understanding.

  8. The new contract is fantastic news and that is not a statement I thought I would be making 18 months ago. He thoroughly deserves it as he has upped his game and some since Uni arrived and is now one of the most consistent performers in his position in the premier league. 

  9. Around 1.7k left now so they are steadily selling. It should be over 40k, assuming Chelsea sell their allocation, so not far off a sell out. 

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, TRO said:

    I think Mark, its quite clear, in my wording, its a suspicion and its my opinion.....it may differ to yours, thanks for your view. I was merely trying to portray, I don't think injuries, are quite the "go to" reason for our wobble, thats all.

    for the record, it wasn't meant as as a "shining" example, thats your added adjective, it was a superficial off the top of my head, comment.

    I think Newcastle dug in against us, but they have struggled, in many other games, granted, but I think they have had a more profound injury list......Spurs maybe not so hit as hard, but lost their top striker to Afcom, and still have a similar form guide to us over the last 5 games.

    I don't feel, I was being harsh or kind...thats your entitled interpretation.

    Sorry I didn't realise you were just picking the last 5 games (our worst five game run of the season) and then using that as the yardstick. I was using each teams worse run of the season and Spurs and Newcastle have had far worse runs than we have had so for me I'd be using us as the example of a side who dig in and weather a storm despite multiple injuries. 

    • Like 1
  11. The huge things he has in his favour is that he is still showing for the ball, not hiding and putting a shift in. He is just lacking a little confidence and a couple of goals/assists and he'll be flying. 

    Forms temporary, class is permanent. I have no worries that he'll come again. 


    • Like 4
  12. 2 minutes ago, the_eristic said:

    Hope he hasn't done any damage there, looked like his knee clattered the post.

    It was just an impact injury so I'd imagine at worse a bruise. He was only take off as precaution and I'd be confident he'll be fine for Wednesday.

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