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Everything posted by dudevillaisnice

  1. Long balls to heskey isn't working, that needs to change.
  2. Ireland warming up... he might work well in this game situation.
  3. Jan/May couldn't come quicker.. We really need Gabby, Petrov would've done good for the first half, Ireland needs to find his form asap and then we have Carew who is day dreaming about his next trip to the club.
  4. Clark is good where he is... they just closed him down and since then we went downhill..
  5. Reo Coker and Warnock both doing well atm... Warnock is good at getting the ball back.
  6. wasn't before but now i am edit : apparently if gardner scores his got a message for us on his shirt :shock:
  7. Did that Gardner word removed say "we are predictable on how we play" or something like that? What a word removed, although he might be right.. still a word removed though.
  8. pretty much this; on paper it looks a decent team...enough to beat them? possibly. but i just can't help think it'll all be a bit too much pressure on clark to perform.. espicially in a derby. It can either work or flop like you said. Houllier must be looking at Clark and thinking his got potential i guess. I could be wrong ... anyway UTV!
  9. Let's hope they won't skin past warnock Good Fonz is on the bench atleast.. still worry for his future at the club though.
  10. We need the 3 points here anyway to kick start things again, 3 points here and we will be 7th. We'll win, Downing, Young with Heskey assisting both goals. (2-1)
  11. nah doubt it, they'd be extra careful after albrighton getting one i reckon. Not necessarily a villa red card ! oh when you said "we might see a red card" - i assumed you meant villa
  12. nah doubt it, they'd be extra careful after albrighton getting one i reckon.
  13. This. the supporters are fuming, Balotelli had a bad attitude on the pitch as usual (they were warned before they bought him) and didn't look bothered and they are sick of barry/milner. Then they hate boeteng or whatever his name is because he was on the pitch for 90 minutes and did nothing... and they also hate Mancini for the tactical change. I'm afraid without Tevez they will collapse despite the money spent. It's going to all end in tears.
  14. The game is out next friday.. can't wait for the full game!
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