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Everything posted by dudevillaisnice

  1. as usual last few minutes decisions go against us.. they score we loose the match, ref decided the game... typical shite.
  2. 85 minute mark we scored... a few more minutes hold the lead lads!
  3. Sidwell and Reo Coker misplacing passes and have been really poor second half
  4. Wow, that's worrying.... We scored against Spurs which was 3 games ago? If we don't scire in this half then it'll be 300. According to five live its been over 300 minutes.. we are being slaughtered second half.. friedel saves another shot.
  5. Burnley are dominating second half.. I quote "Villa are off the pace".
  6. A Proven Striker should be on the top of houllier's transfer list..
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