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Posts posted by mjmooney

  1. I agree , fantastic series. The forest scene where the germans are shelling the yanks watched with surround sound is really something else.
    There's a good bit on the extras DVD showing how they did that scene. Which I suppose does take a bit away from it, but I guess it's OK if you watch it AFTER the film itself.

    There are also loads of extra interviews with the original guys, which really adds to the experience. Dick Winters comes across as a really good bloke, and Bill Guanere is good talking about how his brother was killed in Italy a day or two before D-Day - which resulted in Bill going totally **** berserk killing Germans when he hit Normandy.

    BTW the Stephen Ambrose book is really good as well.

  2. Anyone else got a sense of Deja vú from how Villa was about 3+ years ago? Should give you some hope, AG.

    Hmmm. It might give hope, but at the same time if we hadn't been saved who knows where we would be right now.

    I'd be very afraid. Everton look like a sinking club from where I'm sitting.

    That's the hope I'm kind of talking about. A good buyer to come in and "rescue" them. It happened to us, can happen to them.

    Thing is, they want a Randy Lerner type, rather than some oil sheikhs. There aren't too many about, and it's a bad economic climate in which to buy a footie club.
  3. What percentage of the population is gay, anyone know? Are we about average with 4% of people being gay? I would imagine it's below the national average? (though obviously we're not all from UK).

    I'm sure I heard it was 1 in 10, so 10%

    Dunno how reliable my source was, but i distinctly remember sitting in school (in my class of 30) and thinking "Statistically, 3 peaople in here will be gay"

    I was reading one of those "World statististics" articles the other day, and it said that one person in every five is Chinese.

    I'm just trying to work out who it is in my family. Don't think it's me, so it must be my Mum, my Dad, my sister Valerie or my brother Yip Chung Wang.

  4. Dear god who the hell voted no.....tut tut.
    Well me, obviously. I loathe them (to be fair, I mainly loathe Morrissey - his backing band sound OK. Marr is a half decent guitarist - but still a clearing in the woods).

    But several others seem to have seen through the emperor's new clothes though.

  5. It's 25 years since the Smiths were at their peak.

    25 years back from that and Jailhouse Rock was at No.1...

    Well, there's The Decline Of Western Civilisation in a nutshell.

    And I don't even like Elvis.

  6. I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

    Seriously, I wondered how long it would take somebody to get around to this poll.

    I'm straight, but not homophobic. For me, the topic of gay sex falls into a similar category to (say) trainspotting. Fine for those who like that sort of thing, but has zero interest to me. I've had friends who are trainspotters and friends who are gay (possibly both, can't be sure). Can't see any reason why their interests should bother anybody else at all.

  7. better choice is

    YES I would have signed up for WWII

    NO for any subsquent engagement

    I think that's me. I just voted for the "maybe" option before I'd fully read the initial post.

    In a WWII-type scenario I would have volunteered. For the likes of Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan, no.

    Paradoxically (perhaps, or perhaps not) I am very interested in military history, but I was aghast when two of my best mates at school joined the army. The whole military discipline of unquestioning obedience of orders I can see is necessary for a well functioning force, but would never suit my personality - I tend to question everything and I don't respond well to being TOLD what to do.

    But it's irrelevant now, I'm too old!

  8. Some awesome blues rock from Alex Taylor: Who Will The Next Fool Be?
    The Charlie Rich number? Good one. The Amazing Rhythm Aces did a fine version also.


    Joe Ely - Working on the Highway

    Haven't been keeping up with Joe Ely since his first couple of albums. Must dig them out.

    Me? Del Amitri - Be My Downfall.

  9. Once I'm gone, they can use my body for anything they like. Organ transplants, fun and games for medical students, fertiliser, dog food, I'm not bothered. Make use of it, I won't need it anymore.

    I currently opt in. Last time we had this poll I voted for an opt out scheme, but after consideration I've changed my mind to opt in, on libertarian/personal conscience principles. I'd educate like mad to persuade people to opt in though.

  10. It would make no difference to crime figures, the streets would be no safer. So why do it? An eye for an eye, that's the only reason.....and that's a principal I'm totally opposed to, especially if killing is involved.

    I believe it would make a difference.

    Someone who goes out molesting children knows if they get caught they'll fce maybe 10yrs and be put on the register..

    I think they might re consider knowing they face execution.

    Sme for muderers, rapists etc.

    I very much doubt it. You assume that people make rational decisions, based upon likely outcomes. If that were the case nobody would ever drive recklessly, or have unprotected sex, or smoke cigarettes. Most of us work on the self-delusional basis of "It won't happen to me". And that's "normal", rational people, not murderers and rapists.

    If somebody is in a violent rage, or in the grip of obsessive sexual urges, they are not weighing up likely outcomes.

    What's more, I find that argument as worrying as I do the idea that religion is what gives us our moral codes. The idea that if it weren't for the fear of punishment (by the courts or by some "god") we'd all be going around thieving, raping and killing is, frankly, bizarre.

  11. Do the people advocating a violent death, also think Islamic states are barbaric? Because that would be a little hypocritical.

    And I challenge anyone who wants to see prison "harder" to stay at home indoors for, let's say 3 months. You're allowed to go to work but as soon as the day is sone, back home. No friends or relatives can visit, no spedcial food or booze is allowed, but you're allowed your music, TV, dvds, playstations etc.

    It would be hard, but I could handle it if I had access to books and music. Hence, the best way to punish me would be to deprive me of books and music. Or worse, subject me to a constant diet of The Smiths and New Order, etc. (no smiley)

    I notice that two responses seem to be coming up regularly:

    (1) The risk of executing an innocent person by mistake is a good reason to not use capital punishment, and

    (2) To compensate for this, prison should be very, very tough ("hell on earth" to quote one poster) - no luxuries, regular abuse by screws and inmates allowed, etc.

    But taking those two together, what about when you imprison an innocent person by mistake? (Which has certainly happened enough times in recent years).

    I can see an argument for a death sentence ONLY when the evidence is utterly overwhelming, e.g. you would have to have a confession AND several witnesses AND forensic evidence. A case like the recent Barry George one for example, would not be watertight enough.

    Having said all that, I've voted against. People should not kill other people - in crime, in war, or in the justice system. That may be flying in the face of sad experience, but you have to start somewhere.

  12. Just saying, I wasn't making a point at all. I just think we have more strength in depth than people give us credit for.

    I think the first few games of the season proved completely the opposite.

    Don't get me wrong, I like and respect Everton. My opinion isn't really based on the merits of your club. It's based on the fact that we really are in a league of our own this season.

    Everton are probably favourites for 6th.

    I'd love to agree. But if we were "in a league of our own" we wouldn't lose games like Stoke, Newcastle and Middlesbrough. One Emirates swallow doesn't make a summer. There's still a lot of football to be played, and Everton WILL be in the mix.

    That said, they were poor today.

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