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Everything posted by tricella

  1. It is reported that Everton, Liverpool, Wigan and Aston Villa is desperate to sign Phil Jagielka from Sheffield United for £6m. Aston Villa is supposed to be in pole position according to rumours on a Sheffield United forum... Story here I say offer them money plus Taylor (because they will lose Paddy Kenny) and we'll have him. Boruc will cover for Taylor. :winkold:
  2. In the same article it says PORTSMOUTH are signing MUNTARI for £1m!!!!!! BARGAIN! Yes..and Viduka is wanted by Newcastle and Man U...whereas it is said that Allardyce reckons Viduka to be the best bargain on free transfer this season! We all know what he has done to Bolton getting free transfer players. MON should dig in!
  3. If Villa should buy any player from Sheffield United it has to be Jagielka...but I am very sensitive about buying players from relegated clubs.
  4. This isnt stupid as Villa are going through a transition period and I can assure you that Fowler wouldnt be a joke at Villa. Huntelaar?Yes I would love it...but he is destine for a club involved in Europe! We need to understand that Villa was placed 11th, we are NOT in Europe yet...but the club has huge potential. It will take us 2 years to be challenging for the top dogs in the football world and in order to do that we need to be in Europe! Therefore I can see Fowler and Viduka as very good strikers to help the club aim for that spot...we wont get GIANTS as some people seem to think.Dream on boys!
  5. I wouldnt say no to some oldies...like Fowler and Viduka. They would give us a lethal attack together with Carew. I love Agbonlahor, Young and Moore...but the three of them would be a huge threat. Carew as a target player...Fowler as a penalty area scorer...and Viduka as a heading giant...
  6. Benni McCarthy...I really hope we dont try and buy him. I've never seen a player being so dishonest and disrespectful towards the club that be his current employee and after he has had a tremendous season. He has done great for Blackburn and I have been impressed with him a long time in his career...but to go out like he has done now..almost begging Chelsea to come after him...is disgraceful and very disrespecting towards Blackburn Rovers and their fans. We've been linked with him before...and he is a good player...but I must say that I dont want his type at our club if he doesnt play with the heart for Villa. It is obvious that Benni has played for himself...very successfully...but still...for himself and his own career. Now he tries to crown it with a reunion with Mourinho...in a way that make me feel sick and sad for Blackburn.
  7. Well....Kevin Phillips seems to be a good buy for WBA...sad it didnt work out at Villa...but that is not shocking...we have a history of letting flop leave us and then they start scoring goals like they could do it in sleep!
  8. We are. Samuel and Hendrie aren't having their contracts renewed. You can't just boot somebody if their contract still has time on it, which isn't the case with the five Newcastle players. Of course you can. Pay them and send them away...easy as that! We do have a few I would like to see MON practice that on.
  9. Igor Tudor is for free...He is 29 years old and would like to come to England. I think he could be an asset! I also see that Allardyce doesnt wait too long to clear som faces out from Newcastle... Titus Bramble Olivier Bernard Craig Moore Oguchi Onyewu Pavel Srnicek They've been showned the door today....out with "dead meat"...MON should do the same.
  10. I have a feeling that we also need to give "silly wages"...if we want what we need. Darren Bent could end up at West Ham, yes...but if Villa were to come for him he would easily choose Villa because we have a much better team then West Ham at the moment.
  11. General, Good by you to stand your ground about the West Ham issue and what we as a member in Premier League stands. There has been no talking from the big clubs taking any side so you can all draw you own conclusion about that. As I see it is healthy for Villa to stand by the decision made from FA because that is the regulation in this league. Every team in Premier has agreed to this regulation and when it goes against someone then it is no longer good? FIFA will now have a look at this and maybe something will happen, or not. Villa need to focus on our own issues and try and develop in every area instead of making ourselves to much involved. As I see it: West Ham was penalized for errors in the transfers of Mascherano and tevez. This was made before the new owner came and therefore it is not possible to punish the club by deducting points. These deals was made by the old board, management team and agents. Those people should be punished for this...NOT Eggert! I dont think for a minute that West Ham has been given any "easy way out" if FA thought there was a possibility to deduct the team for points in this affair. We dont know the whole story...still some people think they know it all...and ON that they also think that they can speak for every Villa fan?!?! That is outrageous and it hurts me to see some people be outright humiliating towards General and the board on this issue. Up the VILLA!
  12. I really think Mark Viduka still has a couple of years producing 15 goals per season. He would be a good back up for Carew, but he would also be a very good partner to Carew. I see Viduka as a different type of player and he would do great for us.
  13. If we do that will we be known as midget football club?! Is MON's tactic to get a team full of rapid dwarfs to run through opposition defenders legs?! Midgets? I dont see Defoe and Carew as small boys. Owen and Tevez would add something extra...but then again...Moore and Young does too. :winkold: Well Defoe is 5'7 so id say he is small. Carew is 6'4+ but in that list hed be the only one over 6' so we would have an abundance of midgets especially with Maloney, Young, Gabby and Moore all under 6' also. I dont see any harm in having quick and smaller players in attack when we have Carew to give the way for any of them. However...it is essential that we have big and strong players in the central area because we need a true ballwinner in the middle. I dont know, but does Man Utd have big players in front? They did win the league...
  14. General, For me it really doesnt matter what you call AVFC. But if you would like to make it easy you can use short key command or copy/paste functions. On this note/post I would like to personally thank you and everyone on the board for a tremendous season as a Villa fan! You have given us all a bright smile on our faces and we end the season with a warm heart filled of hope and belief for the future. I dont think any Villa fan can express our appreciation for what you and the rest of the board, together with Martin adn the players has done for us...it has just been a wonderful time and we now have a excellent board, a professional management team together with a squad that are very promising. It is happy days at Villa again and I am so grateful for this...but there is not words enough to tell you how good this journey through the season has felt for me. Thank you all and good luck in the summer to take Aston Villa FC further in all areas.
  15. 1 July... I think that any club can register players before that date, but the contract of the deal starts at 1 July... Players and clubs can put ink to paper and then it is only a formality to make it go through at that date.
  16. If we do that will we be known as midget football club?! Is MON's tactic to get a team full of rapid dwarfs to run through opposition defenders legs?! Midgets? I dont see Defoe and Carew as small boys. Owen and Tevez would add something extra...but then again...Moore and Young does too. :winkold:
  17. Mark Viduka and Robbie Fowler? I know that MON is on the look for a proven striker (along with other areas too) but it might not be far away thinking that he would like to bring Viduka to Villa. Robbie Fowler has a special feeling to Villa because he seems always to score against us...now when he is up for grabs it might be worth a season try to have him on the book. He can still score goals like Viduka and it is goals that we need to take the club further. In an ideal world I would like us to buy Carlos Tevez and Jermain Defoe...together with Michael Owen...but there is only so much to dream about. :winkold:
  18. Ambitious ? Is it ambitious to go to a team and probably end up on the bench or on a seat in Stamford Bridge? He will probably break into the first eleven...and it is as true as Reading will win Premier next season. He will halt his career and soon be forgotten... Chelsea are making their team stronger...yes...but will the players like to sit most of the next season on the bench? Is that to be ambitious? Chelsea are ambitious...the players are moneyhunting ho's. How do you know that he might not be a new first choice. Why should he be going there to sit on the bench. He's moving from Reading FFS, to a club that is challenging in Europe and domestically. Ambitious yes, but who knows if it will pay off :roll: Is Sidwell that good? Do you really think he kicks out Lampard, Ballack, Makelele, Geremi or Essien from a central position?Only if Chelsea decides to sell...Sidwell is good...but not in the same class as those players!
  19. Ambitious ? Is it ambitious to go to a team and probably end up on the bench or on a seat in Stamford Bridge? He will probably break into the first eleven...and it is as true as Reading will win Premier next season. He will halt his career and soon be forgotten... Chelsea are making their team stronger...yes...but will the players like to sit most of the next season on the bench? Is that to be ambitious? Chelsea are ambitious...the players are moneyhunting ho's.
  20. Well...it seems that a few players in England give all they got for a season or two in order to get the big deal with Chelsea and sit off the rest of their career. Sidwell is so wrong and it is sad that he hasnt learned from the mistake SWP and Parker done...along with MANY other players that hardly feature in Chelsea. NEXT!
  21. If you rely on Agbonlahor you are in a very dangerous position. Lets get clear here..Gabby is a prospect and a highly potential lad, but to put him in front of any player that has played World football for years is out of propotion! Agbonlahor has done tremendous for us this season and I can see him get even better next season...BUT...is he going to be Villa first choice? His scoring rate isnt that good really and I for one feel that it would be too much pressure on the lad. He isnt any Wayne Rooney... Agbonlahor is quick and good at positioning himself, but he is a little bit to easy for defenders to read because he is not a technical masterpiece. Agbonlahor has had ONE great season...lets see where he goes from here. I would NOT rely on him and not wish for Villa to buy a more proven striker such as Darren Bent, Jermain Defoe or Michael Owen. These players do outplay Agbonlahor at the moment...but Agbonlahor has potential to be as big.
  22. Well...Carew was a shock...and I think MON and Lerner are going to take it a step further. I really do think that Villa are going to do big signings, but they are not going to buy the best players in the world this season...or next...but after that IF everything has gone as planned, Villa will compete for the best players in the world within 3-5 years time. One player that I could see coming to Villa is Michael Owen. Another player that I think could suite us is Gabriel Milito. These are the kind of players I do think is possible for Villa... We're not going to buy Ronaldinho, Puyol, Kaka or anything else...we're just going to take what is up for grabs and what suits MON the best. It would be quite interesting to see the pair of Milito/Mellberg or Milito/Laursen in the central defence. And it would be hugely exciting to see Carew/Owen or even Young/Carew/Owen in a three man strike force! :winkold:
  23. Well...I think that Villa needs to attract the "big boys" now and try and find exceptional good talent in youth. Villa will not succeed if we invest in ok players. McShane might be good but he doesnt seem to be a knock out player so I would prefer that MON looks for targets in all Europe to find the best...not the best of the rest.
  24. And who doesnt? :winkold: It was in fact the way I became to love Villa when I was around 7 years old. I read about the club and I loved the name. When I saw them on TV the first time I was "in love" instantly! This love has now gone on for 34 years...and still going strong. General, I dont know if it has been mentioned or asked before...but was Aston Villa FC a favourite team for anyone on the board and your families before Randy Lerner bought the club? I understand that it is now...but it would be fun to know if there is a new love for everyone on the board or if someone has had his/her heart in Villa before.
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