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Posts posted by jacketspuds

  1. How indepth is the management side on FIFA then? Ive always found it really basic/boring before.

    EA appear to have really beefed up Career mode this season. Other clubs now hound you for top players and you don't need to transfer list players to flog them. There's also a new player interaction/press conference bit which looks like it's getting closer to FM without the same amound of time consumption.

    I'm really looking forward to getting this tomorrow, mainly because of the career mode.

  2. N'Zogbia looked poor today and off the pace. Delph in midfield has an air of "Billy Big Bollocks" about him, especially with his constant crap attempts at dribbling passed people in his own half, and again he leaps for headers when the ball is in it's ascendancy.

    Can't wait for a midfield 3 of Petrov, Jenas & Ireland with Bannan behind Gabby & Bent.

    Defensively we look better but the fact that AMC plays to hang on to small leads is horrendous. We played like Birmingham apart from 10 mins in the 2nd half, then we sat back again. Our pace terrified QPR during that short spell but AMC panicked. I'd rather we played 90 mins like the 10 in the 2nd half and lost instead of sitting through that shit I just witnessed only to scrape a draw.

    Fed up of journo's harping on about AMC's unbeaten record, whilst completely ignoring our performances, our opponents during that time and also the fact that we've actually won only 1 game. Not great really.

  3. From top to bottom we lack anyone with either the football knowledge or passion for this club that I think is needed. Faulkner is pretty useless and everything coming out of the club is just laughable.

    Randy is even more of a non-entity at the club now, which people only care about now that we are selling our best players, not spending like we used too, and playing bland "do not lose" football. I really hope this is rock bottom under Randy and I would much prefer he sells up, gets the credit he deserves for the last 5 years, and we move on as a club.

    Yes other clubs have more money than us but that doesn't mean that we should just stick our heads in the sand, make shit loads of excuses and accept it.

    Randy has done wonders for this club, but we are now going backwards at an incredible rate. Time for a change me thinks.

  4. Thanks Gareth - Didn't know you could transfer players from National squads to free agents and such.

    So effectively the Villa "partnership" with EA is just the 8 way camera stuff, which is still pretty cool.

    Would be nice to have a 38,000 seater stadium though instead of 25k Ivy Lane. Would also be nice to request stadium updgrades to generate extra revenue like in Fifa 10 (or 09?).

  5. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they are on the game jacketspuds.

    Pires, for example, I'm pretty sure you could sign him on Fifa 11.

    I may well be talking out of my arse here

    Yeah I'll have to have a look mate.

    I'd imagine that they were in some of the later squad updates sent out.

    Might just reset the squads and have a look. Good to see though that they're trying to improve to football management aspects of career mode.

  6. This could be a move by Faulkner to cut the wage bill again. If we can get players on pay as you play deals it's better than paying them to sit on the bench.

    I'd rather we replaced Makoun with nobody at all than Hargreaves. If your knees are gone, they're gone. Laursen managed a couple of seasons but as soon as his injuries flared up again that was it.

  7. Right, I'm totally pissed off right now to no end. Someone please tell me this is some kind of sick joke!

    This will be our 20th player out and we have only signed two. Yes, two! I'm sorry, but if that isn't going backwards then I don't know what is.

    Ideally we need five quality players in, yet I can see us being lucky to get one in. We are turning into an absolute joke.

    20? Really?

    Makoun, L. Young, Hogg, Weimann, Friedel, A. Young, Downing, Pires, Carew, NRC, Halfhuid, Salifou, Osbourne.

    Are you including Walker and Bradley too or have we let 5-7 youth players go?

    **** shocking stat though when you read it back.

  8. The key thing for me is that our squad is desperate for a DM and if one of the CM has to be sacrificed to get one then so be it (as long as it's not Delph).

    I would like to see him succeed here as I'm sure he would be quality but we need a DM more than we need Makoun in this instance.

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