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Posts posted by mikeyp102

  1. Haven't seen the last 2 games, could someone please explain the formation? Is Warnock playing in midfield or a 5 man defence(if that is the case who plays where?) How is he performing?

    (and before anyone says I should go to games, I am a season ticket holder just couldnt make today due to family commitments)

  2. I don't really see Gabby's problem with the last two years. He's a striker that has pace but does not score enough goals, and has so far failed to prove he can play alongside Bent who is undoubtedly our main striker. The last two managers have been trying to accommodate him in the side, and he has therefore found himself pushed out onto the wing. His natural game has always led to him playing in the channels, so i don't really see what he has to be unhappy about.

    For a player who supposedly loves the club, and signed a very lucrative 5 year contract despite having never scored more than 13 league goals in a season, he seems to be doing an awful lot of moaning (albeit in private). I would say this makes him totally unsuitable to be captain of Aston Villa, he's playing for his boyhood club, he's idolised by the fans, he's never truly taken the bull by the horns and put in consistent performances, and yet everything is the fault of the manager.

    If Gabby had put in the effort, if he'd really tried he could have been our main striker, he has all the assets, pace, strength, a good shot. He's been given plenty of chances, and yet he's always failed to take them.

    Now he moans because he's being asked to help a team struggling for width by playing on the wing, and then he's rewarded by being given the honour of captaining the side. Crazy.

    Good luck to Sunderland fans, because if he failed as a striker here at a club he's supposed to love, then he'll have no chance of success there.

    Good post.

    I find it laughable that Gabby has all these problems with the managers. The only thing that I remember Hou did was to get gabby on the wing and said to him that he had bulked up too much and that he needed to lose weight. Gabby moaned about this and said he knew his body best. Funnily enough come the start of this season he had lost some weight and started brightly....he really is not the brightest spark is he

  3. I think McLeish is a truelly awful manager, but I cannot see any benefit to sacking him at this stage of the season (at the of the season, Great get rid. Having seen how long it took the board to replace MON and Houllier, does it really seem likely that if he was sacked now anyone would be lined up to replace him? Someone like KMac may set up like last time, and althought he encouraged teams to attack, at the back we were terrible.

    Look at Wolves for example, if they were going to sack Mad Mick they should've done early January, so that the new manager wouldve had time to bring in a couple of loans/signings (which MM did) of there own, and would've more likely been able to attract a new manager. As they didn't they were left with someone "from within" to take over. Therefore it is the same old ideas in coaching etc .

  4. Had a good game, looked livley and in control of the ball when he had it.. Always looking for a pass and wanting the ball. Beat his a few times with a good bit of skill. I would say though that it is obvious he is not a winger, need to see him in the middle where he will get more of the ball and not have to rely on pace to go past someone...

    One thing is the lack of experience showed for Chelsea's fourth...he shouldve kicked Sturridge up in the air to stop progressing, take a booking for the good of the team...Mr Barry was excellent at doing that.

  5. Very impressed with the players who have came through the ranks yesterday...I know some only played because of injuries but it is a good tribute to the club to see so many starting and so many more on the bench

  6. Too be honest this thread could be filled with loads...certain positions never really fill fans with excitement unless they are exceptional talents. Holding midfielders due to their nature of play will not be seen as exciting signings, same could go with full backs. On the flip side strikers and wingers will generate excitement as they are more likely to be match winners.

    I do remember a certain midfielder signing for a low fee from Sheffield wednesday, I had never heard of him and instantly thought hmmm..............that midfielder was a certain Mr Ian Taylor and he was one of my favourite players, so initial excitement doesn't always mean anything

  7. I was talking to my mate at work this morning. He joked as to whether we shall get an end of season letter as we did mid season....if we do wouldn't be surprised if it was along the lines of...

    The season has its ups and downs and the loss of Bent really impacted the season just as we were gaining momentum to challenge for the top 6....he still feels that the team has done well and that we are creating numerous chances and it’s just unlucky we haven’t won more. What people have to remember is that he is setting his teams up to play free flowing football but the players just haven’t responded. People only have to look at his recent success at his previous employers to see that it is a complete myth that he sets teams defensively.

  8. I was just wondering if anyone on here has previously used this scheme and if so whether they had any problems with it etc.

    i've been accepted on it, but haven't heard anything from the club itself about my seat (I know its in holte end upper but nothing more) i also wasnt asked for my client reference at any point during the application so im eager to know if ill still receive the benefits of previous away attendances tec.

    i have emailed the club, but they have been sluggish in response

    Thanks guys

    I did the 4 month last yr and have used the 9 month this year. Don't panic, I have had the same and it all works out fine. You'll hear from the club at a later date re confirmation of seat etc. Yes you still get the benefits of previous booking history.

  9. I was going to say Nillis, remember seeing all these interviews how he was a great creator and thought he was going to set the world alight for us...maybe he would've that goal was something special.

    Collymore would be up there as would Bent, both proven goalscorers that the team needed.

    Agree with the previous about Balaban, came with such a high reputation and we apparently beat Spanish sides to his signature..too be honest he may have been good, never had the opportunity, but then I suppose it was more than one manager who digarded him so he can't have impressed in training.

    Further left field, I remember when Mark Draper signed thinking that he'd had a cracking season for Leicester and that he would star for us.

  10. 6th was the very best we could have hoped for despite being in the top 4 for large amounts of certain seasons?

    What a load of bollocks. Randy is to blame for a lot of things but O'Neill is to blame for not spending the money well and not at the right time on the right people.

    For a while only Man City spent more than we did and 6th was the best we could have hoped for? My arse.

    If only we hadn't had to replace an entire defence for the third time in as many seasons or if we'd bought actual goalscorers to help us win a game after February (for a change). We would have been comfortably in the top 4 we were that far ahead of Arsenal (and Everton who also, tediously, predictably caught us twice).

    Sorry, if you think O'Neill maximised our potential and did as well as we could possibly have done you are deluded.

    He had backing most managers would kill for and when all is said and done, made a bollocks of it. But yes, lets forget that and demonise the man who backed him with all those resources and not the man who squandered them. That makes sense.

    Randy should rightly get bollocked for hiring McLeish, for not appointing more footballing expertise to the board, for giving O'Neill too much dictatorial control over finances and many other things I'm sure. But from 2006 - 2009 he was lionised by media and fans as something like the perfect owner. A man who let his manager have the money and freedom to operate with a free hand.

    I hope he sells up because I think his time has gone with Villa now. The best chance he and we had of success pissed away because he backed the wrong horse. He needed (and still needs) better advice. Alas, it's done.

    That's all I've got to say. I've already wasted more time discussing Pubehead than he's worth.

    It just really grates to see Villa fans defend him when he's pretty much shafted us.

    If you believe there were lots of managers that could come in and do better than O'Neill then you are deluded. Name me one manager who you guarantee would have done better, that is a realistic appointment, and I will back down but personally I think when you take charge of a club that is lightyears away from the established top four and you get as close as he did you can be pretty happy with what you've done but regret never having the chance to complete the job. He signed bad players but he signed some bloody good ones too. And as I've mentioned before, the January transfer window is not an easy time to sign a striker. Look how much we had to pay for Bent? And that was a panic buy! O'Neill desperately wanted a striker but chose to bolster his defence and midfield first, sounds a sensible approach to me. It's not like our strikers have been getting much service this season is it! You can also bang on about the squad left by O'Neill, has it not occurred to you that he would have continued to make changes? He was in charge for less than five years, if you expected more success in that time, bearing in mind what a mess we'd been in under O'Leary then you are clueless.

    You write that shit and call me clueless? :lol:

    He could have bought Bent but allowed him to go to **** Sunderland cheaply because he wouldn't know a striker if he fell over one.

    You say he sensibly built from the back? He replaced the entire defence he himself had just bought with money that could have been used elsewhere on, oh let's say, the striker we desperately needed?

    January is only a bad time to buy if you're Martin O'Neill and only shop in the UK. Or if, for an example, you haven't bought properly in the summer because you've just bought an entire defence again (at the last minute of course), plus the odd shite midfielder and forgot to buy that striker we desperately needed, so wait until January and still get it massively wrong.

    Not a **** clue.

    I personally couldnt care less if you "back down" or not but it's pointless talking managers because you would only say "we wouldn't have got him" or whatever. But I do not agree, nor will I ever, that Martin O'Neill was the best man for the job or the most capable. If you'd gone to a lot of the best managers with a billionaire ready to plough tens of millions into a project you honestly think they wouldn't be interested? But Randy had to work with him as he'd just been appointed (no doubt with Randys blessing).

    And please spare me from the great squad buiding work of O'Neill from the dark days of O'Leary (who was a clearing in the woods). As if splashing millions on players is a difficult task. He still inherited some of the best players from O'Leary and managed to do no better in the league (6th). Big **** deal.

    The truth is that due to his lack of foresight in buying a defence (he bought Shorey on Sidwell's advice for **** sake!), his inability to buy a striker even though lavished with a huge transfer budget and his uk only myopia in the transfer meant that, unfortuantely for us, he was not the ideal person to be spending the money we had. Money that if better used, would have put us in a very strong position then and now.

    Yes, he bought some good players. It's not really that hard. Good players tend to be quite obviously good.

    But he also:

    - Spent £5m on the hopeless Sidwell and gave him £50k p/w

    - Heskey for £4m on £60k p/w :shock:

    - Beye on 40k p/w

    - Bought Marlon Harewood

    - Bought Shorey on a recommendation of a player he hardly used.

    - Sold Cahill and bought Davies at twice the price.

    - Bought a winger with a broken leg when we needed a striker.

    - Left everything to the last minute.

    - Could rarely win a game after February.

    This is really the best we could have hoped for at Aston Villa? I think my expectations are higher.

    2 Great Posts Mazrim

  11. Nobody seems to have mentioned Petrov's performance on Saturday.

    Let me start by saying that broadly this season he has been one of our better players (admittedly not sayin much). He is experience is essential to our midfield and we miss him when he's not there.

    However his performance was really really bad on Sat. On at least 5 occasions I say him walking back towards our goal as the Arsenal midfield streamed past him. He was also walking when Gibbs got in for the first goal.

    For a centre mid that is inexcusable -

    Now Father Abraham said he saw him limping heavily after the game which would explain the performance but the fact is if he was injured what the **** was he doing on the pitch.

    These are my thoughts as well. He should win player of the season, just for his general consistency (always around the 7/10 mark).

    Saturday was possibly the first time I have seen him put in a really bad shift (which if mentioned above he was injured then understandable).

    Was so surprised to see Herd come off from holding midfield and Gardner put into that role. In my eyes it would have been better leaving Herd on, Gardner as the advanced midfielder and Petrov to go off. It even looked as if Petrov thought it would be him going off. Started to move towards the dugout when the board was produced, only to then see Herd's number appear.

  12. Whilst I don't know any "facts" on the matter. I have read in the past that clubs have paid wages for players who have left. Think there was a big story about the reason that Leeds got into so much debt when they dropped down the leagues was because they were paying part of wages for some players who had left and joined another club for less wages. Can't see how it would illegal if legitimate contracts were in place

  13. Holteexile good point in the main . However, I actually don't think McLeish has handled the integration of the kids that badly. The only one who can feel hard done by really is bannan who was playing well and then was dropped because of his driving exploits (fairly), but then hasn't really had a chance to reclaim his place.

    Gardner has been brought through well, albrighton hasn't shown enough even when given a chance, herd has taken his opportunity and Clark was in the team before injury.

    Ok the tactics may not suit the abilities best but I still feel that the youth have been handled fairly well

  14. People always use that Utd team as an example...but even then there were a lot of experienced signed players in there team...bruce, pallister, schmeichel, keane, cantona, mclair, irwin were all mainstays of that side.

    Yes it had some exceptional players in, but since then how many "world class" players have Utd produced from their youth team? Answer none

    I'm proud of the youth team and how many players are in the match day squad, it's no mean feat and I can't believe people are moaning because we haven't produced world class players.

  15. Not heard of the bloke or seen him play so can't comment on that. However, he has international and european competition experience so may be very benefitial to the squad. Also hitting a good age where we may see the best of him. Also would appear that his wages may be low(ish).

    Kudos for the club and McLeish for actually making an early signing. Means he will have a full pres season with us to get to grips with the pace in England and also to know his team mates. It's about time we started making early signings.

    Noticed Wiki (yes I know not the most reliable but hey) has him down as a second striker, would this maybe mean that Ireland isn't wanted?

    This site never ceases to amaze me, people slating the signing when they know nothing about the player, but know which manager chose him...so he must be bad...incredible...

    Anyway good luck to the lad.

  16. I think the problem he's had since the driving thing is that he only has small chances to impress & regain his spot - and when he's on the pitch he's over-ambitious with his passing in his desperation to try to make his mark.

    He was starting to look good when he had a run of games early in season, but I don't think he's had 2 starts in a row since The Incident. I'd have him over Albrighton right now, even if wing is not his natural role. He's got a good delivery and I think he could combine well with Ireland & N'Zogbia given a bit of time together. Would definitely improve our threat from set-pieces also.

    Spot on

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