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Everything posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. I listened to about 3 calls and had to turn it off before I ploughed my head into the washing up bowl.
  2. Who is this idiot on saying that he's got all the qualifications and he should be manager
  3. I thought the Sha fans were going to make it hostile today? It's about as hostile as browsing the cake stand at the local nursing home summer fete.
  4. I didn't grow up in Brum but do know a few Sha fans down here. If you saw the messages I got when Grealish got 'punched' and when they thought we were stuffed financially then you'd know why I'd love nothing more than their excuse of a club to go to the wall. Come on Norwich
  5. My whole family on my Dads side is from Brum. But then I'd not want to beat someone up then have a beer with them after the game is done, I find that ridiculous. After all they've said about us, the joy they took when we were in the shit financially, I can't believe any Villa fan wouldn't be sorry to see them go down.
  6. I hope they go down, then go down again and within 5 years their striker is having to pick turd up off a school pitch before they play some other rinky dink club in the local Birmingham Sunday league. They hate us and I hate them. I will laugh for the whole weekend if they go down tomorrow, it will be magnificent.
  7. Yep, this bizarre take that people love hating players is odd. I don't hate Olsen. I don't know the bloke. But he's a professional GK, earning more money than I ever will and everytime he's called upon to do his job, he's crap at it. If you seriously have watched the 2nd and 4th goals back and can't see where he is at fault for both, then I'd be considering booking an appointment at the opticians.
  8. I think he should just be released in the summer. When he's in goal, 1 of our players may as well just go and stick 3 OGs past him and have done with it. Least then it gives us 85mins to come back. Up there with the worst I've seen at this club. We've had some decent number 2s but he's in the Kiraly realms of shyte.
  9. I agree that Emi should be Captain. He has the best winning mentality of any player we have and that alone can do wonders when the chips are down. McGinn has been a brilliant player for us. But I do fear, if we want to be that team challenging for things and getting Champions League every season, that we need to improve on him. I'm not saying sell him but I think we've seen him reach his level.
  10. Dougie is an excellent player. Is he World Class? No, and he probably won't ever be, but he can produce World Class moments. Last night he was really poor. He'd admit that himself. But don't lose sight of the good things he has done before. On the whole he has had a very good season, chipped in with important goals and is a big reason we are top 4. He needs his Boubs back.
  11. I'd be happy to wager a bet that if we got 100 of us at a pitch and recreated that 4th goal, 99 of us would save it. If Olsen turned up, he's probably be the 1 who doesn't.
  12. Which was straight at him, yet he still made a meal of it. It's like trying to defend sticking a brick through your neighbours window and your stood their ready to lob another one.
  13. Must make a fortune on ebay selling all them pairs of gloves he wears. 'As new, never saved a shot'
  14. How can you defend a player, who is supposed to be a goalkeeper, yet everything on target at him goes in. He's useless and has cost us tonight big time.
  15. I reckon we'd concede 3 or more to an U8s team with that donkey in goal. One of the worst GK performances I've ever seen.
  16. He's absolute garbage. All you have to do is shoot, get it on target and it's in. Useless sack of shit.
  17. Be nice if out captain could make an appearance tonight, might help with things.
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