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Everything posted by Milfner

  1. Just got 11/4 for a draw. And put £1 on Manure to win the first half then Villa to win the second which was 40/1.
  2. What will Manure's line up be? The back four is Fletcher, Vidic, Carrick, Evra. Scholes is suspended. What about midfield and attack?
  3. Girls stop flicking your bean to Twilight and go make me a bacon sandwich. Best. Group. Ever.
  4. My kebab the other day was horrible However, my mom got me a proper bottle of sweet chilli sauce from the chippy the other day. It gets smothered on anything I eat. Soooooo nice.
  5. We can hope and even pray but i wouldnt recommend holding your breath. So optimistic.
  6. The Final is on my birthday (28th of February), lets hope Blackburn do over Chelsea and we get a nice draw!
  7. Could you narrow it down a bit? Is there something she likes/doesn't like? Is she veggie or carnivore? Does she like spicy or plain? Any allergies? Is she weight-watching? Does she like and appreciate good food? Is her taste savoury, or sweet? And you too, as it's a diner a deux. I think most women will give credit for something where you've tried to find out about their preferences, made an effort, and not screwed up too badly. Oh, and if you finish with chocolate, that's at least double points. That is, something that you've done to chocolate, even as simple as warming it gently and pouring it over fruit (avoid citrus, go for something like strawberry, banana, apple or pear). But make sure it's at least 70% cocoa solids, if she has any more that the slightest passing interest in food. If you can go beyond those basics and do something good, it will either pass completely over her head, or else you may find yourself with a long-term dining companion. Something meat based, nothing massively spicy, but something with a nice kick to it would be nice. No allergies, and she enjoys her food and not particulary weight watching. I hope that helps. Thanks btw.
  8. I'm cooking for my girlfriend for her birthday, and i was looking for some ideas. I'm not rubbish in the kitchen but I'm no Gordon Ramsey. I don't particulary like tomatoes, but any ideas would be great.
  9. I am worried with the lack of balance in our team. Not one left footer in our starting 11. However, I think Cuellar has just about won MOTM
  10. What was the job for btw?
  11. Try watching that with your Malaysian girlfriend. Wasn't easy to watch, I'm not gonna lie.
  12. General, I know may people my age have posted here before about the need for a ticket price between adults and children, but as I have a season ticket, I feel I get a fair price. However, it is not the home tickets that I am that fussed about, it is the away tickets. For example, for the Man United game a child's ticket is £15, an adults ticket is £42, a £27 difference. Now, if i get the train, it then means because I am 17 I have to pay adult for that aswell, which is £20. So thats £62 before I even get there, then plus spending money, its £80, if I'm lucky. There is some exceptions to this, as I'm sure Middlesbrough did a young adult ticket last season, which saved me a few quid, but still, it's a farce. I know you don't have control over clubs, but surely that something has to be done! Thanks, Ryan.
  13. I dunno, I'm not going but it wasn't all that bad. Leaving at half 7 is extreme. I'm guessing there was a crash further up the M6 to cause it to become a crawl. I know I went on a Sunday but i can't see it being that much different. Even then, surely you could switch to the A or B roads?
  14. Milfner

    Top Gear

    I enjoyed it. Apart from the bit in the middle which was just boring, as usual.
  15. Went to Manchester on the M6 today through Stoke, the speed limit was 50mph, not 5.
  16. Curves > Skinny girls My girlfrined is an 8 or a 10. Curvy. And is **** awesome.
  17. As opposed to Korea producing good ones? Ji-Sung Park, no?
  18. And for those who said it will be a boring game, 16 goals in the last 3 games against Bolton at VP says otherwise. Also, it is suprisingly quiet in here, maybe its because there is nothing to moan about...
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