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Everything posted by avfcinwales

  1. What crap. The club has always had the assets, why have they not been used as past ceo's wanted. Only when the club is near bankrupt thanks to the extremely poor management do panic measure come to the fore. All Ellis is doing is managing the club as any poor manager does as the ship sinks Anyone who has been in business will appreciate that downsizing staff, poor term performances, and selling off the assets to pay banks rather than investing in expansion are sure signs of trrouble in a company. Maybe worth checking to see if there are any court actions against the club for unpaid monies
  2. That debt belongs to the company, does it? Would that be the company which you've just bought? Seriously - where did you get the idea that the new owners of a debt-laden company are not liable for the company's existing borrowing? Of course they are! Buying a company means you buy both its assets and its liabilities. If those liabilities are sufficiently large then it may mean you can get the company on the cheap - it certainly doesn't mean you can ignore them altogether. It also invaribaly means the company taking over the club have brokered a deal, whereby they have made any debts manageable and not detrimental, as was the case when Man City and Everton were taken over. I would be amazed if anyone took over a football club or a company without caste iron assurances that the debts were both specificed and agreed upon and their forward position fully negotiated. If not as at Leeds and Wrexham they would part liquidate and buy what was needed, selling off what wasn't, and agreeing what they couldn't finance as a total or part right off.
  3. Not necessarily If someone or a group decide to put together a bid and wish to get past Ellis, unlike Ranson who gave up as soon as he was confronted by the old nutter, then they could try to obtain the populist vote and if they succeed raise the problems within the club at the AGM and this would force the issue At the moment no one is really that interested in the Villa unless they can get it at a sale price, they certainly don't want to go through any aggravation, to discredit Ellis and the way he and his advisors have dealt with the takeover. Ellis despite what he keeps saying, doesn't want to sell, certainly isn't desperate to sell, he's just used the failed Comer bid to nsuit his own purposes. Lets just wish anyone considering such moves all the luck and backing they need should it of course happen.
  4. Would suggest the article is working on two rumours and one piece of knowledge he may have been given, nothing more. As to the earlier comment about Ransom, I believe he has said that he is still looking for a suitable club, but will not deal with Ellis again.
  5. Would seem Ian that something might happen if they drop much lower, there has been some moves at the plc's accountants it seems this week.
  6. Do you ever get bored with going over the same stuff time and time again?? Why should he have you not seen any of the too numerous O'leary must go threads. Not nearly enough in my opinion. What's that word..............Hypocrite, yes that's it, could you give me its definition please 100% villan
  7. Is it possible that with the club getting into more financial difficulties daily is it likely that Ellis will be selling off assets in a panic situation to pay bills. The failure of the Siemens Asda sale must have put his plans backwards and possibly upped the price of his shares to anyone wishing to take over, just to ensure he can clear off the clubs debts so its not seen how big a pussy he's been. Surely as the AGM approaches, the financial pressure via the years accounts will make his hanging on less tenuable so he has to come up with a compromise somewhere, could it be Petchey, that;s how he got into Watford via Graham Taylor, could it happen again.
  8. Do you ever get bored with going over the same stuff time and time again?? Why should he have you not seen any of the too numerous O'leary must go threads. No. Must have selective eyesight.
  9. But Ellis is asking too much, far far too much, its not even a viable ask for someone like Abromovich Why would anyone want to spend such monies, just to line a shareholders pockets. He's had offers that include hi putting money back and he's flatly refused. Is that a man with Villa at heart. If he is really so concerned for the club that he wants to ensure new owners have enough money for transfers why doesn't he take what the club, his shares, are really worth under his managership, and ask the rest of the money he has asked for is provided as a fund for transfers. Now that would be a gesture of a real Villa man
  10. Not completely accurate Risso and you know how you like fans to be spot on. The problerm with the share holding, and this is Ellis' let out, is that the deciding 10 to 12 % are lost in limbo. Shareholders who have moved house, died and not passed on their shareholding or lost their shares and so on are what makes it hard to out vote Ellis' supposed total of 35 to 38%. I'd also suggest its of some interest that in his latest blurb on the Comer situation, he suggests he has met the brothers and agreed a deal for the takeover but that the Cromers have not been able to convince him they have enough funds in place to meet the requirement he has to fund player purchases over the next few years to improve the club. So its not his fault his asking price is too high you see, its the fact the Comers can't finance or at least haven't convinced him they can't fund the necessary transfer budget to achieve what he hasn't in 20 years. Dear me naughty Comers, lovely Doug. He can't say more of course because of plc and stock market rules. What a piss take and how many muppets will soak it all up
  11. don't let the facts get in the way of a good snipe will you :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  12. one of the most interesting seasons ever, full of contradictory results and performances, with an excellent double over Blues to show our friends accross the city that even with one of the worst injury lists in memory and a total lack of leadership from the Board we can still be betetr than them and several other clubs often used as examples to qualitify our level of success.
  13. Can't see much has changed from when the interim six month accounts were issued and didn't Richard suggest they were ok. Maybe that's why the takeover groups have stopped still they are waiting for us to go belly up like Leeds, O'leary having spent so much on players what is it now, more than any other Villa manager?
  14. No but there may be news in the papers,possibly.
  15. I'm with Gringo on this, if the Comer deal is on the back burner or worse why are Rothschild not trying to get the cash into B6 rather than Liverplop? Or are we not their most important/attractive investment opportunity and/or their highest priority? you may not realise this but Villa are a poorly performing lower Premiership club in a half dead city called brum. Liverpool are the present European cup holders in the top 4 of the Prem with a super team and manager with a vibrant board in a vibrant city. anwer the question ??
  16. Its one thing being proven right Blandy, I know. Its another telling everyone so, I know But to go to the trouble to look back in the archives to dig out the original comments is something again
  17. Thanks its interesting its always Billy who offers his views. Still its interesting to see again he remains positive when all around are falling into a pit of despair
  18. Has anyone ever suggested that Ellis and Neville could be colluding together to keep the wolves at bay. I'm sure irrational as it seems it might be possible, especially if Neville didn't have the Comers backing and Ellis didn't have another option
  19. Sorry mate you might be Ellis' sacked pa but you should know, two seperate reports have been suplied by the clubs accountants to show not only the turndown in attendances but the expected realisation of assets, the expected downturn in cashflow and the best and worst case scenarios for the club during the do nothing period. If you don't you have no idea why you were released.
  20. I'd say as the chairman has outlasted the earlier predictions and the club is in freefall, the club
  21. I would say something Ian but I'm sure some accountant types would ridicule the comments as they did before ) You get accused of spreading unsubstantiated lies I seem to remember.
  22. Its of some limited interest I suppose but the present asking price is now rumoured to be just slightly higher than that offered by a previous oft criticised chancer called Ransom Just speculation of course and no quotes I also think there is a very good chance some movement will occur before the season end
  23. No idea and neither had anyone else I gathered
  24. There is a suggestion, not even a rumour, that Petchey is up to something having had meetings with the Villa board members recently. Most likely completely unrelated
  25. Sod the pedigree, the Egyptians had pedigree as did the Romans, lot of good it did them today. Aston Villa as a club are a shell of their once great past, and its time their fans broke out of fantasy land and into realityville
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