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Everything posted by Stoobs

  1. Feel McGinn has been our best player today. Absolutely non stop and some good passes forward. This would be such a good point.
  2. Don't think we can underestimate the importance of Martinez to this team. Just exudes calmness and it filters through defence and rest of team. Steal of century after SJM.
  3. 11 men, 10 men, dodgy refs.....doesn't matter, we win when we want. And we are winning well. I fecking love watching Villa (and my own team St.Mirren win again). Hope everyone enjoys their Boxing Day and rest of Festive period. Best Christmas ever.
  4. Every Villa player superb tonight. Thought Traore, McGinn and particularly Grealish outstanding. I actually can't believe how fast he accelerates from a standing start. Makes the game look ridiculously easy. I know comparisons have been made with Gazza but it is clear to see. A unique footballer and there isn't anyone in Premier League that plays like him. Just plays with utter freedom and is a joy to watch. I also love the Villa mentality now. Big clubs, when they score one, they want two, then they want three. None of this protecting what they've got. Villa clearly doing this. I know they were up against a poor Barcode Strip team reduced to 10 but they showed similar desire to add to lead against Liverpool. McGinn tried to take quick free kick in injury time and was frustrated that WBA wouldn't let him. Just shows intent of team at moment. Brilliant. Desperate for trip down from Scotland and get to my first game when this is all over. If I can get a ticket
  5. Hoddle saying McGinn on fire tonight. Got to concur.
  6. I thought all our players put in a better performance than the guy reading out our score.......
  7. Guys, see you at Wembley. Most emotional I have ever been after a game. McGinn was outstanding. Destroyed them with that arse. What a night. Ryan Christie is crying during his interview.
  8. Just shows. Need to keep the faith, even after a couple of defeats. Strange old league this year. The three goals against Southampton might have just given the team a bit of confidence despite still losing. C'mon Villa.
  9. Bad day at office. Really bad day but we weren't going through season unbeaten. Interesting to see what mentality of team is to bounce back from this and I am sure they will.
  10. Always been attracted to Villa. I was 10 when the European Cup was won and I remember celebrating that and not long after, family went to Tenby in Wales for our holidays. We took bus there and stopped off in Birmingham for break. Remember seeing Villa Park and couldn't believe the size of it as I had only been to St.Mirren home games by then and Love Street, our ground then, was pretty small. Villa Park was biggest ground I had seen. When SJM joined Villa, only one team in England now for me and my son. Only other team I ever followed in England and wanted to win was West Ham when Frank McAvennie played for them. To this day, best player I have ever seen in St.Mirren jersey. All about Villa now.
  11. Was driving home from work last night just after 9pm. I was going across the Erskine Bridge which, bizarrely enough, actually overlooks Old Kilpatrick/Clydebank, where SJM was brought up. I was listening to game on radio and just as I was at highest point of bridge, SJM feeds Barkley and the rest was history. Nearly crashed the car. Just realised I am now a fully fledged Villa fan.
  12. He was outstanding. Darren Fletcher and James McFadden waxing lyrical about his performance tonight. Great night for Scotland.
  13. SJM has been superb tonight. Covered every blade of grass. Commentators have just said that although he has played in all 3 Scotland games this week, he could probably play every night of the week. Davie Provan has just said that he gets exhausted just watching him. Can't believe Clarke still has him on park though. Think he has done his bit. Give the poor lad a wee breather.
  14. Ball McGinn just played there to Ryan Fraser was a thing of pure beauty. Hopefully Clarke takes him off at half time. He is Captain of Scotland tonight so maybe not.
  15. Totally agree. McGinn almost victim of his goalscoring success last season. Scored a few early for Villa, scored a few for Scotland and all of a sudden Smith and Steve Clarke were playing him as a second striker almost and his form dipped. Was playing with his back to goal often and was actually being man marked. I have been following John since his St.Mirren days and where he played last night, that is where he made his name. Picking up opposition clearances, cleaning up the scraps, taking ball from our defence, driving forward and releasing guys like Grealish and Barkley who have the real guile. I was screaming out last season for Smith to play him deeper and facing the game. Obviously the injury didn't help. So excited for Villa this season. If everyone stays fit, why can't the team stay top 6. Birmingham Bayern Munich.
  16. It was the way Villa kept attacking until the end. None of this trying to see it out and sitting deep. As complete a performance as you will ever see. Thought Grealish, Barkeley and SJM were simply superb. Watkins looks a complete striker. Hopefully he has a Scottish grandparent.
  17. I feel losing 2 goals at home is poor and needs to be addressed. Probably ruined a good result tonight.
  18. Why is Mcginn marking VVD at corners. Is this something Terry has been working on.
  19. Oops, was responding to Kuwabatake Sanjuro post.
  20. Yip, been saying that for a while. Where he is playing today is where he made his name. So much more involved. Links up with Grealish much more as well playing deeper. Can ping balls forward as well. Was tearing my hair out with his starting position for months now. This game is here for the taking.
  21. SJM finally back playing as midfielder and not as a forward.
  22. He has definitely put on extra beef. My untrained eye is saying it doesn't suit him.
  23. Totally agree. He is being played far too far forward. When he receives ball, he always has man up his arse. That was never his game. He played quite deep, intercepting, disrupting then when opportunity arose, would burst forward, fire in shots or arrive into box late. For some reason, Smith playing him almost like the second striker. He is unrecognisable as the player he was. Obviously just coming back from lengthy lay off and he will need time but I noticed his lack of influence in games prior to his injury. Get him deeper now, facing the game and watch him go.
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