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Posts posted by villanmac

  1. Hes Villa so I'm not arsed if he meant it or not.

    He played well, was commanding and really put his stamp on the game. Got a good feeling about this one.

  2. 32 minutes ago, villan-scott said:

    Purely speculation on my part, but with the coaching staffs emphasis on video analysis and breaking down phases of play, and what could be improved - it wouldn’t surprise me if we used this in our favour. 

    By this, I mean clipping up Wolves attacking play, against ours and discussing the strength in our play to suit TA’s game in comparison to how Wolves play. Highlighting the lower chance of scoring opportunities for him in their system. 

    I think if coaches actually did that he'd leave.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Just googled the team from that game



    ------------Small, McGrath, Teale



    -----------Taylor, Townsend, Johnson


    --------------------Saunders, Yorke


    I may have the formation wrong as it's before I would have taken much notice of tactics and that. I don't really remember Bryan Small apart from his name.
    But what a team :D 


    Love that team.

    Was my first ever game. I remember being excited to see Tommy Johnson and Gary Charles who we'd just signed , think it might of been Charles' debut actually and he looked quality down the right.

    Also remember Hans Seger in front of me in the second half in front of the Holte. He got done for match fixing a few months later and always wondered after that if he'd let a few in that day.

  4. I liked how business-like he was. He wasn’t interested in any of the dream come true / massive club / should be in the premier league bollocks, he just came across as determined and focused on the task in front of him. The impression I got was of a nice guy who doesn’t stand for any f**king around.


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  5. In his whole career he's never been managed by a coach with a modicum of tactical nous. The new man will give him the opportunity to develop in that regard.

    That's not excusing him for his shit displays this season and the lethargy of his play. He's been very frustrating. But you'd fully expect him to kick on under a slightly more cultured approach to the game.


    • Thanks 2
  6. 2 hours ago, sidcow said:

    So to be clear. 

    Dean Smith is essentially rubbish.  Anyone could do his job because the system is what wins the games. 

    The players are essentially rubbish and so long as they fit into the system, regardless of their ability the system will win the games. 

    I DON'T BUY IT. 

    Not saying he is the man for the job but I just don't believe some magical system allows managers with little talent to manage on autopilot and average players hugely over acheived because of some system. 

    If it was the case everyone would do it. 

    It's all just sound bytes in my opinion. 

    He just puts the cones out, does the interviews and every week pressses the big red button on the computer which sorts out the week's tactics and the training.

    Oh yeah and when he plays us he tells the players he's a big Villa fan so they play extra well for him.

    • Haha 1
  7. The damage is being done now. November - December is a ridiculously tough schedule for us and we need points on the board. It'll be another wasted season for us which is madness with the players we have. Even Abraham was losing his shit yesterday in the 2nd half, telling players to calm down and pass the **** ball. These players must arrive and be shocked at the level of play when they get here, it's embarrassing at times. 



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