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Posts posted by villanmac

  1. 2 hours ago, ccfcman said:

    I wonder, is Purslow's head turned with the Villa Park project? In theory it's not a bad thing, all things commercial should be in his purview but this football club has fundamental issues on the pitch.

    Purslow's Purview, good name for a twitter account that.

    • Haha 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

    its about balance, as i said in the Dendonker thread:

    I dont get the hate.

    He isnt a "top" signing, but he may be the kind of player that the TEAM needs.

    27 years old, physical, 6ft 2, able to offer some bite, height and physicality in to the team.

    29 caps for a very, very good Belgium side, reasonable-ish fee.

    He might not be a "top level signing", but he also might be what the TEAM needs.


    We have a problem of too many individuals, or too many similar players, we need balance, and for me he would offer some balance in the midfield.


    we need to think of the "team as a whole", the team needs a balance that we currently dont have imo.

    This is it.

    Its along the lines of what Howe was doing in January when he signed Burns, Wood, Targett etc solid players which you can build a base on. I think as a club we need to take a step back and sign a couple of Dawsons, Deondecker type signings but i think the "big club" mentality of our fans is always dismissing of these types of players, we want shiny new things all the time. As much as some might dismiss it the physical profile of the side isnt there. Look at Spurs/West Hams/Palace/Newcastle and they are monsters compared to us.

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  3. 31 minutes ago, a m ole said:

    If these players are so bad you’d fear for the next manager who has to get something from them then Dean Smith is an absolute genius and the best manager in history.

    We go back to the Smith with and without Grealish record then which has been done to death so doesn't need covering again. I do agree they are overhyped ability wise, i felt sympathy for Smith in that regard last season. I get hammered for saying the likes of Cash and Watkins are technically so poor. Absolute workhorses yes, run all day, incredible stamina but i dont see anything else to rave about technically but then its like they are worth 40/50mill apparently and Watkins scored x in y games when Grealish was here. Then you add in the likes of Konsa, Mcginn who cant do the basics of their position and Ramsey is the 2nd coming of Christ because hes good at carrying the ball into space.

    This is no defence of Gerrard though, you can still get way better out of these players then what is being produced.


  4. 4 minutes ago, sparrow1988 said:

    What about one that uses the phrase "throwing subs at it to try to find that bit of quality to get back in the game" in his post-match interview?

    The use of "throw at it" when talking about subs is the gerrardism I hate the most. Those three words perfectly sums his whole approach to football management.

    Also when he goes "thats on me" before going proceeding to throw the players under the bus

    • Like 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, RicRic said:

    Nobody has mentioned the great Thomas Frank are we not a fan of him or is he just forgotten about. Excellent coach btw… very surprised he has gone under the radar with all this talk

    I have!

    I feel like Frank is what Potter was last year on here...not sexy enough, not proven enough for many (which may be fair) but he's undoubtedly a brilliant coach. People want that 'A List' manager rather than looking at who might have the qualities to take that next step with a bigger club.

    • Like 2
  6. Alarm bells for me was the Critchley interview when he came on board  Nice guy and he clearly did a good job at Blackpool but he didnt come across as someone particularly inspiring or commanding to me. Gerrard himself is a charisma vacuum so i think you need a bit of personality to get ideas across. Also, between them they are complete rookies, Critchley with a couple of years at Blackpool and Gerrard with 3 years at Rangers where he hand his hand held the whole time coming up against the likes of Klopp, Conte, Guardiola ffs but also the likes of Potter, Franks, Moyes, Howe Lage etc, basically everyone in the league bar Fat Frank! Disaster.

    • Like 1
  7. That's 3 games now..Leeds last season and the last two at home where he's just broke down mid way through the 2nd half in front of the holte and had to come off. At the time the Leeds one you could put down to getting match fit again but it's clear from watching him just in general play that he's physically declined so much and can't do what he used to. He just never looks right to me.

  8. 1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

    I mean this should just put the nail in Gerrards coffin quicker. 


    When you add in the Buendia situation that's 65 mill of talent we are letting this fraud devalue. He's an actual danger, get him gone.

    • Like 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, useless said:

    Seeing doubts being cast on that Bailey to Ajax link with cries of 'clickbait', but I'm pretty sure it was that Mike Verweij who originally broke the story of El Ghazi going to PSV a few days ago.


    • Thanks 1
  10. Will be the same as the last time we played them, Rice will sit on Coutinho and he won't get a kick. That same game...Emi Buendia comes on, is able to move them around a bit and creates a goal.

    Also, home game against West Ham last season, Buendia creates our only goal. Probably the only player Moyes is worried about, let's just leave him on the bench. 

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  11. Going right off topic but I suppose connected to Villa Live, does anyone remember the early 2000s when they plonked a big screen in the middle of Villa park to watch the away day derbies? 

    Before the days of streaming obviously, freezing your bollocks off in December watching a 0-0 draw v WBA. Brilliant.


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