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Posts posted by Villa_Vids

  1. 2 hours ago, RicRic said:

    It was even horrendous before the 2009 win because before that one it was 26 years before a win at old trafford 😱 so this 12 year run without a win there isn’t so bad 😂 and as for us beating them at VP its worst because that still remains 26 years when we beat them in 1995 woeful record

    Yeah. Far from good enough. We owe them at Villa Park, I think we will break that record soon enough as we continue to grow and get better as a club. UTV!

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  2. 1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    Saw my United supporting mate last night and he was surprisingly gracious, accepted we deserved to win.

    I’m still in shock.

    Putting a brave face on 🤣 He will be hurting deep inside.

  3. As others have said, it was a disappointing result but an encouraging performance. I feel proud about how we lost and also excited about the future. It seems like we are starting to bridge the gap between us and the top teams. We will hopefully learn from this disappointment and have a good crack at the FA Cup next year. UTV!

  4. 1 hour ago, a m ole said:

    Over what Dean Smith has built at Villa, the young players he’s nurturing, and the squad instability since Jack left, no I wouldn’t.

    Talk to me in 2 years.

    I also don’t crave success at any cost.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking what we have achieved under Smith's leadership. I have loved every bit of the ride under DS. Dean Smith has many strengths. He is an educator with a excellent track record of developing players. He comes across as a fantastic human being and really likeable. He has helped to transform the squad/club since he arrived. He has a local connection with Villa. I want him to achieve more & more.

    I do not take any of that for granted but I am not blinded by it. I have doubts about whether he can become a coach that is at the top end of the Premier League and wins silverware (which has been the stated aim by NSWE). We must not be sentimental and make excuses for DS when we lose games and under perform. That is wrong too.  We will be stuck on a hamster wheel with that mind set. Praise when it is deserved, criticise when it is deserved. That is the fairest way. There may be a time when the club needs  somebody else to progress, all totally healthy and does not take away from what Smith has done here.

    I crave success for Villa, I cannot speak for all the fans but I am fairly confident that a large percentage want us to be truly successful again. If we have to change coach and look for somebody with a proven track record then so be it. Aston Villa needs to be great again, it is an injustice that we have not had the success the club deserves over the last twenty plus years

  5. 18 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

    He isn't the type to snap back at reporters or be demonstrative in public, but we shouldn't let that lead us to believe he lacks the ruthlessness to make unpopular decisions, far from it. He obviously goes about things in a more measured and thoughtful approach without the need for histrionics. 

    This notion that he's too soft is ridiculous. Just because he's a decent natured person doesn't mean he's not averse to telling players a few home truths when they need to hear it. He came out and said that yesterday's performance was unacceptable and I'm sure he articulated that to the players in no uncertain manner. 

    I have every confidence that he his still the man to take us forward and one lousy performance is not going to alter that opinion..

    I wouldn't disagree with any of that. I just hope Dean knows the media are coming for him, and they have a very low opinion of his achievements/success with Villa, unlike us fans. The narrative is only going to build, he needs to come out fighting and not doubt himself. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

    The owners have a clearly defined goal, and they will do and spend whatever is required to get there.

    That was a poor performance yesterday, and there have been too many like it over the last few seasons.

    I think Smith is under pressure this season, and there is no doubt in my mind that the owners will move him on if he does not meet their expectations.

    He is a good guy, and very likeable, but with this job comes expectations.

    Rightfully so. My hope is he comes out of his comfort zone a bit, he is a little bit more nastier in his decision making and in press conferences. I cannot believe he hasn't snapped back at Grealish questions from reporters - like the media are questioning your managerial record & ability when they ask you about Jack after a defeat against Watford. Tell them to do one! There is a time and a place to be emotional. 

    Dean will learn from yesterday's defeat. We will improve greatly in the coming games as the squad gel and match fitness improves. I like that he is working within a new coaching set-up that will challenge him too and potentially help him progress. Big season for him, make or break.

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  7. In my opinion, he is done. We both have to move on. Does not have that fight in him when the going gets tough during a game, I saw no reaction in the second half like I did in the other players. I believe that is a huge part of being really successful in English/British football. He is one of the best technically, nobody would dispute that claim but there is no heart in him. I would love to be wrong, and he turns into a consistent reliable winger. Highly unlikely. Time for Smith to make a tough decision and move him on. We need to be ruthless if we want to challenge at the top.

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  8. Really doesn't suit this deeper role. I much prefer it if John was further up, pressing from the front and getting into the box to score. Would have had him behind Ings, Emi on the right & Anwar on the left. He is all action and aggressive but we  don't want him to play in this manner. 🤦‍♂️

  9. 1 minute ago, mjmooney said:

    No preseason, new players, last year's playmaker gone, team was rusty, away to a newly promoted side who happen to be our bogey team, too many of our players had an off day. It happens, get over it. 

    The biggest disgrace was the match thread bedwetting, with talk of relegation, FFS, after one game. Probably the same people who were praising Dean Smith to the skies and swearing eternal loyalty in his thread yesterday, and voted Matt Targett as last year's player of the season. 

    The club has never been in better shape. One defeat doesn't alter that. 

    We are all highly emotional. I was saying sell the lot of them at 3-0 down. 🤣

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