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Posts posted by DaveAV1

  1. 11 minutes ago, Made In Aston said:

    Are we branching out into PPE contacts as well now?! 

    I hope you’re not suggesting that Big Emi has to tell his little pal that the deal i off now? Rather you than me!!!

  2. 3 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    If he came to us he’d be at a top team already before the summer. 

    And not on huge money at Forest apparently. Matty Cash would put a good word in for us as a former Forest player who’s made the move across the midlands. Sounds like a doable proposition to me, I’m sure Monchi and Unai will have cast their expert eyes in his direction so let’s see what happens. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    If we could get Morgan white for that it would be a great signing. He'll be off to a top team this summer for big money. He's a very good player. 

    If he came to us he’d be at a top team already before the summer. 

  4. 10 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    Smith took us as far as he could, an we moved on to Emery, bingo

    Not before we endured Slippy G almost getting us relegated back to the championship. It was hardly a smooth transition from one to Villa man to another!

  5. 55 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    Hopefully that goes all the way to penalties which they win after the 20th penalty is scored and theyll be knackered and happy to think they’re gonna win the League Cup which hopefully they don’t depending on who they get in the final?

    Although if they lose the their semi final that could make their home support really toxic and knock their player’s confidence which I’d imagine isn’t very high right now anyway. So regardless we get an early goal and cruise to a 3-0 away win then move on to the Arabian Shites who aren’t really trail blazing either. 

  6. On 17/01/2024 at 04:45, Kiwivillan said:

    They have 1-0 deficit home leg vs Boro in League Cup SF 3 days before. Hopefully that takes it out of them a bit. 

    Hopefully that goes all the way to penalties which they win after the 20th penalty is scored and theyll be knackered and happy to think they’re gonna win the League Cup which hopefully they don’t depending on who they get in the final?

  7. Just now, Leeroy said:

    What's with the Americanism 'mom'. British English is 'mum' assuming you and Hank live in the UK.


    See you've learned something.

    I live in the Highlands where my Scottish wife spells the shorter version of mother Mum but the Brummy in the house, me, has always used Mom which is common in Brum and the midlands, you should come sometime and you might learn something but I doubt it, you have to want to learn and be ably to learn. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Bro has this player shagged your mom or something? Bizzare.

    Is shagging his mom bizzare? It’s hard to say unless you’ve met the lady in question?

  9. 4 hours ago, Mr_Dogg said:

    No, Emery is Basque.

    Unai is Villa now it’s already seeped into his heart and soul he’ll take us with him forever and thst will hopefully be right to the top!!  NSWE will get a huge bill from the cabinet maker for trophy cabinets over the next few years!!

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, TRO said:

    Its absolutely paramount Shaun.....look around at the stalwarts at Liverpool and Man City......These guys are the building blocks of a team.

    I don't want to labour the point, about the 80/81 team......but thats what they had, Saunders built that robust Family, With Bremner, Mortimer, Cowans, Shaw, Withe etc etc.

    They don't have to be ex academy players, to be one of our own imo.....they just need to give us their heart....and those boys did, and they still to this day, love Villa.

    I honestly, believe Unai is building this back again, and in my eyes, this is the very esssence of Building....not a bunch of cheque book charlies, how can that engender passion and commitment.

    Dougie Luiz, is an epitome of a player, that Ron worked with, and Unai is doing similar.

    These young boys we are looking at now, are testimony, to what his vision is.....they will fall in love with Villa too, if they make the grade.

    When folk talk about strength in a football team, this is precisely what it is.....its priceless, and its what connects us all together.

    Cheque Books are a necessary evil, but they don't build football teams.....The hearts of the Dougies, The SJM's and the Tyrones............do.


    I couldn’t agree more! And you can bang on about the early 80s as often as you like for me! I think it’s that spirit that won theleague and the European Cup  You can talk about ability and skill sets for as long as you like but what always matters most is the heart and soul that players bring with them and the best managers recognise and nurture. That was true back then, is true now and always will be. Of course football talent is necessary too, or you and me would get a game, no disrespect to you mate but I wouldn’t pick me, in fact even my lovely Mom, if she were still with us wouldn’t pick me!

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Adam2003 said:

    Dougie grew up scrapping in the favela. He’s always one step away from getting in a fight, and I’d say he’s really really matured on that front over the last couple of years. But he’ll never totally eliminate it.

    I’m not sure we want him to totally eliminate it, it’s his aggression that elevates him above many of his fellow PL midfielders both in our squad and the opposition’s! 

    • Like 2
  12. 16 hours ago, nepal_villan said:

    It's ridiculous. He's taken this club for a ride.  That very inflated transfer fee we paid for him still really irks me. 

    Hopefully Slippy G will snap him up and take him to the riches he deserves!😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • Like 1
  13. 17 hours ago, Rich192 said:

    No, he has to be at the club. For the same reason, Iroegbunam will never be a Villa homegrown player, only association homegrown, as he had that season out on loan. 

    But would he (Tim)become home grown again after a few seasons not being on loan?

  14. 2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Most should know how bitter I am toward " shin splints "... But I'd probably rather have him back on loan or something before ESR... Isn't JG the original " ESR " anyway?

    I think he was being looked at to replace him.

    Shame , if Little Phil could stay fit... He'd be very useful to have on the bench!

    We could sell him to Man City then!! They love an expensive bench warmer without the worry of ffp to which they seem  immune of punishment!

    • Haha 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Awol said:

    Yes. I am hoping those are his numbers from Red Star, not on loan to Collective Farm No.7 in the Serbian Cabbage Producers League. 

    Missed the boat on the need for cabbages as part of the match day experience I’m afraid.  😅

  16. 3 hours ago, Czarnikjak said:

    How the hell they managed to increase the Match day revenue by £10m without ticket price increase? Their hospitality/corporate must be well ahead of ours if they can essentially generate double the match day revenue of ours with only extra 10k seats...

    Perhaps that’s why we have appointed Heck? Let’s see what our figures are when they’re released. Since Heck has sided with punishment for FFP transgressions, I’d imagine that our figures are reasonably healthy or at least he expects them to be in the near future. 

  17. 13 hours ago, DakotaVilla said:

    Based on the entirety of his time at Villa Park - particular low lights include:

    - Lack of transparency and communication with fans re the Terrace View.

    - Lack of transparency and communication with fans re the Lower Grounds.

    - Lack of transparency and communication with Holte End season ticket holders re access to facilities and having a pig sty of a stand on  the opening day of the season;

    - Ticket pricing for Everton league cup game. A full VP and we probably would not have lost that game.

    - The abomination that is the AV 150 mark;

    - The abomination that is the new crest assuming that the leaked crest is real - made 1000x worse by the fact that it was him who binned the last crest; 

    - Lack of communication and transparency with fans re the new crest resulting in a formal complaint to the FA from the FAB;

    - Lack of communication and transparency with the fans re the North stand. The club has provided different reasons for the decision in his video and the recent FAB meeting and all smell like BS.

    - Lack of urgency in resolving the kit debacle. It was obvious there was an issue in pre season and it took the press interest re the first women’s team game to get the club to start to resolve the matter.

    That’s quite a track record developing here and he’s only been here seven months. 

    I thought he was pretty clear about wanting to get to know the club and fans before saying anything much. It appears that in here VT his biggest mistake is not being Christian Purslow and in that respect he has a similar problem to Monchi. I’d imagine that isn’t a problem as far as the owners and our Manager is concerned, just the opposite I’d have thought! 

  18. On 27/12/2023 at 05:34, Kiwivillan said:

    Can't believe we went 2-0 up against the team I watched lose comprehensively to Bournemouth recently. I said after 2-0 up why have we given up high press on their defenders and letting them run at us. Seemed like we gave up on the basics that have seen us do well. I can't help but put that on the players not following the gameplan

    Whilast you may be right, there’s no denying that was a tired performance after a long run of difficult games most of which we did very well in. It’s the stage of the season when injuries amd suspensions start to really hurt the less experienced and less expensively built squads, like ours. Why do you think that the FFP immune Man City consistently win the league and late season cups? This January Pep the Cheque will be up to his usual tricks of strengthening their squad wether they need to or not and weakening their rivals, I hope we’re not stimied by the usual ffp nonsense designed to protect the hierarchy amd keep the likes of us in our place. I’ve no love for Newcastle and particularly their state ownership and how it conducts it’s sport washing nonsense to hide their sins but it’s noticeable that they’ve been fairly aware of ffp and haven’t used their full financial muscle as they know the world is watching, However their results and performances have dropped off at this stage, the PL and European football is as bent as a fishing rod with a good fish on the hook. I hope we can find a way to strengthen in January, central midfield muscle is always handy and Sorry @TRO a fancy Dan winger who scores and creates goals would be just fine. Control and fear is a great combination for a team like us. 

  19. 3 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    Yup, couple of bad results doesn't throw the season's progress in the bin.

    It's the manner of it that rankles. If we lost 1-0 in a tedious game in which we were poor we'd all be a lot less pissed off, I think. Throwing the 2-0 away in that manner is sickening.

    Absolutely spot on they always say that 2-0 is the hardest score to defend and that was certainly the case last night, but our disappointment is probably a measure of how far we’ve come under Unai and that shouldn’t be forgotten. The truth is they have a much stronger squad than us, particularly at this stage of the season when this becomes more obvious once injuries and suspensions are more problematic to smaller, less expensively assembled and experienced squads like ours. It happens every year when the likes of Man City are always very strong. Hopefully we can quickly bounce back and can also strengthen in January if ffp restrictions allow. Hopefully we’ll find a way but I read somewhere that our commercial revenue, in august 2022 at least was still £12 million behind our 2016 levels, I don’t know how given we had a good CEO running the club?

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