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Posts posted by sparrow1988

  1. 9 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    OK. I'll tell him I disagree with him hiring English staff. Then I'll insist on Congolese staff, or I'll damand a move back to the Congo. 

    You're right though, it is a poor analogy because I'm his business partner not his employee, so I can basically do what the **** I like.

    I'll take my umbongo with me. 

    (I am now craving umbongo)

    Not sure how this will work once Brexit is in full effect.

  2. Maybe he would play left of a diamondish formation and sit there allowing Amavi to bomb forward a la Gattuso and Cafu, albeit a fairly watered down left sided version.

    Hourihane (Pirlo) deep and Lansbury in the Seedorf role and Grealish doing an impression of Rui Costa. We'll have a CL in the pocket in no time.;)

  3. 2 hours ago, TrentVilla said:

    Because Amavi has had a relatively short period of poor form, Hutton has been consistently poor since he arrived.

    He also had a period of being consistently nothing when frozen out. 

    Poor when played though. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    It's about as accurate a through ball as you can get - perfect weight on it too.  Absolutely madness to call it "a hopeful ball forward".  Please watch it again:


     Absolute madness. It was perfect. 

    We really are a soft touch though. For the first goal Hugill should have been put on his arse or kicked or something to the effect of stopping him. It was very poor all round.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I think he might back off actually and not do the whole 'look at the signing we just made and SSN haven't even started to report it yet haha' thing........I reckon Bruce might have had a quiet word about it......we'll see.....

    I was thinking that he might as well. It would be a shame. I enjoyed it.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    He's what 20? But I wonder if it's actually too late for him to become a top class player. His physical gifts are indeed out of this world, amazing pace, strength and balance that leaves most defenders at any level for dead when he gets going, his control of the football at speed is also very good. But he appears so utterly brainless that I've rarely seen a player with such lack of knowledge about 'how to play football'. 

    It appears that he simply ignored football 101 as he developed and it will take a hell of a lot of coaching to correct that. 

    They've got Conte so I don't think that there is any issue on that front. I feel that it's more down to how he would adapt and improve. I have no idea if he can do that or not. Based on the evidence so far, probably not but he's very young and has time on his side. Maybe after two years of Conte screaming in his face he would be world class. Who knows?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    I just don't see how we are gonna get promoted even if get to play offs. We will crumble away from home and we crumble on TV. Barring QPR I don't think we have won a televised match

    in 64 years if I'm correct.....

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    Still has 18 months on his contract.

    It's Monday and you go and write something like this. There are no words to describe my feelings right now. Therefore gif = 1000 words...



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  9. 22 minutes ago, DK82 said:

    I've always wondered what a real man plays football like, and now I know. Thanks again VT for a wonderful lesson.

    Next up, what a woman does in the kitchen.

    Tiling, joinery and electrics I believe....

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  10. 20 minutes ago, Adbo9 said:

    thirded ! I think Grealish apart from a couple of pieces of magic has been bang average at best........... really doesn't do enough, or doesn't contribute enough to warrant being a luxury player, which is what he is !!

    He will be in League 1 in 3 years time

    Proof that Dr Tony Xia is a fraud. One of the biggest clubs in the world? Won't happen in League 1!!

  11. 3 hours ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    I would like us to be stable in the Premier League.

    Expectations by then should be top ten consistently. 

    We should have good structure behind the scenes and we should be a well run club. I.E knowledgeable scouts.

    We should only sell players because it is an offer to good to refuse AND WE USE THE $ TO MAKE US BETTER.

    We should only buy players because they improve us and bring what we are looking for NOT BECAUSE SOME CLUELESS WORD REMOVED THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA. 

    Id hope by then Jack Gresford has become a club champion on the way to legend status. 

    It would be nice to have won a cup or at the very least had a good run.

    It would be nice to qualify for Europe and not lose to the same piss weak team 2 years in a row in the first round. 

    Oh and it would be nice if we havnt been through 17 managers in those 5 years. In fact I'd be happy if Bruce was still in charge cos that would mean he was doing an excellent job. 

    Last but most importantly I would like Aston Villa to have a training camp in Australia preferably in Adelaide so I can see my team play just once live. 

    That just about covers it.


    Sounds a lot like Southampton which in my opinion is a very good model to follow.

    They've also had a good run in the league cup, qualified for Europe last season, and will probably do so again this year in my opinion. The only problem is that we are playing catch up. They've been doing it for close to 10 years now if not more and by the time we catch up football could have changed as it always does and this method might have been improved upon. I'd like us to be an evolving progressive club who is always looking to the future with regards to best way to move forward. 

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