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Everything posted by Tommo_b

  1. Didn’t dwell on it in the slightest, have you watched the replays?
  2. They need to hold their hands up and just admit it was a mistake and then we can all move on.
  3. What really is irking me is none of the “pundits” have the balls to call it out except Michael frigging Owen, of all the pundits, his punditry rating for me has gone through the roof, he has a back bone to say what he sees, like a breath of fresh air, not being a yes man.
  4. Nope, poor refereeing led to their goal. Didn’t really have time to dally soon as he chested the player was on him, how that’s not given as an offside despite all their excuses is baffling.
  5. They need to go back to the rule set up they had ten years ago, that’s it, that’s all they need to do, it was more enjoyable and also felt more fair.
  6. Erm or maybe he did as you know you can’t be challenged by a player in offside position, and again it’s not a mistake.
  7. How is it a mistake? If he isn’t challenged by the offside player he controls the ball and sets up Villa for an attack. No mistake was made, challenged by offside player is not a mistake.
  8. Wonder if they will clear up the rules for next season, it’s been pretty appalling this season.
  9. Or bring it down and play out from the back to put us on the front foot for an attack?
  10. Why didn’t the linesman flag as well?! Thats the easiest decision to give all game!
  11. I read that the player in the offside position cannot tackle the defender... which Bernardo clearly does.
  12. Question is, is it a mistake by Mings, I don’t think it is, he is allowed to bring the ball down and not expect to be dispossessed by the offside player.
  13. Offside gets given and that penalty never gets given, screwed over again!
  14. I guess what they will say is once Mings touches it it’s a new phase of play.
  15. No VAR replay? I mean it must’ve been pretty suspect for Smith to be so angry he got sent off!
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