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Everything posted by VillanousOne

  1. I think those men were part of an international terrorist organisation, whose sole intention is to remove the brains of all Villa supporters and replace them with hope and an undeserved sense of confidence and ego. Yes it's true, they will make us into Spurs!
  2. i think you have trouble understanding what fascism means. i've already stated that i can express an opinion but have no expectation that mods will bow down to my will and create a seperate twitter thread. and as i also said in the spirit of joining in and not being such a bore. Barry Fuller will join us from Gillingham FC, tomorrow. Source: ITKBernardAtWaitrose I certainly do not have trouble understanding what Fascism means. And I wasn't directing any accusation at anybody in particular so get over yourself. If you did understand the word then you would see it has no place on a football forum whoever it is aimed at.
  3. i think you have trouble understanding what fascism means. i've already stated that i can express an opinion but have no expectation that mods will bow down to my will and create a seperate twitter thread. and as i also said in the spirit of joining in and not being such a bore. Barry Fuller will join us from Gillingham FC, tomorrow. Source: ITKBernardAtWaitrose
  4. Those who hate Twitter ITKs have as much a right to say that as those who dont. The Twitter thing is out of hand. They do but to state that Twitter rumours should be banned from a rumour thread is also out of hand. Everyone knows that 99% of the shit on Twitter is just that. But it's still fun to debate. Maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it on a different thread either. I think what gets me slightly is people don't treat ITKs as shite or a bit of fun speculation not be taken seriously. People very much take them seriously and when you have a thread that goes on as long as these do, it's hard to know where the speculation people are talking about (on page 50 came from), which in most cases is a Twitter ITK posted 30 pages previous!!! I don't expect the mods to split either out, but hey i can wish can't I??? Or is that not allowed No Sir you may not. This is Aston Villa Football Club. Wishing has been forbidden for the last 24 months. good point
  5. Fine. in that case 'My Uncle's Cousin's dog' says we have made moves to sign Barry Fuller from Gillingham.
  6. Those who hate Twitter ITKs have as much a right to say that as those who dont. The Twitter thing is out of hand. They do but to state that Twitter rumours should be banned from a rumour thread is also out of hand. Everyone knows that 99% of the shit on Twitter is just that. But it's still fun to debate. Maybe, but it wouldn't hurt to have it on a different thread either. I think what gets me slightly is people don't treat ITKs as shite or a bit of fun speculation not be taken seriously. People very much take them seriously and when you have a thread that goes on as long as these do, it's hard to know where the speculation people are talking about (on page 50 came from), which in most cases is a Twitter ITK posted 30 pages previous!!! I don't expect the mods to split either out, but hey i can wish can't I??? Or is that not allowed
  7. Those who hate Twitter ITKs have as much a right to say that as those who dont. The Twitter thing is out of hand.
  8. So your saying a story reported on the Guardian is as credible as ITK Bernard on Twitter? Anyone can post on Twitter without any fear of reprisal, revenue/comeback. If the Independent etc printed or put on their website every half ass rumour out there no one would read them.
  9. I think ITKs on Twitter should be banned from this thread or at the least given there own thread so they can talk as much utter sh*t as they want. It annoys me that we have a black list of online media resources deemed unreliable and yet anything said on Twitter is somehow deemed ok. Something reported by a national press source and something reported by someone calling themself ITK on twitter shouldn't be on the same thread.
  10. Nope its the same Makoun is not good enough crap vs the Man Utd match argument on loop.
  11. Not so big to have turned Bolton down though eh? Appreciate was a loan though and so a slightly different context he wasn't getting games. you can't prove your worth from the sidelines, you can be intelligent and egotistical, the two can co-exist.
  12. I reckon Sturridge will go to Liverpool or somewhere higher up the food chain, he has one hell of an ego.
  13. It's just as much speculation as saying he's going to leave. Not when you factor in common sense. Thats asking a bit much especially on a thread populated 90% with guff from Twitter!
  14. It's just as much speculation as saying he's going to leave. Not when you factor in common sense. I've already said why i don't think he'll come, but stranger things have happened in football, making statements one way or another is pointless.
  15. But by nobody official, it's just as much speculation as saying he's going to leave.
  16. I don't think Bertrand will leave now he has just broken into the Chelsea side properly and is rated by Di Matteo, if DM hadn't have been made full time manager then maybe.
  17. all our players deserve that chance even Hutton, it's just that in some cases we wouldn't cry if some didn't make the most of it and left.
  18. I really hope Nzog and Ireland get a chance to play under Lambert, Makoun to. If they fail by Jan then sell.
  19. Transfer Clockwatch ‏@TransferClock Aston Villa will sign Yaccine Brahimi on Monday. #AVFC this is Sky's transfer twitter thing, not sure that means its a given though.
  20. saw in the Sun that Whittingham has said he is staying at Cardiff, after interest from Baggies. Not saying this means he wouldn't join us, just saying there has been no official interest from us reported except on Twitter. would post a link but if i do the pst will be deleted again
  21. yes but we've gone from not very credible speculation threads from the press and media to utter finger in the air nonsense from Twitter, in an ideal world you'd keep the two threads separate - easier said than done. Twitter has just increased the amount of crap being spouted out there, but some people like that kinda thing so it has a place i guess. I would prefer we went back to a speculation thread that has posts about speculation from a select list of approved media sources and all twitter banter was banned from that thread. Then give a separate thread to Twitter nonsense, the two shouldn't mix!
  22. yep strange that! One could even conclude that these ITKs are utter b*llocks
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