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Posts posted by Brumerican

  1. So no chance of an appeal at all. How shit is that. Did he play in the final last year? I can't remember :?

    No. He was on the bench last year, and was not substituted on.

    I'm absolutely gutted for Darren, for a player who has contributed so much to getting his team to the biggest match in world football and not be allowed to play in it, is a disgrace. The poor lad may never get another chance to play in a European Cup final now in his career, and after the excellent season he has had this year, it's just not right.

    And as for the no appeals thing? Absolute Bullshit on UEFA's part. Horrible ending to an otherwise amazing night.

    Credit to the guy though, he kept his composure and didnt start crying on the telly. If he stays at Man Ure he will get another chance hopefully.

  2. I had to laugh at the match thread over on Arsenal mania. When Fletcher was sent off, they were all over the moon that he would be missing the final. Not a single hint of irony that the whole Arsenal squad would be missing the final.


    I hope you pointed this out.

    Would have, but you have to sign up and I think you're initially on trial in a baby forum before they let you post for real.

  3. Its Mtn Dew nowadays. Lovely stuff but it has an insane amount of caffeine.

    Not a big fan of Dr Pepper but its ok. Root beer is the bollocks though! Not sure if you can get root beer in Blighty.14ijrph.jpg

  4. Just getting ready to visit Chicago Pizza to see the cubs opening game. Read the rules on the internet and Im quite looking forward to it! 2 years ago you couldnt have paid me to watch American sports, but theres definitely something in it!

  5. A woman brings eight-year-old Johnny home and tells his mother that he was caught playing doctors and nurses with Mary, her eight-year-old daughter.

    Johnny's mother says, "Let's not be too harsh on them.... they are bound to be curious about sex at that age."

    "Curious about sex?" replies Mary's mother. "He's taken her **** appendix out!" (SICKIPEDIA)

    Ps could possibly make my 1,000th post today :cheers:

  6. As someone who took part in Operation Telic

    as someone that was actually there , I for one would be interested to hear your view .. were you in both or just the second one ?

    For the initial bombing on Baghdad I was working with the RAF at Akrotiri CSSU, refuelling British and American Jets and Bombers (Well Accounting for the fuel anyway :lol: ) I was a Lance jack supply controller in the RLC . 2 years later I actually went to Iraq and Afghanistan in the space of 18 months with 13 Air Assault Regt RLC ( The old 5 airborne )

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