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Posts posted by Brumerican

  1. Just had a self cleaner!....Life don't get much better than that.

    also known as an Angel Poo.

    It's great when that happens.

    Nearly as good as a ghost poo. Thats when it it flies out and vanishes round the u-bend with no trace of it ever existing. Had one of those a few months back. It was a good day :lol:

    Ghost Poo

  2. I'm surprised no nurses have posted, as its actually considered unhygenic to wipe towards your genitals from back to front, they wont do that in hospital. Always front to back. I've seen posters in hospitals warning of the incorrect way of wiping.
    When you say posters do you mean people who post on here? :?

    I often tour hospitals advocating the benefits of the "spit polish" technique and the

    " reaching through your legs whilst sat down " concept.

  3. Bumped this one as a heads up to anyone who likes Hugh Laurie in "House"

    Just watched the season finale (US timeframe)........fantastic stuff.

    Cant understand why it hasnt aired over here yet (if it has somebody let me know)

    Really House isn't on over there? I find that really surprising as it's one of the highest rated shows on US telly.

    Maybe he meant the finale , because I know for a fact that House used to be on channel 5 in the UK

  4. I feel sorry for Guus Hiddink and Arsene Wenger after this weeks Champions League games. Both are very good coaches, and both were let down by their players. I'm gutted for Fletcher and Abidal as well, I'd love to see both playing in Rome.

    I don't know why UEFA don't just let them both play if both clubs agreed.

    (Well I do know why ....rules are rules, but still)

  5. This ref should be investigated for match fixing. Absolutely disgusting performance.

    For wanting Chelsea to win and therefore the red card, or denying the penaly claims for chelsea and wanting Barcelona to win?

    Ok maybe not match fixing, but for being absolutely inept.

  6. I'm probably on my own here but I keep watching Messi wanting to see this superstar player but every time I see him I think he is hugely over rated. Sure he performs against some shite sides in Europe and in Spain and scores some special goals but when it really comes to it in the big games he just doesn't produce enough in my view.

    This is his 10th game against an English side and he hasn't managed a single goal, I know he is the competition top scorer but when you compare him to Ronaldo he comes up short in terms of impact.

    I'm not saying Messi isn't a quality player but best in the world? Not even close in my view.

    IMO I wouldnt even say he was the best player at Barcelona. I would have Iniesta, Xavi and Henry in front of him anytime.

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