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Posts posted by LakotaDakota

  1. 26 minutes ago, Sam-AVFC said:

    Thanks for the clarification guys. 

    Baffling that people actually get wound up by this stuff. It’s obviously a bit stupid, but also completely unimportant. I thought weird flag nationalism was unique to America.

    I guess it isn't that noticable in the case of the union flag but upside down / back to front flags can cause issues at other times : If you're stood on the podium at the olympics and happen to be from one of these countries it can be very easy to mess it up

    Ireland & Ivory Coast


    Indonesia & Poland (Monaco is also the same as indonesia in a slightly different shade)


  2. Nothing to do with Newcastle i know but For those that wan't some Leicester numbers:

    Jamie Vardy, 80%

    Whatever Jamie Vardy was snorting 10%

    Ranieri %5

    Mahrez 2%

    Kante 2%

    Everyone else 0.9%

    Stupid plastic clappers 0.1%

  3. 43 minutes ago, Genie said:

    It also casts a bit of a shadow over the "Bruce only avoids criticism in the media because they are all his mates" myth.

    Seems the journalist in question used to work for Newcastle/ NUTV before being sacked/let go. Maybe he has a good source or maybe an axe to grind, Who knows but Saint-maximin was briliant for about an hour last night so he didn't look like he was too pissed off.

    Maybe he was upset about not playing at the weekend and said something to someone, plenty of players i'm sure do whine about not being picked, especially if the consider themselves fit but if the medical lot are saying not to play him then they generally have the final say.

    Most people have been criticising Bruce for playing injured players/rushing them back due to nobody else available, He decides not to risk someone on this occasion as they had cover & also gets slaughtered for it...

  4. On 02/03/2020 at 10:42, rjw63 said:

    Even the lowest paid player in that list could pay off my outstanding mortage in two weeks with change left over.

    It's obscene really.

    Mad really isn't it, You can't really blame them for taking what is offered though and there are plenty of people around that make some/most of them look like paupers but the equivalent of 1 days pay from a single player would change most normal peoples lives immesurably for the better

    • Like 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, maqroll said:

    I suspect this may have already been discussed in the campaign. Hope it has.

    I guess it should probably apply to all/most of them too really, Not exactly a bunch of spring chickens are they as Bloomberg is also 78 & Biden 77, Hell Elizabeth Warren is practically a baby at 70 & Trump is nearly 74.

    Not really the best people to be heading out on an arduous campaign trail where they surround themselves with hundreds/thousands of potentially infectious strangers every few hours & i'm not really sure the pressures & stress that go with that job (or pretty much any job) are a good idea for anyone in their 80's

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 02/03/2020 at 19:02, villakram said:

    Yup, heard it referred to as Trump's Katrina earlier this morning, lot's of potential in that one.

    Sanders is 78 & had a heart attack a few month ago, If i was him i wouldn't be shaking too many peoples hands whilst out campaigning

    • Sad 1
  7. Some of you indie/folkey pop types may like this. Very, Very new as you can tell from the single figure views on youtube. Debut album (Mixed by John Leckie) released a couple of days ago & the whole thing is available on Youtube if you like it.



  8. 13 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    If heaven exists,  I wonder what God will say to him when he enters the pearly gates? 

        What is your favorite word?
        What is your least favorite word?
        What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
        What turns you off?
        What is your favorite curse word?
        What sound or noise do you love?
        What sound or noise do you hate?
        What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
        What profession would you not like to do?

    • Haha 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, S-Platt said:

    Sheff Utd playing extra time why no replay??  There was last round!  The FA Cup is piss poor this year.  Some games have VAR some do not. Are they trying to make it worse on purpose!?

    They changed it this season. there have been no replayes from the 1/4 finals onwards for a while and they scrapped it in the 5th round from this year too. Replays are only really beneficial to smaller teams and usually only 1 or two teams left at this stage that are outside the prem/championship anyway. For this season any games that go to extra time the losing side will get 25% of the prize money (£90,000 to the losers, £270,000 for the winner) for going through to balance out some of the potential financial loss from a replay.

    FWIW i do actually agree with it completely, keep them for the prelims & rounds 1-4 and scrap them after that. Most of the teams left in the last 8 every year are still in europe, trying to get there again or going for promotion in the championship. The last thing any of them need/want is replays and it may actually encourage managers to put out better teams knowing it is a simple one-off tie rather than resting a load of players knowing there is a chance of a replay to either rely on to get through if they want to or dread if they don't care about the cup

    • Thanks 1
  10. The thing that will win a few fans over is that he has just gone for it in the cups, doesn't matter who they are playing just stick your best 11 fit players out. The only chance teams like us/newcastle/burnley /everton/palace etc have of actually trying to win something is in the cups so i always hate it when mid table teams rest everyone for cup games and end up getting dumped out. Great we can maybe rest a few players and finish 10th by get knocked out of all the cups in 1 or 2 games or we can maybe play a couple more games and finish 13th & get to a semi/final..

    Made hard work of it tonight after going 3-0 up & switching off with 20 to go, ended up 3-2 in the 93rd minute but Newcastle now 1 game away from a day out at Wembley

  11. 3 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    We literally had 3 players that started on Sunday and one of them isn’t a first team player.  Fans seem to conveniently forget this when having a dig. If we stay up it will be an incredible achievement. 

    Nyland, Mings, Elmo, Grealish & El Ghazi were all here last year.

    Sure we might not have owned them but not like they had never played with any of the squad & we also technically owned Guilbert too.

     4 of the 7 subs were also players from last year or earlier


  12. 11 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    His defence seems to be that he should be allowed to tell close friends and family about his intentions and plans. 

    which is fair enough. Until they’re betting thousands of pounds on it happening!

    Yup, doubt there is much they can do about him actually telling anyone but when they look at the guys phone and there are messages from Sturridge saying chuck a couple of grand on this and if it doesn't happen i'll give you the money back i'm not sure he has much of a defence. The daft thing is that if every single bet had been allowed & actually happened the grand total of the winnings would have been about £300,000, surely Sturridge could give his family that much cash if they needed it rather than piss about like this given the rediculous salary he was on at Liverpool, Wouldn't have even been a months pay

  13. not just football though is it, Every time there is boxing in this country there is more fighting in the crowd than in the ring, Noticed it at a few gigs over the past couple of years too, people just lamping each other because there is a bit of a queue/scrum when trying to get out or move through the crowd & some chap complaining about people smoking at a stadium gig got properly sparked out & stamped on a good few times for voicing his opnion.

    Too much booze & marching powder turns arseholes into even bigger arseholes, Stick them in a crowd and the inevetable happens

  14. 45 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    Must hate his brother giving him the wrong tip. How is that type of thing found out when it’s a losing bet?

    because they are stupid enough to try and place bets over 10 grand on a player getting transfered, will flag up instantly as something being sus as most bets like this will be £10 or something, Not £13,500

  15. Sturridge banned yet again until Mid June for breaking gambling laws by telling his brother to bet on him moving to Seville, which he got wrong, again....

    Ban is worldwide & Trabzonspor have cancelled his contract. Also fined £150,000

    • Haha 2
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