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Everything posted by nazvfc

  1. I kwan see clearly now the reign (of lerner) has gone.
  2. How the **** did you know he let one rip from where you are -must've a bloody loud one!
  3. The way they run Blackburn I thought they were cowboys!
  4. Just had an email from David Bick (was on Sky Sports) - he is gonna phone me later. I'll try and find a bit of info off him. He contacted me when I was in VFC and just before it went public on Randy being interested. Probably won't get much info but here's hoping. And NO i'm not ITK or profess to be - just I do get contacted by radio/press and others from time to time.
  5. Yeah Prince William's a brummie - real name is Bill Windsor!
  6. I know David Bick and he was involved when Ellis sold - VFC was approached by him as he was consultant to Lerner over the sale. The guy is a real good bloke (West Ham Fan) but has a soft spot for the Villa and what he says is true - Lerner won't sell to just anyone. Myself and Fear met with him so I know what he says is absolutely true - we are a very good investment and can get to the top 4 with investment and I am excited by the prospect of getting someone better than Lerner and hundred fold better than Ellis. Good times ahead I feel - but we need patience - it will not be a quick sale or quick fix. Need to give the new owner(s) time (and of course the manager who ever it may be). Lerner will sell to anybody with the money, and how do you know who is going to turn out to be a good or bad owner anyway? What on the face of it, would be the difference between Gillett and Hicks ("Bad") and Fenway ("Good") for example? They will have to satisfy the premier League before any sale is sanctioned and also no matter what you say Lerner was a decent owner and at the time he bought us no one knew what was going to happen - just like we did not know what would happen with Lambert (if you did then you must be a genius). I trust the word of David Bick and if he says it I for one believe him. At least whoever we get will give people the chance to bitch and moan if things don't get done quickly or we don't get instant results.
  7. I know David Bick and he was involved when Ellis sold - VFC was approached by him as he was consultant to Lerner over the sale. The guy is a real good bloke (West Ham Fan) but has a soft spot for the Villa and what he says is true - Lerner won't sell to just anyone. Myself and Fear met with him so I know what he says is absolutely true - we are a very good investment and can get to the top 4 with investment and I am excited by the prospect of getting someone better than Lerner and hundred fold better than Ellis. Good times ahead I feel - but we need patience - it will not be a quick sale or quick fix. Need to give the new owner(s) time (and of course the manager who ever it may be).
  8. Mate you have not witnessed anything in Dougs reign other than the better days. We were never financially stable during his 25 years after he came back. He paid himself bonus after bonus for making losses. Never put his money in for transfers or to pay off the debt (even though he treated the club like his own and not as a shareholder like the other thousands - just because he had more shares and money) and had an ego that held us back year after year. You don't remember the bad times we had - we do and Randy only had 3/4 bad years out of the 8. That clearing in the woods had 25 years and more with some success in between and NEVER pushed us forward when he had the chance - Big Ron A Little, Gregory to name just a few in the Premiership years So yeah I'm thanking Randy for his time and going when he knew he had to and not hanging round like a bad smell that is spreading through our great club unlike that ******. Thanks Randy for putting your money into the club and making the infrastructure better and trying to make the team a success (at least with MON) I personally forgive you for hiring McLeish, we are all allowed a mistake or two and thank you for not getting us relegated unlike that hero to some.( Regardless of many thinking you are crap and have done nothing but wrong). Your McLeish was his McNeil, Your Houllier was his Venglos and perhaps your Lambert was his Turner. This supports Richards view that he seems to get away with it because he's not Doug. And as for always trying his best and having the clubs best interest at heart how can people honestly say that? Alex McLeish and the last 3 January transfer windows show that's not even close to being true. No it doesn't - you lot are judging him on the last 3 years only - and forget the other years - while I judge Ellis over all his tenure just like I am with Lerner - I am judging him over his full tenure not the last 3 years and in those years we had good times as well as bad just as we had in Ellis' tenure but Ellis did a lot worse and held us back more. Forgot to add - at least as I stated - Lerner is leaving when he knows he has to - Ellis hung around far too long and only left for ill health - if he wasn't he would still be here an guess what we MAY have been relegated long before now.
  9. Mate you have not witnessed anything in Dougs reign other than the better days. We were never financially stable during his 25 years after he came back. He paid himself bonus after bonus for making losses. Never put his money in for transfers or to pay off the debt (even though he treated the club like his own and not as a shareholder like the other thousands - just because he had more shares and money) and had an ego that held us back year after year. You don't remember the bad times we had - we do and Randy only had 3/4 bad years out of the 8. That clearing in the woods had 25 years and more with some success in between and NEVER pushed us forward when he had the chance - Big Ron A Little, Gregory to name just a few in the Premiership years So yeah I'm thanking Randy for his time and going when he knew he had to and not hanging round like a bad smell that is spreading through our great club unlike that ******. Thanks Randy for putting your money into the club and making the infrastructure better and trying to make the team a success (at least with MON) I personally forgive you for hiring McLeish, we are all allowed a mistake or two and thank you for not getting us relegated unlike that hero to some.( Regardless of many thinking you are crap and have done nothing but wrong). Your McLeish was his McNeil, Your Houllier was his Venglos and perhaps your Lambert was his Turner.
  10. The way those who hate him and all he stands for (citing the last 3/4 years only but ignoring the early years) - I hope to god he does do the right thing and sell us to honourable people. I'd hate this site if we got a Vincent Tan wannabe. The guy upheld the traditions of our great club. Made our European Winners welcome and celebrated. Leaves the club in a financially better position with little or no debt. Do not doubt he was a Villa Fan (and before you go stating he wasn't - nor was Ellis - he was on the board of our bitterest rivals before he came here). He's left at the right time and not hung around. I don't want another Ellis - I want someone better than that.
  11. He did hang around, hence our last 3 seasons being our 3 worst ever prem years. I can't speak for him, but I imagine that Randy thought that once the wage-bill was sorted, then we could have another go. He has probably seen the last 2 years as having to spend £25m per season to stand still, and finally realised that he does not have the finances to fire us back up the table. I can't agree at all. I think the last two seasons have all been about setting us up for a sale. But still spent nearly £40m in those 2 seasons. Would your beloved Herbert have done the same? Would he ****. He'd still hang around like a bad smell creaming money from the club. Don't care what anyone says - compare Lerner to Ellis - both hired shit managers but one bowed out when he knew it was time - the other until he was forced by ill health otherwise he'd have carried on and we WOULD have been relegated of that I'm sure - he did it before!!
  12. He did hang around, hence our last 3 seasons being our 3 worst ever prem years. So did Ellis - way too long! At least he's kept his word to go within the 10 years
  13. And he has kept his word - at the takeover he did say if he couldn't take Villa forward he would go. He has done that and not hung around. Respect for that - no matter what your feelings - HE HAS put money in (more than you know who). He HAS NOT got us relegated (not for the want of trying or by luck - for the benefit of those who hate him) and he is leaving as soon as he knows he cannot take us forward. I wish him the best and I hope to god we get a decent bloke now - hope we don't regret this. Just as everyone keeps saying any other manager could do better than Lambert - Just hope the next owner can do better and we don't end up with a Vincent Tan etc. Then some will really have something to **** moan about! whats he been doing for the last 2 years? only just realised he cant take us on???? 2 years - that other tosser hung around 25 years too long! Knock him all you want - he has done the honourable thing and is going and not hanging around. Give the guy some credit for doing the right thing ffs. He tried and is bowing out - I would understand if he said bollox and hung around then you 'd have something to really moan about. He hasn't so THANK YOU RANDY - GOODBYE and GOOD LUCK and PLEASE hand us over to a decent bloke to at least stop the bitching and moaning.
  14. And he has kept his word - at the takeover he did say if he couldn't take Villa forward he would go. He has done that and not hung around. Respect for that - no matter what your feelings - HE HAS put money in (more than you know who). He HAS NOT got us relegated (not for the want of trying or by luck - for the benefit of those who hate him) and he is leaving as soon as he knows he cannot take us forward. I wish him the best and I hope to god we get a decent bloke now - hope we don't regret this. Just as everyone keeps saying any other manager could do better than Lambert - Just hope the next owner can do better and we don't end up with a Vincent Tan etc. Then some will really have something to **** moan about!
  15. **** all those that love a manager who has proven to be completely out of his depth at OUR GREAT CLUB!!! Villa stopped being great when we had to rely on league one players in the premier league. I believe he is too good for Villa. Don't care if anybody disagrees. I love villa **** all those that disagree with me. TRO the love is never in doubt, the trouble is we are lions who support a club led by donkeys. You sure it's not Asses (or is that Arse's)
  16. But there were fans even then who felt Saunders was not who we wanted and wanted him gone (no internet then but talk in pubs etc). It wasn't all smooth Sailing even for Sir Ron Hey, I was 15, I couldn't get into pubs!! I was 16/17 and I did!
  17. But there were fans even then who felt Saunders was not who we wanted and wanted him gone (no internet then but talk in pubs etc). It wasn't all smooth Sailing even for Sir Ron
  18. If he said in a private one then he'd be talking to himself. And he'd be weird replying to his own comment. He is entitled to an opinion as we all are. Villa manager seat is a poisoned chalice. Many have tried and failed - only one succeeded - Sir Ron Saunders (and to an extent Barton). It'll take someone with bollocks as big as Villa Park cos whoever it is will not have long to get things right. I don't want to end up back in the cycle of changing managers every 2-3 years. Thought we'd moved on from that.
  19. Nah probably about Beckhams MLS franchise
  20. **** me - I've heard it all now. Lerner may not be perfect and has made some howlers but you can't fault him he put his own money in the club unlike that other one who relegated us - dismantled the European and League Champions - called fans 'men on the terrace' and had just as much (if not more) disrespect/contempt for the fans and shareholders as Lerner. For me I didn't experience any of that. In my experience as a villa fan I'd have to say lerner has been worse, however I recognise what Doug did in the past was awful. In terms of putting money in, I don't think that means he gets a free pass, I also think he'll get a lot of it back when he eventually sells. I think he's been a shocking owner and the fact our last 3 years have seen less points than Doug's final season shows how poorly he's run the club so far. He's gambled with our premiership status and has dragged us down to a level I've never seen us in before. I can't wait for his statement telling us he's leaving. I just hope for the sake of other sports fans out there he doesn't buy another sporting team. I have to agree with John. It sounds like Ellis really messed the club up in the 80s but I was too young to experience that. In my time as a Villa fan the last 2 seasons have been the worst I have experienced. The only shining light has been Bentake. Not just 80's - when we finished 2nd in the inaugral season - instead of investing to push us forward he held us back - sacked Ron Atkinson (who had an aging squad and it clearly needed investing in). So no problem guys with your views at all but some of us had over 25 years of him and that was more than enough!
  21. **** me - I've heard it all now. Lerner may not be perfect and has made some howlers but you can't fault him he put his own money in the club unlike that other one who relegated us - dismantled the European and League Champions - called fans 'men on the terrace' and had just as much (if not more) disrespect/contempt for the fans and shareholders as Lerner.
  22. I think mate that kurtsimonw was not referring to your post suttonpaul but Richard (and I don't know if Richard was being serious???)
  23. Not been a fan long then?? You disagree? 25 years I can remember. Can't quite remember McNeil but Lambert has even been worse than Venglos I do - been a villa fan more than twice as long - so have seen worse (managers and players). Lambert is one in a line we have had with two chairmen who cut costs - one did at least put his on money into the club and one who just took money out. What you after a medal for being older?! Xela used the term "worst manager he can remember". What a stupid comment!!! All I said was had he been a fan for long! and I pointed out that in MY Time I had seen worse so what's your problem??
  24. Tight fisted, tight arsed, tight everything!
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