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Posts posted by nazvfc

  1. Just want to say that I hope that the fans will give Jordan, and Idrissa and Jordan, Jose, and Jordan (Trent's confident) and whoever else new that's come in, enough time to get used to each other and a fair amount of games before they start to criticise or write off any of them.

    Not that I'm saying people are writing them off - just saying.

    Eer - go look in the Ayew thread buddy - written off after 15 mins - admittedly by one but still written off - go figure!




    @Wanny_Gredz: Haha #villa fans celebrating getting #Veretout when they a) ain't had a bid accepted looks like another Delph moment #lcfc bid €14m

    Sorry, who is this mong?
    Some Leicester fan.

    To be fair, they do have one of the most famous managers in Europe, and the best player in the history of Japan. So you know...

    They signed Honda?


    Nah a clapped out Toyota 

    • Like 2
  3. But then missed two great chances.

    Suppose he hit the bar so I call that unlucky not a miss
    I wouldn't. Ronnie Rosenthal wasn't unlucky at villa park.
    Yeah but he was a bin dipper so it was a miss!
  4. He may be 31. He may have personal issues. And he may not have played much for the past year.


    But he's a big player, who has played for and scored goals for massive clubs. If we didn't have Sherwood, there's NO WAY he would want to play for Villa in our current state.


    So with that in mind, I'm calling this one a coup.




    • Like 1
  5. When I see the 'It's Happening' GIF, I'm probably going to jizz my pants.....

    Jeez - you guys need to get out more often - not much of a sex life if you can only Jizz after Villa buy a player! Must have been your lucky week having to have jizzed several times this transfer window!


    Wouldn't be surprised there's no more left after this window is closed!  :o



    ......frogs legs now on the menu at BMH

    Bet the English would be hopping mad having to eat them!

    Naz I thinking you are leaping to conclusions


    I better hop it out of here before I get frog-marched by the mods!

  7. This is weird. 2/3 days i thought we would be relegation battlers again. I dont even know these Jordan guys and now im super excited for the new season. Hope we can push top10. Maybe im just riding the hype train into delusion though


    That's why it pays to be patient and have some patience - some always think we have to do things here and now rather than wait and see what happens. Also great that the club keep schtum and don't say a word about transfers. That way we get our man rather than do our business in the media a la Liverplop!

    • Like 1




    if we sign this lad for 10m then we must be using money excluding sales consideirng we have only received 16m for tekkers


    Not this again...


    what? :mellow:


    Everyone staggers payments.  We got 16 the same way Nantes won't be getting 10.




    Staggered payments is the norm in football.


    Unlike Grealish and certain footballers who stagger on holiday!  :P

  9. Am I the last one to realise he is Abedi Pele's son?  Yes, I probably am.

    Probably - I did mention that Jordans Dad bigged us up as a huge club and told his son to choose us as he was aware we were one of the top teams in the 80's and 90's

    • Like 1
  10. Hardly watched any footy last year, did Cambiasso actually play well for Leicester?

    I thought he was excellent when i saw him, I've not seen you post for a while, good to have you back

    Thanks mate, work pretty much killed my footy watching! That said i've got a baby due in 4 weeks so might be disappearing again :)

    Yeah congrats bud. I havent been to a game since we beat Blackburn 4-1 at VP just over 3 years ago. Its my sons 3rd birthday today! :-) No sympathy required here but my boy had his foot amputated at 11 months old, this is his prosthetic :-)


    Hope everything's ok mate being a dad and grandad I know the pains of parenthood. Good luck to you and your son and family
    • Like 2
  11. I expect him to be proud to wear the colours and give his all. Anything else is a bonus!

    This all day. Was going to post the same.

    Don't agree with that at all. We may as well have kept Weimman and Albrighton if that's all we expect from our players.
    Well saying you expect x number of goals is unreasonable too. So if they don't get them you gonna critisize them and call them flops. Benteke wouldn't have scored those goals without assists he never made the goals himself each and every goal was an assist unless he took the free kicks goal kicks and passed the ball to himself. I don't expect a player to score a certain number of goals at all I expect them to play as a team. Don't give a flying fig where the goals come from
    • Like 1
  12. Genuine question here,

    Why do some folk class this as "No Chance" when he would be the cheapest of the recent French League imports?

    Because we can't have positivity about signing s player just like the ones we bought. Our fans have such low esteem of the club and the pulling power of it and sherwood. And when we do its x will be gone in s year or two rather than think maybe get a team together where they WON'T want to leave us.
  13. For the money were spending i expect at least 10 - 15

    What you expect and what you get is totally different so I hope we give the guy a chance and don't judge if he doesn't !!
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