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Posts posted by nazvfc

  1. Guys, he ain't that great and we paid over the odds for him. No amount of angry keyboard bashing will change that. Surely being out of breath after less than 10 minutes says all you need to know.

    If you are questioning my knowledge of the La Français Ligue Un, ask Marseille fans and French commentators what they think. The reaction = 13m Euro's WTF?

    And the genk fans said the same about benteke - won't make it blah de f'ing blah. I'll wait and see for myself than trust the 'experts'. Mine eyes will tell Me more than the musings of what shall I say 'someone who may or may not watch French league football' I certainly don't watch it. I like to judge for myself.
    • Like 2
  2. I'm not a big fan of 4-4-2, but thinking about having Gueye and Veretout in centre-mid, with Grealish and Ayew on the wings and Adebayor and Gestede upfront is making me salivate.

    Well at least it's better than jizzing. Place is getting messy and sticky on here.
  3. Strewth. He's not struggling with the ladies is he.

    Ha! Ha! I actually thought they were males! Seeing as I don't delve into profiles to see what they are or where from!

    Thought there was too much man love going on there for a moment!

  4. lets see- oldish player from a lower league scores a hatful of goals (1in2). Not impressed not what we need (say some).

    We buy a younger player from a similar level league who had no experience but overnight became world class and had quite a few saying not good enough at the beginning.

    How about giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. Let's see and 6m is better value than overpriced Austin and 85k wages!





    So if Adebayor, veretout, Gestede and possibly a centre back sign, what way does that leave our squad in regards to the 25 man limit?

    Hmm certainly need to see a few exit that is for sure.
    Id be looking to find Herd somewhere to go to. Loan or sell Seigrist. Loan out Steer. Sell or loan out Donacien. That gets us (without any more ins/outs) back down to 25.

    If we could offload Cissokho, Bennett, Nzogbia and Tonev that would leave room for a couple of strikers and a couple of midfielders which is what I think we need.

    Senderos and Cole are in their last year and if anyone wanted them I'd be happy to let them leave but would need replacing like for like.

    If Baker is to go then like Senderos would need a like for like replacement. Bacuna and Gardner would have 6 months to earn a new contract.

    Clark needs a new deal. After that and if we had any budget left I'd be thinking Hutton and Richardson are replaceable.

    Thought Herd had been released???

    Maybe Whispers knows something about Herd


    Nah he's making it up he's not he(a)rd a thing!

  6. Just my opinion - but I think we are building a squad rather than a damp squib! I'm sure the players we have incoming and already here are not demanding first team football - they may be happy to be part of a squad that will get game time throughout the season - why does it mean one goes if one comes in. Might be but ---


    It ain't necessarily soooo! 

  7. Bloody hell - grown men impatient like little kids out shopping and wanting a toy so bad they throw a strop and stand still and not move a muscle until they get what they want or the parent just keeps walking.


    DO you go shopping with your other halves and have a strop cos you can't go for a pint while she's looking at lingerie or dresses - have a bit of patience. If it happens it happens - if not I'm sure the team at Villa are doing everything to get others in IF things go tits up (no Jordan puns intended  :P)


    Chillax, - here's a few soothing and calming words  for you - LIBRIUM, VALIUM and MOGADON. There! calm now?? - No thought not!! :)




    I was at BHX a few years back waiting for someone on a Friday afternoon and the Odense squad walked through as they were playing us the next day in the Intertoto I think.


    Recognised Djemba-Dejmba and I think Laudrup was managing them at the time, quite a cool few minutes.


    I did the same at Dortmund airport. Got to see Shinji!


    I met Kyle Walker at Alton Towers just after the season he was on loan with us....

    I also met Ken Hom in Woolworths... He was shopping for DVDs...


    I saw Craig from big brother in Tenerife once. At least I think it was him, he was quite far away


    You sure it wasn't on the TV ?  :P




    As an aside, how expensive would it be to charter the lad a private jet? £10k? Wouldn't that be more prudent?


    Our chairman is Randy Lerner......


    The same guy sanctioning the spending and not pocketing the money as some categorically state as fact at each and every turn!



    Yep, the very same.


    So not a tight git as such? 


    As an aside, how expensive would it be to charter the lad a private jet? £10k? Wouldn't that be more prudent?


    Our chairman is Randy Lerner......


    The same guy sanctioning the spending and not pocketing the money as some categorically state as fact at each and every turn!

    • Like 3
  11. My nephew says that french press saying he is going to Koemans House then flying to Southampton to sign for them - they aere the 'big club' not Villa - asked for source just said French Press! He is a worry pants admittedly as he believes most of what twitter says normally.


    Gueye will be better.


    Potentially. From day 1?


    Yes - if Ayew can be classed as shit after 15mins then damn right we can class Gueye as better than Delph after more than 90 minutes!

    • Like 2

    Hes right though, I mean how much did he cost and whats he done?  Nothing!!!


    I have taken shits for a longer duration of time than he's graced the pitch in a Villa shirt. mhmmm.  ^_^



    And when the turd drops in the water (and no I don't mean Delph) - maybe I should start calling my turds 'deplhs' - the noise it makes makes more sense than some posters!  :P

    • Like 2


    Only just been able to see if we're linked to anybody new today as the Mrs keeps hiding my phone as I'm "Spending my f*****g life on VillaTalk". I've got over 3 weeks off work, what does she expect? On topic, has anybody seen much of Gestede? I only saw him a couple of times last year, not enough to judge him as a player.

    Damn double post

    I guess it is hard to see the phone hiding in that cupboard under the stairs.

    I much prefer sitting in the toilet with it. Plus I get to kill 2 birds with one stone that way.


    Jeez - your Turds that big! Go see a doctor mate! :P


    Saw Leicester last night. They are shocking and will be struggling to stay up next season, really poor side


    You can't judge a team based on pre-season performances IMO.


    But some on here do! 

  16. Lads in terms of the owners willingness to spend. They actually have more money than us.

    Aye - but we've got CLASS and Tim Sherwood, Wilkins, Great Fans, Great Stadium, Fantastic Name and world famous fans - alll they got is Gary Lineker, Frank Worthington and a huge amount of free crisps!


    Villa Park or Potato Chip Stadium, the choice is obvious.

    It's the Kung Po Chicken stadium now, but it's still a shed. Lol.

    (Edit: that's a play on words of the King Power, not some king of racial slur)


    sorry mate - yo're nothing of the kind - that mantle belongs to Bernard Manning or Nigel Farage or Katie Hopkins



    Just want to say that I hope that the fans will give Jordan, and Idrissa and Jordan, Jose, and Jordan (Trent's confident) and whoever else new that's come in, enough time to get used to each other and a fair amount of games before they start to criticise or write off any of them.

    Not that I'm saying people are writing them off - just saying.

    I think Scott has been written off.
    He's neither French, French-speaking or, come from France and, he's not named Jordan so he is possibly exempt from protection!

    But! If his surname had have been St Clair or Eclair well, that might have earned him some cover!


    Not if it was Jenny he wouldn't  ;)

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