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Everything posted by sled

  1. My first thoughts were just that. Perhaps "Barca were too good for United" just wins it for me. For me Ferguson was guilty of too much faith in an ageing Giggs. But that's with hindsight. The goal in the 10th minute knocked the stuffing* out of United and after that most of them were struggling to find some form. *as you also said
  2. MOTM for United? Hateful bastard I know, but I'm inclined to say Ronaldo. And by some margin.
  3. Xavi, easily. Iniesta is a great player but he didn't really do anything special in this match. Did you watch the game? Perhaps you have just got the players mixed up. Did YOU watch the game?
  4. Xavi, easily. Iniesta is a great player but he didn't really do anything special in this match. I agree. Iniesta has been in many ways Barça's Player of the Season. But he can play so much better than tonight. Ge's so often the target for crude challenges and tonight coming back from injury I felt he was feeling his way a little bit. And diving a wee bit too. Whereas Xavi's passing tonight was superb.
  5. Xavi, Messi, Puyol and Busquets outstanding.
  6. I'll probably watch it. For last year's Final I was invited out by 2 friends who couldn't give a shit about football. "Let's all meet up and go to a bar and watch it." All I can remember is the penalty shoot out. One friend sat with his back to the screen throughout the match. Every time I tried to watch he started asking me loads of questions. I couldn't concentrate. This year I've received the same message from the same friends. Oh no, never again. I only normally use txtspk when I'm pissed off. My reply reads: "Haf 2 b up v v erly am & wot wiv da pills im on cant go out tonite... Sum ova ECL final huh?" Puyol at RB? Iniesta & Henry coming back & probably not match fit? Got to be Manure. Hope not though. Please not 0-0, extra time & penalties.
  7. I think Barça may feel the absence of Alves and Abidal rather more than Newton Heath will miss Fletcher. Both teams have been playing their reserves lately and Barça have lost their last two games. Henry and Iniesta will be available. And Iniesta has been shit hot all season. The head says United but not the heart.
  8. Failed yourself. You used the word "ever" right? 4 leagues, 6 Cups... Next question.
  9. .......Goalkeeper .......4 at the back .........Reo-Coker ....Petrov...........Barry Milner.................... A. Young .......1 man up sorted
  10. Yes, following on from that: I think this thread could eventually be merged with the one alluded to above by leviramsey and be broadened to include the debate on safe standing at football matches. It could produce posts like: Well I sit in the Trinity Upper so I always remain seated but sometimes I piss myself during the match and I always always stand up to do that. On the other hand when Number Twos are the order of the day...
  11. I must say I find all this "Barry or Petrov" stuff **** childish.
  12. An enigmatic comment which can only lead to lots of unpleasant speculation.
  13. Oh no! I do hope it's nothing to do with any of the issues raised on this thread.
  14. Just to say that I agree with every single word of that, John.
  15. One thing this thread shows is that: 1. quite a few of those who wipe standing up react to the suggestion of doing it in another way with: "I just can't believe that people actually do this sitting down!" and plain "Sitting down??? Wff?!?! I probably did myself. 2. quite a few of those who wipe sitting down react to the suggestion of doing it in another way with: "I just can't believe that people actually do this standing up!" and plain "Standing up??? Wff?!?!? Not word for word but more or less. It's certainly an educational thread though. Right, off to experiment again. I'd add: 3. quite a few of those who wipe sitting down react to the suggestion of doing it standing up with: "WTF? why would I want to stand up and cake my buttocks with shit when they clamp together when I can keep them nicely apart by remaining sitting?". I've yet to see a reasonable reason why someone would wipe standing, but the hygienic nature of remaining sitting is there for all to see. Well if you insist on proving my point... I guess the rest of us are a bit silly then. I'm hazarding a guess but maybe some of us never really thought about hygiene issues in relation to wiping of arse until we saw this thread. We just did it in the way Mummy showed us.
  16. One thing this thread shows is that: 1. quite a few of those who wipe standing up react to the suggestion of doing it in another way with: "I just can't believe that people actually do this sitting down!" and plain "Sitting down??? Wff?!?! I probably did myself. 2. quite a few of those who wipe sitting down react to the suggestion of doing it in another way with: "I just can't believe that people actually do this standing up!" and plain "Standing up??? Wff?!?!? Not word for word but more or less. It's certainly an educational thread though. Right, off to experiment again.
  17. When you say posters do you mean people who post on here? :?
  18. Too much of this and the bowl eventually breaks away from its moorings. Oh and why do you say your own bodyweight?
  19. You may have noticed none of the Mods have shared their secrets with us on this thread. I imagine the excellent David Icke would have very little trouble explaining that one away. :nod:
  20. What about if you have to spend a fortnight in Doncaster? Or Horsham?
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