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Posts posted by Neil

  1. 26 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    This season is already over, I think this is why I don't actually care about Garde's win ratio, in my mind his job starts proper in the summer window. 

    I hope he doesn't see it like that, he needs to be striving for improvement and results now to take into the championship.

    Not capitulate for the rest of the entire season and hope "it'll be alright on the night" in the championship.

  2. 1 hour ago, r1hvy said:

    What can Libor be doing wrong which makes Remi think that Gestede is a consistently better option? Somebody tell me please?

    Nobody can tell you that, even garde himself I fear.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, sexbelowsound said:

    Putting Garde to one side for the moment. Do you actually have any faith in the people making the managerial decisions to appoint someone who, as you say, has a clue?

    Simply put "No" as theyve royally **** that up for as long as i can remember with no signs of it changing.

  4. 4 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    Problem is, no one else is going to take any of our crap off our hands.

    Well there in lies the problem, I'm not really sure what your point is though because all we're saying is play others (players already at the club, including kids) instead of the non-conformists.

    I'm not sure how that changes anything regarding having to pay them.  We have to pay them whether we play them or not, nobody is going to want to buy them whether they play or not...playing more deserving players is getting the best players at our disposal and for the long term of this club on the pitch now.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    So yet another Bomb squad? We've had more of them than the Luftwaffe...

    To be honest I would care about that - Lerner isn't splashing the cash and if we keep paying the disillusioned and lazy to rot in the reserves he's not likely to fund players who want to play here as we'd go over the wage budget.

    The club need to sort this out - find a way of reinstilling pride and desire.

    We need to get ready for the championship, we have players apparently defying the managers orders...why should they get on the pitch?  None of what lerner spends, bomb squad or anything counts - the best players should get on the pitch and best includes those who want to play for the badge and follow the managers orders right?  We'll instantly get a better team with that calibre of player, if the managers correctly followed plan is actually anything to go by.

    Honestly, who cares about anything else other than the right players getting on the pitch.  You don't just play a defiant shit because you're paying him x amount of money.

  6. 6 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    33 years old. Legs gone. Two year deal. 2m. Who decided this was a good signing?

    I like how you zoom in on this like it stands out from the glut of shite we've hired over the years.  We're terrible at recruitment lol.

  7. 25 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    And what do we do with those dropped? We still have to pay them and the less they play the less we'll get for them in a transfer window.

    In reality, who actually cares?  Aston Villa only requires a squad of players to fulfill the positions in a starting 11 + bench.  They can rot in the reserves until they decide to change their attitude and apply themselves, happens all the time.  Players should be winning their position in a side, not just defacto because you pay them money.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Richard said:

    Drop every single one of those not listening and play kids . He has nothing to lose, we are down anyway, we expect to get beat by every team we face. Play the kids and see what response he gets and maybe, just maybe he will unearth a gem or two for next year

    Yah, like I say if he plays people who defy him then more fool him.

    Surely making a champions league team out of kids is his famously mooted forte, so what's to lose?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Daweii said:

    He was furious earlier as I think whatever he says to the players they just ignore. You can pretty much tell the players that respect him and the club out there on that pitch and they were the only three playing well.. Gil, Veretout and Ayew. When you only have three players pulling in one direction and the rest going in the other it's what's causing the issues. Now I'm not letting Garde off completely as he needs to impose himself more as he knows our failings and is likely trying to rectify them, but if every player is like "yes boss", "okay boss", "will do boss" in training and then shows on match day they weren't listening then what can he do really.

    If he's a real believer in his own system, and some are not following orders...change it up to those who will maybe?  Can't get any worse, and persisting with players who defy you is just stupid no?  I think we actually have a few players more deserved of a chance in many departments, so he's only got himself to blame if he plays players that "don't respect him and hte club".

  10. 1 hour ago, Kingman said:

    Have to admit Remi is clueless, out of his depth and dose not deserve the abuse. 

    IMO Just another pawn set up to fail that directs the immediate flak away from the unqualified board! 


    57 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Garde is not clueless and he's not shit. He's just in a situation that he has neither the experience or skill set to get out of. His transition from player to coach/manager was at arsenal and his managerial experience with Lyon. How can his experiences in the game help him with this awful current scenario?

    If we were 12th/13th I'd be confident that a few years under Garde would see us challenging for the top 6 spot. But I'm having serious doubts that he's going to be able to rebuild a club in this type of mess. While most don't mind relegation, I feel failure to return in the first couple of years could have some serious long term damage. 


    Agree with both of these, my gut just tells me he hasn't got he minerals and there's nothing in his portfolio to change my gut.

    Though again, just have to plod on with the guy and hope for the best till the end of season - for want of any better solution really, down is done already.

  11. 9 minutes ago, mwj said:

    Who **** cares about the **** win % or anything else this season for **** sake. We are down and need a rebuild. Remi is the man for that job.

    Not sure what you're suggesting, that even after January and until the end of this entire season we continue our current form under this manager he is hte right man to pull us out of the Championship?  I'm going to guess I'm reading this wrong, because that is just utter nonsense.

  12. 1 minute ago, mykeyb said:

    How bad does Kozak have to be to not get picked ahead of probably one of the worst strikers I have seen in my 40 odd years as a Villa fan.?

    Honestly, they will probably turn out to be both bad.  But persisting with the one that continues to fail you game after game, and strictly ommiting the other that has done nothing wrong to demonstrate he is any worse just smacks of pride before sense. Stubbornness can be the worst trait in anyone.

  13. 1 minute ago, Barney_avfc said:

    I've already answered this thought from another poster fella. I think he's looking for a new striker and clearly doesn't rate kozak. 

    Yet one stands as a spare goal post, the other has scored goals when he's played in the under 21s.  Both are probably shite, but the goal post has done nothing to keep the other out of the team.

    I'm leaning towards the stubborn fool myself.

  14. 54 minutes ago, Barney_avfc said:

    The man is no fool and doesn't strike me as a man to suffer fools either. Imo he seems like he would sooner get rid of anyone not pulling there weight. He will do things his way wether the fans or players like it or not. That's what I think we need and that's why I think he will do well long term. 

    Like persisting with Gestede as the only option, even though he isn't.

    Fine line between a genius who is always right and a stubborn fool...

  15. 38 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Having faith in him getting us promoted and keeping us in the league, based on 3 years in Lyon is starting to look pointless. He's showing nothing here to suggest much. 


    My gut instinct tells me this, but we're between rock and hard place - our only option is to support him till end of season and hope for the best.

  16. Worth noting, that by observed popular opinion, one of our best players from the early parts of the season has gone to complete shit under the new manager.  Not necessary my opinion, just based on what I've read in the Richards thread.

  17. Bored of wasting my breath, should be getting a game with our current crop against lower league opposition.  Surely it's his supposed specialty if all he can bag goals against is inferior opposition like the under 21s.

    Frustrating, not like he was any worse than anyone in his last 2 second cameo for the first team.  Bullshit is what it is.

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