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Everything posted by The_Steve

  1. He was offside though..... Shane Long played him onside
  2. If we went in 2-1 down it would be different game - Carew was level.
  3. Long played Carew onside for the goal it looks like
  4. We score in the first ten minutes and were back in the game.
  5. It's the FA Cup league form goes out the window
  6. Warnock's had a good half it's the other defenders not picking up Long.
  7. Reading are being psychical and we aren't matching them, I won't want to be in the dressing room now.
  8. Let's hope our set pieces and crossing are good today.
  9. Unanimous condemnation of Dowd on SS and rightly so. I find it incredible they said Dowd defended his decision, I would love to see his quotes on that.
  10. You can become 'a fan' of Phil "no balls" Dowd on Facebook
  11. "So had the scores also stayed the same when 10 played 11 yesterday, Villa would have won 1-0. Plus, there is considerable difference between losing a nippy winger with 61 minutes to go and the most experienced centre-half with 86 minutes to survive. To replace Vidic, United would have had to introduce Wes Brown at the expense of a midfielder: Ji-Sung Park, perhaps, or Antonio Valencia, who set up the winning goal and won man of the match. " Samuel is dead right. Imagine if Valencia or Park went off after 5 minutes - it would have been a different game.
  12. According to the Daily Fail if yesterday was Warnock's audition for England's left back he "fluffed his lines". I thought Warnock had a fine game but the paper decided to give most of our players 6/10.
  13. warnocks slip was when they hit the post at the end of the 45th minute ... wasn't it ? Indeed. In fairness to him though the pitch was very slippery and in a poor condition. His tackle on Valencia in the first half when he caught up with him was brilliant.
  14. I'm sure if Poll was in charge yesterday he probably would have booked Vidic three times. This shouldn't be swept under the carpet, is there a way to complain about a referee? I hope this keeps coming up in the media.
  15. Graeme Poll is a massive tool, so I disregard most of what he says. Dowd is a massive word removed of an even higher order to coming up with this excuse, would he have done the same if the was foul was commited by Dunne on Owen? I doubt it, he probably would have dished out some card.
  16. I thought Heskey played well, shame United tried to kick lumps out of him for most of the game.
  17. Are we surprised that time and time again, referee's are afraid to make the big decisions against Man United? For fear of Ferguson's reaction. It was Dowd who sent Rooney and Scholes off against Fulham, which lead SAF to comment about Phil Dowd. The sooner that bacon faced word removed retires the better. I'm not excusing Dowd here, he was very poor, why is the level of refereeing in this country so bad/inconsistent?
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