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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. Nassef will be taking a very hands on approach, day to day, this is excellent news as he clearly knows his stuff. Will be interesting to see who they bring in football expertise wise, be it as a DOF or an adviser. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, holteend1982 said:

    Because sacking a manager a few weeks before the season starts is a gamble... 

    So we can't take any risks? You're in the wrong thread if you don't want to be talking about new managers bud ?

  3. 1 hour ago, holteend1982 said:

    So after gambling everything last season to get promotion you think this season we should gamble even more? No matter how rich an owner we have we still need sort this ffp and awful financial situation out before we even think about taking risks imo. 

    Not quite sure how you  got that from what I said other than not selling Jack and getting a proper manager, I personally wouldn't call it a gamble, but hey that's my opinion and you're entitled to yours

    • Like 1
  4. Simple sack Bruce, keep Grealish. We will get even more out of Grealish with a technical/progressive manager and thus more likely to get promoted, negated the worry of FFP anyway. Now's the time for a fresh blueprint. Keep those we want to, sale those we don't add in a few able replacements at the right age and cost and go for promotion. Problem solved. 

    Bruce will equal what we did last year, but with less success as he hasn't got Dads army anymore. An old dog doesn't learn new tricks and all that.

    Thierry Henry Claret and Blue Army ??

    • Like 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, VERB27 said:

    A bit weird of Bruce’s to do that press interview with Sky if this was in the pipeline.

    I know it was probably at initial stages then but SB’s tone was pretty strong considering. 

    It was far from certain that Xia would agree to the majority sale and only decided in the last few days to accept a minority stake and thus investment. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, New_Hope said:

    RL was a tin pot $ billionaire in comparison to these two and as soon as financial constraints hit (divorce etc.) needed to asset strip in-order to claw back the money he had paid in or loaned etc.  Then steps up the master illusionist himself who backed everything on the name of AVFC, parachute payments etc etc to earn a quick buck and would become a cash cow for himself (we all know how that worked out).  It is also true about the smoke screen regarding Xia's actual business portfolio's.

    One thing is for sure is that Sawiris and Edens don't need AVFC to make money; they have enough of that.  They are also very transparent in their business dealings.  Therefore, AVFC must be project for them both to enjoy.  Although as it turns out, this project (if done correctly) will in fact rise in value to both of them. 

    Despite seeing so many hopes and dreams come to nothing in the last decade, this to me feels different because of the pedigree of both respective new owners.  They are no fools in the business world and I would be dumbfounded to believe that they have taken us on without having a clear strategy that ensure progress, growth, sustainability and success (which of course will be defined as our position continues to grow).

    Good post that and I agree entirely. They are the real deal indeed. Excited to see what plans they have.

  7. 21 minutes ago, dubbs said:

    Just read a couple of pages on the WWFC forum.  They've really got a bee in their bonnet haven't they?  They reckon we're still fooked lol. I really hope they get off to a spectacularly bad start to the season.

    Very Salty on Twitter too. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    If speculation is to be believed it seems they left it as late as possible to invest ensuring the best price but at the same avoiding administration. 

    Then again the negotiations must have been going on some time I assume. 

    A few weeks. Did their Due Dilligence as they negotiated price and stake. Also allowed the chance for EFL to check it over.

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  9. 1 hour ago, ferguson1 said:

    Thanks again mate for the snippets that you are able to provide.   The one thing I don't get with this takeover and the announcement yesterday and excuse me for being a bit "thick", but why invest now?   Wouldn't we have gotten into a far worse position over the next few days/weeks etc, whereby the price for investment would have been better for them?    Would there have been a good reason to act/invest at this point?   I was thinking was it avoid certain player sales etc?    Any information you can give here would be greatly appreciated.  

    I don't know what their reasons were (Xia's was to avoid Administration) I'd say it speaks to their intentions that they didn't wait until we were in admin. I guess it gets more complicated as you're then dealing with someone appointed to look after the assets and they'd be a bidding war, so I guess they paid a little extra to get it now and avoid that. It would also of meant a 12 point deduction which instantly would have made promotion way way harder. That's why I think they acted now. 

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Okonokos said:

    So all sounds like they'll be in full ownership within a couple of months then and Xia will be history? The sooner the better.

    Main thing is he doesn't really hold any power now and doesn't bring anything to the table either (he has no cash) so just along for the ride in the hope he can get some money back when we go up. If I were him, I'd have done the same. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    I'm not disputing your info dude. To be honest, I've kinda missed the whole debate but I did see you say yesterday that you know info but you don't want to tell anyone. Comments like that are just asking for trouble.

    But hey ho, doesn't bother me, Villa are seemingly saved so let's all celebrate :D

    Well you missed the context, a few weeks ago I was given a rough ride, so I decided to say nothing and then when it was still going on yesterday I did bite and say "I know plenty" in my defence I've taken all the 'banter' on the chin and not fired back, so I think I'm allowed one jab. I see how it would look out of context though. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Spoony said:

    I do always think re billionaire football ego who can be the billionaire billy big bollocks:

    London - the capital. Taken (Chelsea).

    Manchester - de facto home of top class football, disrupted by City. Taken. 

    Birmingham - the second city. Anybody???

    Birmingham - Home to the team the future king supports? 

  13. 1 minute ago, Okonokos said:

    Is it just a case of fit and proper persons test now before the full takeover?

    I don't think so. It was definitely a quick way to get cash into the club as I 'think' a full takeover would of gone beyond the deadline for the bills we had to pay. The fact the EFL approved the deal so quickly is testament to how dire the situation was. I'm sure once they pass the proper tests which won't take weeks like Xia did) we will see more info. For now though Xia is around...........to make the tea.

    On a serious note, If I were the new guys I'd ask Xia to stop tweeting now. It's not needed and is just a distraction. We need the upmost professionalism moving forward.

  14. 44 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I read all his posts avidly, without knowing whether they are genuine or not. Not being part of this `inner circle' , which you obviously are, I can only go by what is publicly posted.

    It is not that that bothers me, it is the `I know something that you don't, and I cannot tell you' that I find annoying - and I don't think I am the only one.

    Anyway, as I say, I read all his posts and react with him, and will continue to do so.

    Thanks for your post. Hope my response clarifies my other posts.



    I'm flattered to be the source of such debate, but we're off topic unless we start a thread on me? "The Ego's vague, I know more than you" thread? I'm sure everyone will love that!! ? Anyway, I'm more excited by Villa than I have been since Lerner bought us, perhaps even more so and I can't wait to see what decisions are taken after they've done their homework.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, PieFacE said:

    That's fine. Any ITK dude is cool as long as they provide info. The minute they start saying "I know things but I can't be arsed to tell everyone" is the moment they pretty much lose respect from everyone. They're just winding people up at that point.


    Fortunately I checked with Mods that I wasn't breaking any guidelines and also shared info with them so they know I'm not "winding people up" (I know this perhaps wasn't aimed at me per se) anyway as my last post said, let's all be happy. UTV

    • Like 2
  16. 1 minute ago, villabromsgrove said:

    I searched the net for weeks after we first heard about Xia and found nothing apart from penny shares with dodgy companies. Lerner announced that Xia shared his "vision and shared his passion for architecture", Hollis (erroneously) thought Xia helped to design the Birdsnest Olympic stadium in Beijing. Apart from that there was b*gger all!

    I've spent a few hours searching both guys today, and everything I've read has ticked all the right boxes. This could be good!

    Agreed VB, this feels right where as Xia never really did. I hope it's all that and some, we deserve a break. What an horrendous summer.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    His 6% of Adidas is actually the biggest individual shareholding and he sits on the board. If you go on their corporate website his photo and bio is right there.  I think he has enough power at Adidas to sponsor The Holte End urinals if he wants to. 

    You can find out more in a few mins on both men than you can in the entirety of Xia's reign.

    • Like 2
  18. Just now, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I just googled richest men in Africa and his brother and fathers names also popped up. 

    Seriously wealthy family. 

    I haven’t been this excited since Lerner took over. 

    yes richest family in Egypt. Our guy has 3 private jets and a massive massive yacht. This is a proper billionaire and mixes in rich circles too. 

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