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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. 46 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

    I disagree, we're united when it counts, the McLeish and Lerner out campains for example. Discussions on message boards are another thing that should not be blown out of proportion.

    Well I'd say it COUNTS NOW, so who leads  on these things? Who do I need to speak too? Does anyone really have an appetite to protest? i've not seen one on any message board, twitter or real life.

  2. 1 minute ago, WaccoeOnline said:

    To be fair we weren’t aiming for the Brimningham press but we did make it all over the national tabloids, particularly with the projection stunt.  And into his local papers in Italy.  But the insulting posters all round the ground were as effective in making him uncomfortable and unhappy.  

    Heres a bit of the coverage





    of course at the time you were probably still enjoying your football, no need to pay attention to a northern club on its knees...

    I followed it with interest and only wish our fan base could manage to collaberate, sadly it's far too busy taking pot shots at one another after years of divide and conquer. Apathy is the main emotion of many. A dangerous mindset.

  3. No mention in his statement about how he proposes to fund the running of the club day to day WITHOUT investment (and let's face it no one worth their weight will invest in us without clear involvement or control/influence) Deliberately sent out at a time where it could be somewhat hidden and full of woolly statements. That said I asked for him to speak up and I'm glad he has. 

    No bank loans (misleading as many will read it as no debt.

    I took it to mean, brace yourself for impending sales (Grealish, Adomah, Chester and Hogan/Kodjia) expect to keep hearing about FFP (whilst remembering Bournemouth only JUST got fined fr 14/15 season) If we had CASH (we don't) he could easily ignore FFP (not that we really should be though, as we do need to be sustainable) He is definitely trying to blur the lines between FFP and no cash flow or lack of cash flow. To me it's all rather disingenuous, quite the opposite of 'open' 

    Again, where is the detail on how he proposes to fund the club? He makes out the changes at Senior level were 'strategic' as opposed to a chaotic dismissal with Wyness and cost cutting with Round. 

    Didn't trust him from day one and don't know. I believe he will sell  and he's trying to control the 'narrative and optics' So much left unsaid. Be worried people, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better imo

    • Like 3
  4. 13 hours ago, A'Villan said:

    Well spotted.

    Although with technology as it is it's perfectly possible translators were involved, given the magnitude of our situation, I would be surprised had they not spoken on some level.


    Guys, he does speak English, not super fluently but better when he's not in front of the cameras apparently. Sometimes it's easier to speak a language than to write in it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, lmarsha_926 said:

    It will only be on the players training wear so who cares 

    I didn't say I did (and I don't) I was just letting NV know that is their new logo. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    It's not even their usual logo so I'm not sure where it's come from.

    That is their new logo now and it's listed at the foot of the OS exactly the same. It's terrible

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

    To be fair, @TheEgo, although your Tuesday comment was backed up with the required 'it might be nothing' caveats, you have given information as ITK, even if you haven't labelled yourself as 'ITK'.

    Hopefully something does happen today, and I'm sure we all hope you're right that some buyers are going through due diligence and are close to a takeover.


    And I stand by that 100% I've only ever said anything with good intent. All in that post as far as I'm concerned still stands. The test of time will show whether I'm wrong and if I am hey ho, do I deserve abuse....not really, but thanks anyway haha!!  

    much love to all ? as I said life is way too short to be arguing with strangers on the internet so fill your boots and I'll go back to reading. I bid you ado!! 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    Haha lolz

    We can meet in person and sort this out like proper hard geezers if that would make you feel better big man? 

    Ha!! Life is way to short to be arguing with strangers off the internet, so I'll decline your rather tempting idea to meet behind the bike sheds ?

  9. 1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    And rightly so, put yourself on a pedestal and be prepared to get shot at.

    Another one.............

    something MAY happen Tuesday (is what I was told) Hardly pedestal material is it. Oh look an internet poster making a mountain out of a molehill and being all tough from behind his mum's computer

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Has anyone seen the rumour (Via Neil Moxley) than we are in advanced talks with Zhang Fan (Chinese), Chairman of Goodix ( A touch screen manufacturer) for sale?

    Personal net worth is 2.1 Billion.

    Not too shabby.

    EDIT: Saw this on Facebook, please digest with salt.

    Not true bud, it was a fake account. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    It's 1:05 pm Doha time and we haven't been taken over by Jeff Bezos yet!

    @TheEgo out!


    Never said anything about a takeover, in fact I never said anything other then we MAY hear 'something' Tuesday. Chinese whispers though eh ? anyway it's narcissistic of me to reply so I'll be sure to whip myself 3 times ? 

  12. 14 minutes ago, Darth Villa said:

    I think this is a reasonable stance regarding ITK type posts but equally isn't it the random speculation and insinuations that keep us coming back to Villa Talk? 

    What we know for certain is tomorrow is definitely Tuesday and it will be followed by Wednesday.

    We suspect out owner is a tw@t and our club is fooked financially speaking but let's not forget we definitely all want a good outcome, no matter how irritating we find some posts...we're all Villans after all or at least I think we are?

    and we should also factor in I was literally told "keep an eye out for Tuesday" and I posted exactly that. No "wait, huge news Tuesday, but I can't say what it is"  which I'd expect to be questioned, I would too ha! I don't know it to be true, but it made me think "eh up, maybe there will be some news" so I shared. I clarified this 3 times, whilst adding I don't know anything else, so no teaser or preview, literally word for word what was said. Yet some get so gnarly its unreal. Some of the OTT reactions reminds me why I stopped posting. 

    • Like 4
  13. 1 minute ago, Okonokos said:

    Wasn't having a go. It was actually a genuine question. I've been skim-reading the last few pages of this thread and noticed you said something about Tuesday. I wasn't doubting or questioning you, just wondering if you knew how likely this Tuesday thing is.

    Sorry mate, I should have been clear it wasn't directed at you. It was a wider point i was addressing ? I have no idea how likely it is or what it could be or anything at all!!

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