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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. 9 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    Yep he'll be like a sulking kid in the corner now his expensive toy has broke. I imagine once the new guys get in their own CEO and dare I say it manager Xia will take the hint. I'd assume there will be option in the deal to fully buy him out at later date (bit like Leeds last season when Cellino left).

    Anyway this can only be good news considering we were struggling to pay tax bills 3 weeks ago. Settles us down (Grealish will still leave but looks like we can keep everyone else) and one of the co owners also has good experience from running an American sports team.

    My only caution is let's hope we can get agreement on key decisions from 2/3 voices as I remember the chaos at Liverpool when Hicks and Gillett fell out so that could be an issue in the future.

    There is one option at promotion, but I don't see these guys hanging around. They will do what's needed and if Xia doesn't contribute he'll be off

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, villianusa said:

    I don't think many of the post have been silly, but it's your right to stay anonymous and have others question your knowledge.

    Trust me there have been plenty over the weeks. I'm cool with it though, people are entitled to post as they please. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I saw 55 percent somewhere, but not sure.

    I saw another report say 40/40/20

    The 20 being Tony and the 40/40 being the other 2.

    It's much closer to 30/30/40 (xia) so overall a 60/40 controlling stake. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, villianusa said:

    No disrespect to you meant, but I like to see evidence of stuff before I believe most things. Not saying you don't know these things, just wondering how you know theses things without giving sources away.

    They'll be people on here and elsewhere that can vouch for certain things I've said to them privately, but I'm not really overly fussed what others think or believe in truth bud. In an ideal world we'd all just share what we know, but it's just not worth all the silly posts.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, rubberman said:

    Anyone got any idea about how these 2 got together / know each other? Seems either could have bought us on their own. Wes (first names for my new pals) has some sports involvement, but not that much that he would be an expert brought in to help out. Have they done stuff together before? 

    I've been looking into that too. I read an article (which I now can't find) about Nassef setting up a Sports company in which to do this kind of thing and I guess as Wes co-owns an NBA team, they may of met that way? There are photos on google with them both at the same location and event name tags etc!! I'd like to know that though, I know they found each other and approached Xia, just not how they know each other.

  6. 23 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Fair enough.

    I'm just happy it seems to have worked out for us.

    I really can't be arsed with more negativity right now.

    Can we have even a day without it?

    Totally happy to celebrate the good news and look to the future. Come on Villa!!

    • Like 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, villianusa said:

    You type that as if you know the man's mind, but you don't (unless you are him?). It would be poor business by any businessperson to do a deal that was bad for him/her. He has admitted he is a businessman and you or I shouldn't be surprised by that. I'd have less respect for him if he didn't. He has managed his oversight of the club very poorly, but doesn't mean he shouldn't sell what is best for him and the club.

    How do you know the guys found him?

    You say we were a day away from administration but where is the evidence to prove that? We all know the situation isn't great but we don't know the real truth unless we get to look at the books. Are you in a position to do that?


    I don't actually need to answer these, you'll either have to believe me or not (as the case it and that's fine)

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, allani said:

    Doesn't the press release say that they have already been approved by the EFL?

    The deal has and the investment has, they need to as individuals in order to be directors on the board. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, ferguson1 said:

    Thanks for recent posts mate and the scary realisation post about Administration.  Will we here in the next week or so how bad things were (officially) and how they plan to put things right?  

    Don't suppose you have an answer for this, but do you think Bruce will be in charge first game of the new season and would we now be able to buy a player or two before the deadline?  

    It won't be public I don't think (how close we were to Admin) but there is enough out there. I think the new guys will speak out more next week and it won't take long for them to be approved by the EFL. Their people (new guys) have been to BMH today, not hanging around. My 'guess' is they may come to terms to release Bruce IF they have a manager lined up, if not I guess he gets time (purely a guess though) 

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    Adidas, the German sports apparel giant ends a very successful year by the news of Nassef Sawiris owning 6% of its shares, which makes him its biggest investor.  

    The Egyptian billionaire whose net worth is estimated by $5.1 billion, is also the third-largest shareholder in Swiss cement maker LarfargeHolcim Ltd., as well as the biggest investor in Dutch fertilizer company OCI N.V.

    Sawiris apparently made a smart decision with this move. After a rough year in 2014, when Adidas's stock fell by 38% on scrapped financial goals and it suffered market share losses to Nike Inc., the company was able to turn things around this year. Its stocks have witnessed 41% rise and it's now the second-best performing company in Germany’s DAX index.


    Largest shareholder in Adidas

  11. 10 minutes ago, Supervillan78 said:

    Do you think this is the end for Tony at AVFC?

    Yes, he won't be around too long. Silently disappear into the night at some point I'd imagine. Too many owners won't play well together. Let's face it, he's never here and done a terrible job, so these guys won't keep him around (IMO)

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, bannedfromHandV said:

    Wow, what have I missed?! 

    Are we no longer going out of business tomorrow?


    Just now, bannedfromHandV said:

    Wow, what have I missed?! 

    Are we no longer going out of business tomorrow?

    We literally would have been in Administration Monday...and now we won't, oh and a couple of VERY rich people have taken a controlling stake in us.....apart from that, nothing mate 

  13. If this deal wasn't done we were in Administration Monday. This group has been in DD for some time. It's great news I think. Even if we sell Grealish now it will be for full market value as opposed to a bargain fee so Xia can avoid admin. 

    These two guys will be directors on the board and will have to pass the Directors and owners test. If it was a 'loan' or just investment they wouldn't need too. 

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