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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. 9 hours ago, dukes said:

    @TheEgo in your view is there anything happening in terms of a takeover or is this absolute cockwomble going to hold on until there is nothing left ?

    its been very quiet on the takeover run our front the last week.

    Sorry bud, not going to get involved in speaking about any of that stuff. This place is very unforgiving, I'll leave it to others to share what they may know ?

    • Like 2
  2. 15 hours ago, Deisler123 said:

    There is a website dedicated to that purpose - a lot of articles written by different people trying to reveal some ‘wrongdoing’ from his past, some even covering his personal life. The controversy, although not quite verifiable, has been there for years. 

    That approach does not seem to work unfortunately.

    I think a lot of pressure here in the UK might make a lot more noise. I've read all that stuff over the last few days and it casts the view of a 'fantasist' and a 'chancer' which sadly i think that's exactly what he is. Ultimately to Villa's undoing. I hope now England are out of the WC that the media take a closer look and do some honest and reliable reporting. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, pintpotvilla said:

    TX tells us that we have no bank loans. Well we have 2 arrangements with Maquarie Bank forwarding money in exchange for the outstanding amounts due in the future from the sales of players. We obviously will not get anywhere near the amount owed to us. Wrap it up however he wants I call those arrangements Bank loans!!

    They are indeed, this is why he's been evasive with the truth. Them loans differ in that yes it's an agreement with a bank to give us cash, but no the onus is on a third party to pay the money back, so it's not our debt. It was future capital he borrowed against. It's all the stuff he hasn't said that we ought to be more concerned about. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Jareth said:

    You can probably clear this up, Tony's statement about AVFC having no bank loans - what other debt does the club have and to who? 

    Well that's the thing, we don't entirely know. What is clear is the money taken from future earnings of player trading (as we've seen with Westwood, Snachez, Veretout) Where we've loaned against their owed fees to get cash now. This after the missed tax bill is what gives thought to him having serious cash flow issues (why else do it?) There are pieces of land that has been borrowed against as well as the final Parachute payment. So the 'no bank loan' is very sly, as it certainly doesn't equate to 'no debt' The big worry for me is WHO, WHERE and exactly WHAT is owed and to what parties. Also what are the repayment clauses and what are the interest charges on said loans AND who is culpable should their be a failure to meet a required payment (As we've seen today AC Milan have just been taken over by their owners 'debtors' ) will it be the club or Xia personally?  So for me, despite his 'open letter' there is very little transparency from Xia. 

    The other MAJOR thing to factor in is how are we operating day to day, ie how are we paying the bills now when we struggled last month, who again is supplying the cash/debt to do this? If a 'billionaire' is seeking investment but it won't help with ffp, A. he's really not a billionaire and B. What is he seeking the investment for? It's clear to me it is for 'operating capital' so he can keep paying the bills until he can sell (when he feels it looks like it's of his doing) of course no one is going to invest in those circumstances. 

    My view on where he's at now is he wants out (despite what he says) but he wants it to appear on his terms. He will keep rejected offers for a stake (as they will all rightly want some say and control) and will either strike lucky and get an offer that works for him OR (and more likely imo) we will struggle to pay bills and end up slipping into Administration.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, A'Villan said:

    Scapegoat for what though?

    Excuse me if it's an obvious answer, my mind is elsewhere.

    I fail to see why selling our best chance of promotion is going to be more profitable than promotion itself.

    If you can't pay your bills you cease trading and go into Administration. FFP isn't a problem until Next May. The reason we will have a fire sale is for Xia to pay bills and meet his commitment to debtors and avoid Administration and complete ruin and no chance of taking any money back. let's see if player sales get put back into the accounts....

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, TRO said:

    It could be of course pure coincidence.

    I have always had a bit of a cynical doubt.....holiday camp and all that...over pampering etc.

    I don't know about Villa per se, but footballers on the whole are over pampered, so it can't just be something at Villa. Our training ground is pretty much standard for all top clubs now too. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, TRO said:

    The funny thing is ....ever since the training ground was finished we have done crap.

    Now I am not blaming the training ground in isolation, before I get misconstrued.....but it makes you wonder when they turn up, if they think they've arrived in the big time.

    just seems strange to me.....i thought we was going on the big things with this state of the art training ground, its had the adverse affect.

    I read this when you said it on the Bruce thread. I do think it's a pure coincidence, a bit like us being cursed etc!! I'd say the finishing of the training ground coincided  with a period of new owners (it was just being finalised under Ellis) who didn't know what they were doing. We've wasted 10/12 years with poor decisions. 

  8. 7 hours ago, TRO said:

    when losses are incurred, it starts off with their money but ends up as the clubs debt.....The longer Xia stays the deeper we will be in it.

    I think the stadium is protected Dave.....not quite sure how, but think it is.

    Villa Park is only protected in the sense that it can't be sold without fans knowing about it first and therefore being able to also bid. The seller isn't obliged to sell to fans though. So no REAL protection sadly. 


    **Edit, just seen that this was answered on the previous page. As with Leeds it will also be out Trust that would be informed of any intent to sale

  9. 9 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    KPMG. The people who were auditing Carillon you mean? 

    All auditors do is charge eye watering fees to supply a signature. 

    I would be surprised if most auditors could add two and two with any competence. 

    And then they would put a huge list of disclaimers about the answer being 4.

    Haha!! Fair one ?

  10. 1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

    Oh he was. When asked if Xia was the only option Hollis said "No. As of two months ago we had half a dozen serious buyers. That came down to four and then two in the last couple of weeks. Of those two, Tony Xia was the preferred candidate.”

    Hollis Explains Sale To Xia


    Hollis was Chairman at KMPG too, one of the worlds biggest auditors. As well as Merrill Lynch checking over everything. Mind Boggling really.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, John said:

    It's in The Mirror. Moxley is just fanning the flames he also claims Levy "has little intention of raising his offer (for Jack) above £10m". Fake news with a liberal helping of inaccurate monetary information.

    All he has done is take the 5/6m per month figure and x it by 12. Great reporting Neil.

    • Like 1
  12. 17 hours ago, thabucks said:

    I wanted to believe after the painful end to the Lerner’s tenure .... warning signs were there early doors but still kept faith... started to hear bad rumours very early on when I was at OUFC of something was not quite right and was he our true owner and did he actually have the wealth he claimed. The background noise grew but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.... what I have since been told regarding samuels role (has it actually ever ended ??! ) unverifiable backers, dodgy loans, Wyness being a puppet for Samuel, round being a puppet for Wyness, overpaying on wages where we didn’t need to, grandiose plans with no chance of reality. Asking clubs if we can defer payments owed, and there’s more but libel laws .... one day it will all come out .... I’ve been told today not to be surprised if more comes out this week and Xia’ s plan is to act like a naive China man taking advantage of by Wyness and will shift all blame to Wyness and round whilst saying he shares in it... a big PR drive will be heading our way and many will fall for it no doubt but the guy is not legit and cannot be allowed to ruin us anymore... BofAmericaMerrilLynch should of realised something wasn’t quite right surely ? 

    What really ducked me off in his letter (obviously written by Luke Organ) is that we should readjust our expectations..... just **** off .... how did Cardiff do last season on loans and frees and we supposedly have the promotion god managing us.... basically he is saying we can’t get promoted without money... 

     Xia out ! 

    Yes WE need a "Reality Check" WE do........What a f**king cheek. We've had 8 years of a reality check and expectation adjustment. As I coined, He's the Chinese Gatsby a total chancer that doesn't deserve to own this grand old club.

  13. 25 minutes ago, hippo said:

    I don't think we can influence who he sells to. ATM I think he is very poor owner - does he care ? I am not sure either way. To me if he cared he would be busy now searching for another CEO - I don't know that he isn't. But if he is trying to run Aston Villa over a series of long distances phone calls then perhaps he doesn't care.

    like others I will be majorly surprised if he ever sets foot inside VP again.

    Ps I don'y think he does care. We're a business and a project to him, one he thought he could make a quick buck out of, but maybe I say that with the last month fresh in my mind. I like you doubted his intentions from the get go....

  14. 22 minutes ago, hippo said:

    I don't think we can influence who he sells to. ATM I think he is very poor owner - does he care ? I am not sure either way. To me if he cared he would be busy now searching for another CEO - I don't know that he isn't. But if he is trying to run Aston Villa over a series of long distances phone calls then perhaps he doesn't care.

    like others I will be majorly surprised if he ever sets foot inside VP again.

    I'm in no way suggesting we can. Cross wires I think. I'm saying the only real possible negative to a full on protest would be in his hurry to leave he may just sell to any old group, as opposed a more thought out sale, but then in ,y eyes he's a clueless numpty who will most likely sell to the highest bidder regardless.

  15. 6 minutes ago, hippo said:

    Just a thought under Xia we have mostly been a winning team - and yet he is already very unpopular. You might think we can't touch him - he owns the club and sells it as and when he wishes. Don't underestimate the vanity factor of the billionaires* - He won't like being laughed at, ridiculed and all the abuse that is going to come his way. We can shift Dr Loony - I am sure of it.

    I will be ordering my Xia Out baseball cap shortly... 

    I think he has a very very thin skin. Early days he was giving any journo that doubted him a #jerkalist reply and #fakenews what a clearing in the woods he looks now as he goes cap in hand asking for cash.........................but it's ok he's got loads of cash......honest!!!

    Put me down for one baseball cap please and a baseball bat in case it gets messy ??


  16. 2 hours ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

    I don't know what the Villa View has done, but perhaps they take a soft approach which sometimes can be even more efficient. If they have access to VP and staff then that's a great thing. The Trust I think have made some quite sharp statements lately.

    This is what I mean with a unifying approach, reaching out to them not slating them.  

    They haven't done or said ANYTHING, that  was my point. I'm not saying they have to come out and lambast the club that's my job ha) but say something. Reach out to the Trust and give them a platform. Interview them on their YouTube channel or podcast (or any of those fan groups) Many fans don't know who or what they do. We need them now and I think we need protests as we clearly have an owner that's publicly digging his heels in and let's be honest fobbing fans off. If he won't go easy, let's force him to sell. Make it impossible for him to stay. 

    I guess the flip side to that is we don't want him to sell to just anyone, so it's a delicate balance. Most of all we want to be kept informed and we want it to be the truth, so I guess what I'm waffling on about and getting at is we need to hold him accountable at every step and we need fan groups/sites to do that. Let's heap the pressure on as the local press are like a wet lettuce.

  17. 12 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

    The sale of Jack will probably cause much discontent, and if things get worse probably supporter groups will take the lead. Individual initiatives on forums like this one would also be commendable. For it to work I'd suggest a unifying approach towards fellow villans, it's usually most productive.

    I think most of us would have doubts about Xia at this moment. But in fairness it's much we don't know, and when the time is for a proper protest that most would support is probably also too early to be sure of. If for example a miracle happens and Jack stays and we get investment in from a good investor, I would hesitate to participate in a protest even if I want Xia out. 

    Good points there mate. 

    I noticed a HUGE switch in mentality on social media with the realisation that Jack will be sold, throw in Chester and say Kodjia and there may be an appetite and anger amongst fans to protest. Xia's comments, whilst welcomed (as we all asked for it) was depressing and I'd suggest a little disingenuous in parts. 

    I've been massively disappointed with the VillaView fan group. Sucked up to the club to get access to VP and staff and haven't said a word all summer. They can't proclaim to be a fan group when things are rosey but then not hold the club accountable. As for the Trust they're a largely irrelevant and need to modernise and fast. If you had the Trusts objectives behind something like the 'The Villa View' reach across different SM platforms then they might have a chance. 

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