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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. Lerner was 10 times the owner this chancer appears to be. Yes he lost interest and that indirectly led us to this, he always paid his bills with HIS money.
  2. Spot on and as fans, I don't know what we can do?! The Trust have been met with a brick wall of silence, maybe they keep knocking at the door? Many fans simply don't see the very real danger we are in. A mass protest would bring things into focus for Xia, however we all know how hard they are to arrange. What a bloody mess we are. I hope to god, what I said about DD and NDA's are right. He is now showing stubbornness to cling on and destroy us further. I hope it's saving face and 'optics' as I put above. Plus trying to keep the sale price high.
  3. ALL this is designed to do, is make it look like he knows what he is doing AND trying to keep his price high. He's been defiant and this will be for the Chinese eyes that will be judging. Ignore, we are as we were. Pretty f**ked until sold.
  4. From what I've seen as FACT and what I've heard which can't be verified as fact, we need a sale or 'fresh' money. without it, we will at some point this season go into Administration. Given what we've seen and what I know, We'd be better off long term going into admin rather than Xia sticking around and trying to plug holes and borrowing more and more. I don't think it gets to that stage though. I've been adamant (Can't verify this to you guys either) that we would be sold, either outright or via initial investment with a preemptive view of a full takeover as that could be achieved quicker and enable someone to see things really close up. I know think (from what I have been told, yeah yeah and all that) that we are in a Due Dilligence stage and NDA's signed. I don't know the timeline or any other information. But yes IMO if we aren't sold or invested in with new money we will end up in Administration, things are bad, we are living day to day and that isn't sustainable. Worst case is a money grab. Sell the valuable players, get some quick cash and flip it. I don't know the legalities behind that though and it would clearly affect the sale price.
  5. First off you're absolutely entitled to your opinion and keep on giving it, I appreciate it. It's good to question things. I've been all over the Xia situation from the day he was announced and they immediately had to change the wording on the press release about listed companies due to a 'communication error' that and Chris Samuelson's involvement (I'll let you google him) So I haven't just tuned into all this, I've been keeping a close on on him. I don't believe there are 20 other transfer fee and loans are there? (for balance and as you've said, this sometimes does happen in football as part of debt management) The fact that it's happening to start with alongside loaning against the parachute payments, the missed tax bill so on so forth, is the worrying part. We have severe cash flow issues that without fresh cash or a loan that isn't repayable by Villa (from the parent company....which won't happen) we will end up in administration as we run out of things to sell or borrow against. The filing yesterday is encouraging as it shows measures are being taken. We can all speculate on the level of severity of our problems, I feel it's hard for anyone to argue we don't have any or things are easily fixed (I'm not saying this is your position, however it does come across as though you think this is more a blip than a big bloody mess) Either way it's all about opinions and thank god we are allowed them. My opinion as I've stated is we are in NDA period and DD has begun and we won't hear much if anything until that has progressed a little further. Maybe a holding statement saying Xia is in talks to sell. Until then let's debate and speculate away and respect each others views......but I'm right ??
  6. He's borrowed against the parachute payment, three transfers, ground at BMH and the training ground itself (last one I don't know to be fact, but I'll check) So I think those are the biggies and indicative of problems. Has he spent the ST cash, who knows? He can spend some of it, but is restricted to 50% I think. So yes we will still have things like ST sales, kit income?? (not yet) Sponsorship deals? All small fry in relation to the parachute cash and future transfer income, so no, not ALL, but a lot of important shizz has been borrowed against.
  7. Fair one, I didn't say 'Bud' with any other intent, you clearly took it that way. I use the word bud a lot. Meant no offence. That's the problem with just the written word.....bud ?
  8. I'll dig out the document. It was listed and then removed. I'll check again, the documents are out there though and legit.
  9. Kinda, Don'y know about a rejected bid, do know and have said for a while a sale is possible and from last weeks said we are in DD and NDA stage. I don't know if this is exclusive to one party though, but a group ARE in DD and serious (As always I urge caution as this is information I've been handed and for obvious reasons leaving bits out, doesn't mean things won't change or are 100%) so believe or don't, I don't seek attention by saying this. Will either be true or not. Hope it is.
  10. Except Veretout deal was listed on Companies House, but apart from that...
  11. She's been here since the beginning, was recently added as a director of Recon Group UK. As for her experience, no idea other than what you do. Excels in HR and Finance apparently..................Clear not well enough. She's also based out of Bejing
  12. We are 100% in DD with a potential suitor as I said last weeks. Sadly it's no more sexy than that ?
  13. Don't want it to appear I'm just having a pop at you. Just logged on and read three of your posts in quick succession. "if we can dare to call it that" if we don't have cash flow issues what would you dare to call it? If you're taking out one of those quick loans to pay your rent or mortgage bill, you're having cash flow issues. It's patently clear to ALL we have cash flow issues. The calls of fraud etc are a matter of opinion, but it's a fact we have cash flow issues bud.
  14. Take a look at Companies House there ARE other charges filed, relating to land around BMH and a couple of others that don't come to me at this time. We are up for sale and can't pay are bills. I don't see what the debate is. Stick with Xia without external investment and we're screwed.
  15. Mate whatever income we have our expenditure far exceeds it, hence not being able to pay tax bills (incidentally they'll be the last to be paid, so fair assumption there are others and since proven) It's not a case of having income, it's a case of not having ENOUGH income to pay for all the outgoings....surely you can see that?
  16. Yes Sir, I'd surmised we had around 83m losses to @Jareth add that to the 57m from yesterday share allotment and you have your 142m that the share allotment stands at. All surmising though. I know and have said (well I know what I'm told anyway) that we are in an NDA period and under DD. Things are possibly looking better and moving forward.
  17. I appreciated all that work unlike someone else. I was trying to imagine how much debt we're in right now, but that's nigh on impossible I guess. Let's see what the rest of the week brings. I think we hear something, even if a holding statement come the end of the week.
  18. I think this is a very fair post, many parts I don't agree with, however I respect the views. Whilst investigating and highlighting his shortcomings, I've tried to avoid personal insults (apart from the Chinese Gatsby ha) I don't know if he is a fraud either, he's definitely over egged the pudding quite dramatically. What I care about MOST as i'm sure we all do is the final outcome. At the moment. not much is happening on the surface, however I have faith wheels are in motion to sell. Let's see and not liable ourselves in the meantime. I think it's ok to probe and dig, ask questions, but outright claims of fraud, should be careful imo.
  19. I'd agree on all that with the exception of liquidation, with the playing staff, we have a fair amount of cash we could bring in. Administration would be more likely imo
  20. The lender converts a loan amount or a loan amount represented by outstanding bonds into equity shares when it's converting debt to equity. No actual cash is exchanged in the debt-to-equity swap. Debt-to-equity swaps are common transactions in the financial world. They enable a borrower to transform loans into shares of stock or equity. Most commonly, a financial institution such as an insurer or a bank will hold the new shares after the original debt is transformed into equity https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-a-debt-to-equity-swap-1290541 This may help, its something like this
  21. Purely a paper exercise in accounting, nothing has changed material and monetary wise.
  22. The recon website hasn't been updated since Feb 17th and still has their 'deal' to buy Millennium Films on it as a done deal (didn't happen) It's just a shell for the Western World. Teamax are our parent company really and they were sold to Sofftco in a reverse type merger as they were on the Stock Exchange, upon completion of the sale they were named back to Teamax. It's all rather confusing!!
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