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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. Yes I do, whether Xia is willing to sell to someone with such attributes is another matter all together
  2. You're right VB, it will most likely be a full takeover, but at the very least a controlling stake with a view to acquiring the rest of the shares. All very similar to Lerner's final weeks and days (rumours of parties and bids rejected etc etc) We're close.
  3. That's Xia's right hand man. more commonly known as 'Ho'
  4. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/exclusive-tony-xia-rejects-another-14856377 And now the mail weigh in (owned by the Mirror in case anyone isn't aware by now)
  5. Danny Dyer must have been super old by 2259 ? Sounds plausible though, bloody Nursey!!
  6. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/transfer-news-live-liverpool-arsenal-12814106 It is James Nursey so........
  7. http://en.reconig.com/index.php/Show/cid/140/aid/269 Have a read of all this BS then. I wonder why we're in trouble haha!!
  8. woohoo f**king delighted!! I'm in a bad mood today and that thought has made me worse.....cheers ha!!
  9. LET'S BE CLEAR as a few of the posts have pi**ed me off (which I'm sure was the intention) There was no TEASE that was what I heard word for word by someone I trust and can't name. "keep your eye out Tuesday" I don't know any more and certainly won't be sharing anyway. Sp you guys can all figuratively line me up and shoot me when Tuesday passes for having the audacity to pass on what I heard to hopefully give us some hope (or not) Good old internet eh?! ????
  10. No public information regarding Zhejiang Ruikang Co I beleive that is the orignal name of RECON and that's why. You missed the main company in all this in your post and that's 'Teamax Smart City Technology Corp'' They are our parent company and he owns zilch in that company. His only listed holdings are the 11% at Lotus which is worth about £40m tops. Yes I'm sure he has a little elsewhere that isn't accounted for, but he's not a Billonaire. He was asked if he was a "dollar billionaire" in an early interview and he laughed and said "a little bit more than that" I think he was thinking Chinese currency ? Just to say I'm not purposely trying to make this an anti Xia topic, just trying to present facts with the lack of information around.
  11. Ah sorry bud!! ? Just doing some retrospective investigating
  12. A profile on Xia and a little more on the businesses he's involved in. One thing in common with all these is he is listed as a Chairman/Executive etc but rarely owns many shares. The other people listed are probably those with the cash. I'm going to research them today (yes I'm sad ha) He owns 11% of Lotus Health and even less of Teamax who own Recon. So when comparing to the above articles of 'owning' x amount of companies, he has shares in x amount of them and they are ALL struggling. He's a chancer!! http://www.4-traders.com/business-leaders/Jian-Tong-Xia-0DZ04W-E/biography/ http://www.4-traders.com/SOFTTO-CO-LTD-20701373/company/ Edit** The above link is for Teamax (Was Soffto before a reverse merger) Xia doesn't actually own anything in our parent company according to this. I don't know much about the website I'm using, but it's pulling up quite specific info on shareholders etc! Interesting stuff and adds more fuel to the idea he little of much and has winged his way into Villa. I just don't get how Hollis was hoodwinked, never mind the Premier league and the EFL
  13. Oli is a personal trainer and conditioning and strength coach, ex youth player and whilst very good, his role is very different to a first team fitness coach who was released mid June. He may step in to help, but we need to replace the main guy.
  14. I already know it is haha!! I had doubts from day one. His ill fitting suits gave it away ?
  15. Ha!! Something else to discuss as the thread is dead until we know more, we forget what was said at the time by the club. I'm doing some more digging on Xia's earlier interviews and promises/statements made
  16. We ought to, but who knows with the club these days. They'll be force feeding us that much content on twitter with pics of players arriving back and training that they will think we're idiots and forget the club is up sh*t creek without a paddle. God I know hate this regime
  17. Thanks for clarifying that, it wasn't clear in the other post haha! I get it, I won't say another thing!! Oh and to answer the other post "what do you get out of it" Absolutely F**k all. I've refrained from saying so much to avoid grief, contrary to the believe I'm sat stroking as I type thinking of the posts I'll get calling me a liar (I've been around message boards for over 19 years and know what the deal is and yet still posted what I did)
  18. https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2016/05/18/club-statement-sale-confirmed https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2016/05/19/hollis-ownership-in-quotes Looking back at the avfc statement revealing the club had been sold to Xia and Hollis comments......How do we all feel now? #depressed
  19. Or not at all. I doubt your ITK knowledge on this. Stop with the teasers ?
  20. AM for the training that will ACTUALLY happen, given we need to stick to only stuff that is 100% going to happen (may as well close the thread in that case ?)
  21. Well things literally will happen Wednesday that ARE specified, Our team return to pre-season training WITHOUT a Fitness and Conditioning coach ha!!
  22. I'm not having ago BUT (the clue is always in the but haha) proceed to actually have a go ? The human mind eh?! Your judgement has been noted and I will refrain from any further 'info' I was literally told, "keep an eye out Tuesday" No teaser, word for word what I was told and without actually saying who told me there is nothing more I could add. However (sounds nicer than but doesn't it ?) I hear your feedback and i'll say nowt moving forward.
  23. The Mirror are right and being briefed from within. Tuesday could be a day to watch out for I've been told (usual disclaimers apply)
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