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Posts posted by Dom_Wren

  1. 4-5-1 for me.












    Something like this for me too.

    Only thing id worry about here is Delf on his own as a central striker, if we cant get support to him or just dump it up top, he wont get a sniff, but i would prob go with this or just swap Delf with Carew/Heskey and bring Delf on after 60 mins when game is won ;)

  2. A few from my recent xmas trip to Brum and weymuff.

    Me and my bird at the stoke game after a 19 hour journey with no kip:


    Me and an old family friend, Shaun Teale:


    Happiest she was all holiday.


    Prepping for Arsenal game at my cousins:


    Me and bird:


    Me from Handsworth youth....


    Big equipment handler:


    Making that cash:


    Get em in!


    Had a blast, saw Stoke and Liverpool games live, Holte was immense against the bin dippers.

    Was trying to meet up with Trimmy and Laura but couldnt as our schedules didnt match up, big up Trimmy!

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. chads: The truth is as follows...We were going to have a shirt sponsor. We had several sponsors who were willing to commit to a contract. The problem was that they "undervalued" the Villa Brand. They were accustomed to getting a deal that was what "they" wanted. Randy and the Board felt differently...we believed that the Aston Villa Football Shirt was worth a great deal more than was being offered. We also had begun to become deeply involved with acorns...a charity that meant a great deal to Randy and the Club. The more we looked at potential sponsors, the more we realized that our Brand would be worth more to acorns and the children than to any of the potential sponsors we were seeing. Rather than "sell" our Brand cheaply, we decided that we would provide the shirt to a group that needed it and would value it...maybe not in currency, but in charity to young people. Your professor was wrong. We could have had a contract worth millions...but we turned it down. Furthermore, we have worn acorns for two years straight and your professor must understand that the second year (we finished high in the tables) could have produced a lucrative sponsor but we announced we were doing acorns again before any contract was put on the table. I wonder how your professor would explain year 2?????


    A little story you might want to pass on to Randy.

    I teach middle school PE in South Carolina, and of course have my big Villa flag hanging up in the gym, of course as well, i wear as often as possible my Villa jerseys (I even give one out each week to the Man of the Match for my little soccer team i coach).

    Well Every time i wear it i always get the question "What is Acorns Coach?" I Then procede to tell them all about Villas involvement with the chairty and how much good work they do, The kids response is always the same "Thats cool Coach!" Me myself, I always beam with pride when telling anybody the 'Acorns' story!

    So personally, imo, imho, and all that I think it's a fantastic gesture that goes far beyond the realms of just being 'classy'.



  4. General Krulak here:

    1. What a game. I thought our lads played an absolutely professional, workman-like game. Sunderland at their house and we dispatched them with quality play. I thought Dunne was immense and Carlos was right there with him. Really a nice win!!! Now, ONE game at a time!!

    2. carlitobrigante: Thank you for the kind email. Not too worry about emails that might show criticism...that is part of the "deal". I am on this site to hear the good, bad and ugly and accept that fact. As I have said before, all I ask is that we treat each other with respect because we ALL want what is right for our Club.

    3. Let's show up for the Stoke game...it is an important one.

    I will be there, COME ON YOU LIONS!!!

  5. Any players expected to return from injury by next weekend? Could do with you sending that other team in blue crashing down to Earth, their fans are starting to think they're not shit.

    I think Osman is back, he should play some part on Thursday I reckon. Vaughan is back in training too, I believe. Cahill will be back from suspension. Other than that, no.

    Oh and according to reports in Argentina, we have bid for Fernando Gago (loan with view for permanent I reckon) and Real would be willing to let him go...yay, a player who goes around kicking people, just what we need :?

    Actually, scrap that, I'd have him over Mascherano :lol:

    Kin hell id have Vinnie Jones over that shower of shite!

  6. I take it you don't mean the Hooters BBQ ribs ?

    Nah mate, silly bollocks that i am fell down the stairs leathered Friday night and nearly bloody impaled myself on the bloody bannister. Was going to the garge to fix the lights that gone out, did it, but think i cracked or bruised a rib, kin thing is killing me!

  7. AG, heres my opinion of seeing him in MLS and with MNT (Mens national Team):

    He is a very smooth player, technically sound, can dribble with close control, shoots with power and accuracy, Fit as a fiddle as well as explosive speed. Makes good decisions, and for me on the counter attack, is probably the most dynamic player the MLS has. His best position for me is a 10 where he has license to roam and find pockets of space, or just has the freedom to 'get himself on the ball'.

    THe two biggest concerns i would have are 1.) can he handle the tempo and physicality of the english game, this is the biggest difference to MLS for me, you have to play quicker, think quicker and execute quciker, this will be a HUGE part of his success/faliure. Again i think thats why Evetong would have to emply him as a 10 to get the best out of him, becasue he can then have freedom to roam, although he is not a creator or a crafty player. 2.) Temperament, hes a California lad i think, and is very laid back, everything i had heard from him since he came back from Germany was that he was not that arsed about coming back over here and trying his hand again. Thatas why this surprised me a little. However he must know about Moyes reputation for demanding nothing less than 100% from his players and must be prepared to battle and grind. I think watching hmi will be very interesting and could be a astute signing if he can adapt quickly.

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