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Posts posted by largelugs

  1. When MON left i wrote off the season. Thought it would be a disappointment with us destined for a mid table positon and a gap widening between the top teams and us.

    MON can take some blame for the situation.

    However, that is no excuse for the position we find ourselves in.

    The search for a new manager took far too long and the end esult was obviously a big mistake. Randycan take some blame.

    Since GH's arrival it has been a disaster. He has dragged us down and down. A manager has to deal with players and the challenges that entails, he has failed. When you are stuck with a group of players you need to get them on side, not cause ruction after ruction.

    His man management is non existant, his tatics inept.

    GH entered a bad situation but he has made it a 100 times worse. There is no way we should be in such a low position, there is no way we should be trying to completely rebuild a side in a January transfer window. There is no way he can continue if we lose the next few matches.

  2. Ok folks, planning my next trip and I'm looking at New York in February.

    So looking for hotel suggestions at this stage please, I want to be central for all the normal tourist stuff.

    Once I've sorted flights and hotels I'll be looking for tips about what to see and do but want to find the hotel and get that sorted first.

    Went in August and stopped in Fashino 26 hotel.

    Right next to Macy's and Madisson Square guardens.

    10 min walk to Times Square

    Subway station within a couple of blocks.

    Hotel was only opened last year, part of a chain but still quirky, Excellent service, roof top bar, although close to everything, it wasn't barmy outside the front door!

    Not sure how much it is now but we got a good deal for New York prices.

  3. Not saying it was hit fault at all


    the second goal is a perfect demonstration in Downings lack of heart.

    As Spurs counter attack, he jogs back.

    As Spurs reach the penalty area he comes to a complete standstill. Sprs pass the ball back and the rest is history. Why wasn't he bursting his lungs to get back? Why does he think its acceptable to just give up?

  4. Embarasing seeing the behaviour of some of the villa fans. Whether we win or lose on the pitch, we should always maintan our dignity. The clearings in the woods who acted like that just drag our club down to the inbreds level.

  5. Big ears - this season has been one of disruption. From the scumbag acts of messers Milner and moreso O'Neill, through to the high number of injuries and the need to play young kids. That is not a settled squad nor will it be so for a while yet.

    The poor form of the defence started last year under O'Neill. Some of the performances towards the end of the season were shocking and it seems that they have carried through. The midfield are thin on the ground, again something that was inevitable once Milner left. OK we have Ireland but he is not the influence that Milner was and that is leaving a hole. The forwards are still totally reliant on Gabby, someone who has suffered injury for the first time in a long time.

    These are not excuses as such, just the reality of what a certain ex-manager started and is now occurring.

    Tonight was a major disappointment the fact we lost, the continued bad form of a player like Dunne cannot be excused, he is a joke figure now and really needs to be dropped.

    Not doubting any of that, but it can't be just blamed on injuries. What are we doing on the training ground to sort the defence out? What was our attacking plan - get wide and leave no one on the box. We tapped it around nicely but we were unable to make anything happen.

    Where was Downing after about the first 10 minutes? When Ireland came on does anyone have any idea of how we were set up?

    We are in a bad situation at the moment, thank god we have spirited kids who are doing their best. What is worryin is that we still see no sign of a game plan and no attempt to sort the defence out. Houllier hasn't got much to play with but surely he can see that Ashley Young, the best winger i have seen in 20 years at Villa, is ineffective as a second striker, that Bannon is not a right winger, that Dunne and Collins are disasterous together, that L Young is tactically inept.

    I don't expect us to be blowing teams away, but I'd expect a little more intelligence in our line ups and tactics.

  6. 70% of the team is out injured FFS houllier needs a chance - next season will be the time to judge. MON was a chancer who failed.

    Don't knock arsenal in the champions league 12 seasons in a row without spending shiit - unlike the 120 million we gave MON


    8 out of the 11 starters tonight are our main first team players.

  7. totally deserved for arsenal we have aboslutely shit. they deserve the boos at half time as this has been a truely disgusting performace. the amount of shit passes has been embarassing.

    collins and young **** imbecilles for that first goal how can they both miss that?

    secong more shit defending from warnoch who for me has been the worst player in the pitch

    only person who has had a half decent performance is dunney. carew is trying to be fair but its a lack of service. wrong decision to play pires clearly cant cope with the speed of arsenals team

    this will end about 4-0

    How was the second Warnock's fault?

  8. as for Delf, well hes knocking 20 and still cant get a run - the kid hasnt got it at all...... all the top players who come through are regulars and pulling up trees at his age......... Im not holding out any hope for him - heres hoping im proved very wrong, but I just cant see it !!

    Like Drogba who didn't even sign a professional contract til he was 21 and still took a few years to show real potential.

    Nice to write a kid off at such an early stage.

    As for Nathan, I’m really excited about the kid taking his chance.

    And so consistent in your views!

  9. I thought Reo Coker's actions were cowardly and could have cost us big time. If he had been sent off we could have been in real trouble at the death. Also, coming back on the pitch at the end to flex his muscles, just being a knob. Its the kind of thing you would expect from Carr or Johnson, not a Villa captain. Hard men play hard, not act like a teenage chav.

  10. It was Heskey OBE, NRC made the pass.

    EDIT: Or so I thought, OS says NRC but SSN says Heskey which I thought. Confusing.

    If he's not gonna give a pen he has to book Heskey for diving...

    That would be extremely harsh

    Yeah but it's the rules, if a player goes down looking for a pen and the referee believes there is no contact it is a booking. Ref bottled giving the pen imo.

    If the referee feels the player fell over, he doesn't have to give a yellow card, only if it an obvious dive.

    For what its worth I think it was a pen, but the ref didn't have a clue which iof the two players commited the foul and he would have had to send one off, much easier to ignore it.

  11. Hi General,

    Just wondering if the club have any liason with the railway companies.

    I'd always prefer to leave my car at home and us the train. It is cheap and should be less hassle. However, they can be incredibly frustrating.

    For some midweek cup games there are no special trains. but there is no way of knowing this until you arrive at the station.

    Also, often the special train back to Birmingham leaves half empty because it leaves so soon after the final whistle. Then you end up with hundreds of fans waiting half an hour for the next normal service which everyone won't get on and will lead to overcrowding.

    Are the rail companies so inflexible that they won't consider the chance of injury time at games and the fact that they don't finish exactly at the same time each week. They are guarenteed hundreds of fair paying customers and the reduction of road traffic has got to benefit everyone, if they could just show a little common sense.

  12. Young: Excellent. Again, he was better in the second half when he was clearly left side but had the freedom to come in and play of Heskey.


    Not that clearly! To me he spent a lot more of first half on left, in second he went central behind the striker with Bannon on the left!

  13. I'm catholic and I think the whole thing is a farce. I have no intention of going to see him. Most parishes in Birmingham were given so mnay tickets and ahve struggled to get rid of them, people just aren't interested.

    In terms of the money, it is pathetic. The church has enough wealth to pay its own way. However, they are not to blame, it was Gordon Brown who instigated it and made it a state visit, all signed off by the queen. The last time the pope visited it wasn't a state visit and the costs to the country were a lot smaller.

  14. How do Spurs fans feel about Redknapp essentially saying that he wants to quit the job in 2 years time?

    Better than Villa fans feel about a manager who ditched them without prior notice just days before the season began.

    And doubtless better than Villa fans feel about a replacement manager who has said that Villa's natural station is somewhere between 7th and 12th place, who has also compared Villa unfavourably with his former club (Liverpool), and who, although apparently appointed as manager, won't actually become manager until some unspecified future date.

    It may be a step down for you, Monsieur Houllier, but I'm sure Villa fans will take you into their warm embrace anyhow ..... whenever you arrive that is.

    Mate, this is an other football forum. If you want to express your feelings about the new villa manager, why not pop over to the villa area where you can argue to your hearts desire.

    This is a thread about spurs and their glorious manager, so if you would like to provide insight into how as a spurs fan you feel about your poor, hard done by, as clean as clean loyal manager expressing his desire to leave you in the future, we would all love to hear it.

  15. Glaston do you think Arry is a dodgy feck?

    OK, 2nd time around, let me answer your question: the answer is "not particularly" and "not any more than the average manager."

    Why? Because half the bias against him is simply because of his appearance and facial mannerisms - twitching etc- all of which results from a very bad car accident in which his fellow passenger died. But many folk are superficial beings: show em' a bashed up, twitchy face and they'll assume the owner is dodgy.

    Some of the remaining bias stems from his east end London accent: again the superficial folk fall into easy stereoptypes: think either cockey gangster of popular myth or Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses, or a mixture of both.

    Finally, most of the remaining bias stems from the Inland Revenue charges against him - over very little money as it happens, especially for someone who is already very rich and continues to earn a big whack every year. A reasonable person might wonder if he could really be bothered to try and con the taxman over peanuts. But the more important point is this: in law he's presumed innocent until proven guilty, and he's been found guilty of precisely nothing as yet. The problem is again with the superficial folk, who assume the opposite: guilty until proven innocent, no smoke without fire and all the rest of the tired old cliches that form the bedrock of their shallow mindss

    I don't think the reason harry is hated is anything to do with his facial gestures, yes they are easy to throw into insults, but nobody dislikes him for it.

    Also, the cockney accent, there are loads of cockneys around who aren't hated!

    He is hated for his rent a quote gob. anybody who is interviewed on his own door stop on xmas day by sky sports has issues. Its the way he openly talks about players from other clubs, slays into his own players, fans , fans of other teams, and always claims to be so hard done by and whiter than white. He seeks attention at all costs but then throws his rattle out of his pram when things don't go as he likes.

    Without doubt he is his own self publicity machine. Also, does it really matter the size of his inland revenue problems, the fact was that he was caught having payments into off shore accounts.

    The other thing is the state he leaves clubs in. yes , its the responsibility of the owners, but his transfer record is incredible. his purchases are:

    West Ham (1994-2001)

    Adrian Whitbread

    Don Hutchison

    Tony Cottee

    Les Sealey

    Mark Watson

    Marc Rieper

    Marco Boogers

    Michael Hughes

    Robbie Slater

    Stan Lazaridis

    Peter Shilton

    Steve Mautone

    Paulo Futre

    Steve Jones

    Florin Raducioiu

    Richard Hall

    John Harkes


    Scott Mean

    Mark Bowen

    Paul Kitson

    John Hartson

    Steve Lomas

    Eyal Berkovic

    David Terrier

    Craig Forrest

    Hugo Porfirio

    Mike Newell

    Luke Weaver

    David Unsworth

    Ian Pearce

    Andy Impey

    Samassi Abou

    Trevor Sinclair

    Stephen Bywater

    Marc Keller

    Shaka Hislop

    Ian Moore

    Paulo Alves

    Bernard Lama

    Ian Wright

    Neil Ruddock

    Javier Margas

    Gavin Holligan

    Scott Minto

    Paolo Di Canio

    Marc-Vivien Foe

    Jimmy Bullard

    Jermain Defoe

    Paulo Wanchope

    Stuart Pearce

    Igor Stimac

    Gary Charles

    Daniel Sjolund

    Omer Riza

    Ian Feuer

    Frederic Kanoute

    Nigel Winterburn

    Davor Suker

    Sasa Ilic

    Rigobert Song

    Titi Camara

    Ragnvald Soma

    Christian Dailly

    Svetoslav Todorov

    Hayden Foxe

    Christian Bassila

    Darren Peacock

    Kaba Diawara

    Hannu Tihinen

    Sebastien Schemmel

    Portsmouth (2002-2004)

    Svetoslav Todorov

    Eddie Howe

    Hayden Foxe

    Matt Taylor

    Richard Hughes

    Arjan de Zeeuw

    Scott Wilson

    Mark Summerbell

    Shaka Hislop

    Carl Robinson

    Paul Merson

    Gianluca Festa

    Lassina Diabate

    Deon Burton

    Steve Stone

    Tim Sherwood

    Sasa Ilic

    Vincent Pericard

    Paul Ritchie

    Stathos Tavlaridis

    Markus Heikinnen


    Patrik Berger

    Boris Zivkovic

    Teddy Sheringham

    Harald Wapenaar

    Dejan Stefanovic

    Amdy Faye

    Sebastien Schemmel

    Pavel Srnicek

    Eyal Berkovic

    Richard Duffy

    Ivica Mornar

    John Curtis

    Andy Griffin

    Jamie Ashdown

    Alexei Smertin

    Jason Roberts

    Petri Pasanen

    Lomana Lua Lua

    David Unsworth

    Aliou Cisse

    Ricardo Fuller

    Valery Mezague

    Diomansy Kamara

    Southampton (2004-2005)

    Jamie Redknapp

    Nigel Quashie

    Olivier Bernard

    Kasey Keller

    Calum Davenport

    Henri Camara

    Dennis Wise

    Darren Powell

    Ricardo Fuller

    Tomasz Hajto

    Djamel Belmadi

    Kamil Kosowski

    Marcelo Tejera

    Portsmouth (2005-2008)


    Pedro Mendes

    Sean Davis

    Noe Pamarot

    Dean Kiely

    Jean-Francois Christophe

    Wayne Routledge

    Ognjen Koroman

    Andres D'Alessandro

    David Thompson

    Sol Campbell

    Nwa*kwo Kanu

    David James

    Andy Cole

    Niko Kranjcar

    Djimi Traore


    Sylvain Distin

    Hermann Hreidarsson

    Sulley Muntari

    Martin Crainie

    Callum Reynolds

    Arnold Mvuemba

    Glen Johnson

    Manuel Fernandes

    Rodolph Douala

    David Nugent

    John Utaka

    Papa Bouba Diop

    Tom Kilbey

    Lassana Diarra

    Danijel Subotic

    Jermain Defoe

    Glen Little

    Lucien Aubey

    Milan Baros

    Peter Crouch

    Younes Kaboul

    Jerome Thomas

    Ben Sahar

    Armand Traore

    Nadir Belhadj

    Tottenham Hotspur (2008-present)

    Jermain Defoe

    Wilson Palacios

    Carlo Cudicini

    Pascal Chimbonda

    Robbie Keane

    Kyle Naughton

    Kyle Walker

    Peter Crouch

    Sebastien Bassong

    Niko Kranjcar

    Jimmy Walker

    Younes Kaboul

    Eidur Gudjohnsen




    He's an agents dream! His transfer dealings have probably brought more people to Portsmouth than the entire Portsmouth tourist board have managed in the past decade.

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