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Posts posted by vreitti

  1. 34 minutes ago, TRO said:

    I agree with that, Deans skill set is galvanising an organisation, and creating stability....where he lacks is driving and demanding.

    I understand, he moved the training from early morning to 12-20.pm.....because the players were on their X boxes, PS5's until 2.00am in the morning and he said they need their sleep.

    it was reported to the times....if thats true, it is precisiely why discipline has slipped.....that is not a solution, its caving in.....its this kind of thing that creates sloppy mentality.


    Surely this can't be true? If so, he needs to be let go immediately. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Got a feeling Koeman will be interviewed. Just seems the sort they would look at, an Im sure he would come back to the premier League. Not sure if he is any good, just heard on here he is terrible.

    No thanks. Was absolutely dreadful both at S'ton and Everton. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, trevor said:

    Indeed, turnarounds of that magnitude do a lot of damage. The draw with Stoke when 2-0 up under O’Neill did a fair amount, but the reversal when 2 up at Leicester was significant that season. We went down (I know there were many other factors too), they won the League. That Wolves game could be season defining.

    This for me is just absurd. It's only one game. Even the best teams in the world have bad days sometimes. If confidence really is that frail, maybe we need to change the manager.

  4. 19 minutes ago, gaffer85 said:

    For me this is why he has to go , we looked like an amateur team passing a piece of paper, they should know there jobs at set plays before the game,

    This can be only a lack of coaching

    Oh please, you see this happening all the time, with all the top teams too. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    We bought in 3 good attackers. The business was decent. They are all talented established higher calibre players.

    The business is fine. Dean should really have got them settled and on some kind of wavelength by now.

    This is where I'm at too. It's not like we bought some unknown entities from another galaxy. Why the hell isn't he getting them performing? And where has the team unity gone? It's not that long ago we were flying and beat Manure. I refuse to believe that 10 minute madness against Wolves is the sole reason we've gone to shit.

  6. Just now, foreveryoung said:

    Who's hurt and desperate. Looking at your previous posts I guess you are, cause I don't give a *****

    You need to do some research, you'll find Smith don't take the coaching.

    As for Terry leaving, everyone knows the reason.

    Sorry mate, was probably a bit unclear. Yes, I did in fact mean myself. The theory is sound enough, we 100 % look like a team coached by Shakespeare. 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Apparently got a rollocking off Purslow for influencing Grealish to go to Man City. Rok followed him out.

    See this is it, Dean don't really do the coaching, he over sees it. Which is why it's gone pear now Shaky and Danks have come in.

    This is almost believable. I suppose when you're hurt and desperate, you'll belive just about anything. 

  8. I was sure Dean would put it right tonight. Now I find it impossible to defend him anymore. Having said that, I don't want see him go either. I'm just glad I don't have to make that call. Are there any viable options available is another big question? Shakespeare certainly isn't one. If Smith goes, he has to follow. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, The_Steve said:

    I doubt Dean had much say. He simply doesn't know how to work with them

    Well that's simply unacceptable. Ings for one, is an established PL player. Half the world will know how to get the best out of him. Buendia isn't really an enigma either. We've all seen how he was effectively utilized at Norwich. I can give some leeway with Bailey. All in all, it's just not good enough, and as many have already alluded, we aren't even moving in the right direction. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, The Fun Factory said:

    I don't know what to say. 10 minutes of madness v Wolverhampton has ruined our season.

    I think that's it for Smith but I would say equally the blame is the summer transfer window. The explanation of bringing in 3 players to replace Grealish made no sense and this team is completely unbalanced, without a plan, and steaming towards the bottom 3. 


    I honestly thought at the time it was a totally brilliant move, replacing Jack with three quality players, that would give us more options. Little did I know they had zero plan on how to integrate them. 

    • Like 2
  11. 26 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    Just out of interest, why was it expected for us to be inconsistent at this point?

    Well the fact that we had to buy a completely new squad upon coming up and barely scraping survival. Last season we already saw glimpses of what we're capable of. Then we lost our star player and talisman, which we leaned on too heavily imo. Now though, there can be no more excuses.

  12. 1 minute ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    We’ve picked up results but it’s hard to remember too many games where we’ve been really convincing like we were in the first 4 months of the season. Happy to be corrected.  

    I agree. It's simply a question of semantics, and I like I said, I do think we've been inconsistent, but not really struggled. Norwich are struggling. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    We should have won more than what we have, struggled would be one way of putting it.

    Some of the results that seen us collect 0 pts when it should have been 3pts is one example.

    I agree, e.g. I too would have liked to see us win more games. Fact is, we've largely been inconsistent, which is to be expected at this point, considering the massive overhaul, rebuild or whatever you wanna call it. Bottom line is, change takes time. Sure Dean's been here three years, but I still maintain this is the season that will finally reveal if he's up to the task or not.

    I think we're all awaiting better results and more importantly, better performances. If it doesn't happen soon, he'll be history, and rightfully so.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I don’t think the club would sack Smith just in current form. We’ve struggled for nearly a calendar year now.

    I seriously doubt the owner or the board feel this way. We've obviously not won every game this calendar year, so I guess you could say we've "struggled".

  15. 18 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    I’m not a man of faith, I believe in things I can see.

    We can all see what's happening, or more importantly what's not happening. In general, football clubs are far too eager to pull the trigger. All good managers go through rough patches. This is Smiths first season where it's reasonable to expect more consistent performances and results. So far it's been below par, but not by much, all things considered, and we're still only a quarter into the season. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    He has had three years and a huge amount of money to spend, I fail to see what another two or three games is going to change.

    Sometimes in football, things change suddenly. I'm still hopeful Smith will miraculously turn this around. 

  17. 9 minutes ago, TrentVilla said:

    7 wins in 29 games. Not really trigger happy is it.

    Too me it looks worse than it really is. Whilst I wouldn't entirely disregard last seasons poor games, I think he should be judged more by the mitigating circumstances this season. Having said that, we've spent plenty and there can be no denying, we now have a proper squad, and should be doing a lot better. Next 2-3 games will be crucial. 


  18. That simply wasn't good enough, irrespective of the ludicrous refereeing. Honestly, it's difficult to understand what we're trying to do out there. Think we need to go back to basics. Keep it simple, pass and move, make the ball do the work. Sure we've had injuries and whatnot, but we now have a proper squad too, so it's not an valid excuse for these poor performances. 

    Smith is still very much the man to fix this, but we need a serious reaction next game. 

    Also, all this talk of ROK and Terry leaving being the reason we're in a mess right now... please, give me a break. 

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