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Everything posted by TerryCzap

  1. You have been led by your nose to believe what you have stated. No one will ever find any documentation (except those spoken by the narrator) which can prove this charge. It would have to be manufactured by your MI6, which is quite capable of the task. How can you guarantee this. Were you sitting on God’s thrown to know whether God told him he was Messiah? The man has committed no crimes and I can guarantee he is more moral than you could ever imagine in your most sanctified moments. If anyone on this property has been violated, I would have to agree with you. But since I know the facts and you only have conjecture and your own judgments I will have to say that you are only judging him based on your own moral corruption. It is a law that we will always see others as we are.
  2. The production crew did another marvelous slight of hand trick during that part of the film. He had the "Witnesses" sitting on either side of Michael and had them all wait a bit as he filmed them. Then Ben smiled at Michael, wherein Michael smiled back at him. When the production was done, the narrator added his comments about Michael having sex with the witnesses, just as the smile was passing over Michael's face. It was a brilliant scene. Now Michael was viewed as a sex addict. Another thing to consider about this matter, is that if you noticed during the interview, Jeff and Wendy were not sitting next to each other. This was because they were no longer married. They had divorced prior to these events (consummation) taking place. Michael was told by God to do what was asked of him. He never once solicited sexual favors from anyone. These various acts that took place (being naked, consummations) are simply symbols that are fulfilling bible prophecy. The question I have for you is: would you have thought that, if it was not suggested it in the film when he was driving through the gates for one of his many visits? When Ben drove in he stated that Jeff was thinner and grayer than the last time he saw him. It is true that most of us are not obese like many Americans, but we are all healthy and happy. We eat all we want. Another great piece by the those filming, was when Jeff's former wife was telling her story, and the camera panned the over to Jeff who was leaning forward with his head in his hands while sitting in a chair. It was implied that Jeff was stressed or bummed out. The reality is - usually when Jeff sits in a chair listening to something like a meeting, he sits in that very same manner. I have watched him for years during our church meetings with his head in his hands (when happy as a coon) just as you saw on the screen. I can assure you, Jeff is not frightened, but is as a warrior and is in perfect harmony with his father. Answer me this: Would I have the right to form a government and come and take your children from you, since you are likely in a cult (government) which kills millions of innocent mothers, grandmothers, and children from other lands? Would I have the right to take your kids away from you, since your cult (government) takes from you, by force if necessary, nearly half of all your income - whether you like it or not? Our children (all three of them) are not pushed to be here. They want to be here. If you could have had the opportunity to listen to their stories, you would have known that. Here is another bit of deception which had to do with the two "children" who were removed from the property in New Mexico against their wishes, and taken to Washington state. What is left out of this narration, was that the blonde girl "Tiara" was nearly 18 years of age when this event was occurring. Would you like to have been kidnapped at 18 and forced to live in a manner and place which you abhorred, as well as being cut off from communicating with your friends? It seems to me it is the real "cult" who did these things. Here is something to consider about cult behavior. On one of the previous suicide scares that our adversaries sponsored (2004), we had many State police and Child Protective Services (CPS) officials arrive on our property. All the children were separated from their parents and interrogated. This went on for hours as the CPS workers tried their hardest to find something wrong here but discovered nothing, because there was nothing to find. Finally the Chief Patrolman, after watching all this sleuthing going on, shouted “this is child abuse” referring to the CPS workers harassing our children. He then ordered all state workers to leave the land. Cannot anyone have a lifestyle that is not sanctioned by the State? Who is harrassing whom? This is why God has come for his children. One can hardly live by their own conscience without the State trying to take them over. Do your children get to make up their mind on where they want to live? Should not ours? Is it only the "mob" who gets to decide who keeps the children or do parents have some rights? My children have been kept from me for almost 20 years, simply because of my religious preferences, not because of any law that I have ever broken. My children have been brainwashed by the State (educational system) to believe in ways that are contrary to common sense. Is this religious freedom?
  3. In reviewing my first post, I would have to ask: How could someone read my post and not recognize I was with Strong City? Secondly, there was certainly no mandatory reason to state whether or not I belonged to the group in in my first post, and by not stating so, it does not imply that I was deceiving anyone. I did not notice anyone else stating clearly that they did or did not belong to the group, when they made their posts and observations. As soon as I replied to comments in reference to my first post, I stated plainly that I was a member of the group. I made no pledges when I joined the forum or when I posted. Ben on the other hand did make us certain promises. I did not skew the facts, nor did I withhold any pertinent information as did Mr. Anthony. If you think I was dishonest, it is only because of the dishonest world that you live and operate in. If I am not mistaken, you did not actually ask a question here. Secondly, in my replies, I am not dealing with non pertinent questions or those which are simply nonsense. I cannot know why, but it should please you to know that my parents disowned me almost two decades ago. They have gone so far as to lie to a court and a judge to keep my children from being with me. This occured many years ago when our group looked very tame compared to what had been broadcast on TV. This seems to be an example of the great "freedom" and "democracy" that the Brits and Americans have been slaughtering peasants for, for the last couple centuries. We are told the lie that we have religious freedom, but it is only true as long as the religion of the State is what we accept. If one steps outside of those boundaries, one loses all that he has to the Almighty State who believes it is God.
  4. Very well Sir, If you are the site administrator and are asking me to no longer post here, then I will happily oblige you. It looks to me though that you are new to this site. I did not however notice any requirements to the forum or thread when I joined it. Also, it appeared to have not been responded to for 5 days when I made my first post. Are “discussion forums” for the purpose of discussing issues or not? I made my post and was asked questions in response to that post. Do you think it would have been more proper for me to make my initial post, then leave the site? It seems reasonable to me that if I am asked some questions, then I should answer them. Sincerely, Terry
  5. I believe the best way for you to not be disturbed would be to avoid the thread entitled "Strong City" which asks the question: Did anyone watch the programme about this last night?
  6. The various events in the film, and what many are terming immorality were all symbols. The cross of Christ 2000 years ago was a symbol. Jesus died on a cross to convey that when men (Adam) sin, there would also have to be a death (Jesus). Michael has stood up, and his symbol is that of a marriage. Both the new and old testament are full of terms such as "husband" "bride" "marriage supper" "wise and foolish virgin" ect. The book of Revelation speaks of the Marriage of the Lamb. These symbols were the teachings that were filmed and would have been explained if Ben would have been true to his word to us. Let me ask you though: What kind of pleasure did Abraham achieve by obeying God and sacrificing his son on an alter? What kind of pleasure did Elijah get by killing 400 men from a religion that he did not like? The pleasure Michael received from these events was only that of following the voice of God. Other than that, it was pure pain to him. If you knew him, you would believe me. But since you don't, you can only put the standard human lust to what another was asked to do. The TV crew, as well as many others made a request for an interview and they were granted permission to do it. Since you know so little of the man (Michael) and his works, how could you pretend to know what kind of "spreading the word" he has done for the last 40 years? You heard about him didn't you? Did the word get spread or didn't it? Did the whole world know about Jesus when he walked the earth? No, they didn't. But Jesus did use the medium of the day to spread his message and we have done the same thing. This message of the gospel was spread to England many years ago by our missionaries. We have published and distributed books, web sites, ect. I have traveled thousands of miles and spent year upon year evangelizing the world. The question is: where were you that you didn't hear of this sooner? Yes, you do mean to ridicule me, but that is the way of the world. Jesus said to his earliest followers "follow me" and they did. He had performed no miracles and had healed no bodies. The disciples simply heard the voice of God in the call from Jesus. He said he was Messiah and they believed him. I think this is called "blind faith". My peace came long before a community was created. The peace came from a gospel that magnifies the essence of what Jesus taught. It was an infusion by the Holy Spirit that allows me to follow the scriptures and my instructions from God. The standard "christian" only believes in a fairy tale and looks forward to visiting a petting zoo in heaven, but does not truly give themselves to God. By the time you see and hear about the miracles, it will likely be to late. Jesus walked the earth for 30 years before he said he was Messiah! Do you mean that I cannot do the work that my Father has given me to do, in the manner he has given me to do it? Are you God that I must do things the way you see fit?
  7. Quote from Terry: “Soon an unexplainable event will occur which will be proof to one who has an honest heart.” Quote From Paddy: “Can you tell us what, or when?” Yes. I have a friend who died about a year ago. She died in the faith that Michael is the Messiah, and is burried about a hundred yards from my dwelling. The scriptures say that “the dead in Christ shall rise” when the Christ returns. I am expecting, and very soon, though I don’t know when, for my friend to be raised from the dead. Truly the churches of the world do not have life in them, that is why the bible describes them as “babylon”. They are social clubs, spending part of their time deciding which countries/religions need to be overthrown. Then they lobby their Congressmen and Presidents to do their bidding for them. The scriptural definition for this is “the whore (church) that rides on the back of the beast (state government)”. God bids his people, whether they are “christian” or not, to “come out from among them”. My experience could have looked both ways. There were many dramatic , quick events, and yet it was also over a process of time (2 years) as I began to experience a need in my heart and found some answers. I was raised as a Catholic until I quit going there after high school. Our family went to church, sometimes 7 days a week, but we had no faith, no love, no morality. I started my heart searching in my early 20’s and after my conversion began attending the Seventh Day Adventists, for the heavenly Father had showed me that one of the 10 commandments was not just there for decorative purposes. I attended there until I heard my Father calling me to a broader understanding of him through this message/experience. It was in 1987 that God universally pronounced the churches of the world as Babylon, and it was about that time I started brushing elbows with people who had an understanding of what we are now experiencing.
  8. I have seen him create a world in which men do not wage wars and kill each other. A world in which every man is treated with respect and dignity. The world Michael created is a world in which men are sane, instead of imagining that others do not have the right to live out their own political or religious interest, and therefore need to be overthrown. It is an existence in which oppressing your neighbor for gain does not exist. This cannot be said in the outside world. Yes, I know, you want to hear about fabulous body healings, but they are nothing in comparison to the healing of the mind. Those type of miracles (healing of the body) did happened also, but if the mind is not cured of it's dis-ease, then what good is a healthy body? I have seen a man (Michael) be willing to be sacrificed, even unto death, for the good of all mankind. This is part of what I consider proof. It is a miracle for a man to be willing to die for the benefit of another, without gaining anything for himself. That is what happened by allowing this film to be produced. We purposefully put the radical events Ben showed in his film in front of him, otherwise he would never have known them. Our whole story is a miracle, ie, how we got here, how we acquired the land, but Ben refused to show it, even though he filmed it. Soon an unexplainable event will occur which will be proof to one who has an honest heart.
  9. A little more than twenty years ago I met some people who were part of this message in its earliest beginnings. The root of the message is that a Christian is like Christ. Seems pretty simple, but most of Christianity would dispute this point. An example is that a “Christ”ian would not be killing his neighbor for oil or for any other reason. A Christian always obeys God, he does not rebel and sin against Him. No When I was in my early 20’s, I am now 48, I started searching for some of the answers to life and why we are here. God reached down and touched my hurting heart and life has never been the same.
  10. Yes, I have. But the issue is fairly a mute point. 2000 years ago the people in the area of the "holy land" saw multitudes of miracles, but they still killed Jesus. So, miracles do not mean a thing. The true miracle is to hear the voice of God, and to obey it.
  11. I've Known Michael for almost twenty years, and I've never heard him tell a lie. It would seem that only a liar would see Michael as telling lies. Yes I was, but not in a personal interview. There were very few personal interviews shown, for the director had a specific painting he wanted to portray. This was done on purpose, for if anyone talked for very long, the viewers would realize we are very normal, reasonable people. By google searching for the contents of the film. As stated earlier, I have known Michael for nearly 20 years. In that time, I had never seen him behave in a manner unbecoming to a christian. This would also be true for most of the other people in the film. After their conversions to christianity, these people were very circumspect in their behavior and deportment. Far more so than most of society would ever attempt to be. In my dealings with Michael I have observed that he never did things that were crazy or inappropriate in nature. During these 20 years, his actions were always carried out with integrity and honesty. So when he told me that he was Messiah 7 years ago, it was not very difficult to believe that this was true, despite my illusions as to how I thought the end time events would be played out. Nobody would chose to do the things that Michael has done unless he is insane, or is in fact, quite sane and is simply following the instructions given to him by God. Also I had prayed about the matter, and my heavenly Father told me that Michael's actions were instigated by Him. The viewer gets to decide what is true.
  12. Hi BOF, Nice to hear of someone who can reason a bit. WMD in Iraq is the best example of media manipulation, but people love to be lied to. To be honest, we were not even interested in getting our story out, since it was not over yet. But because Ben promised he would let us tell our story, we agreed. After seeing the presentation, I found it to have been just the way it needed to be, as it did its work. Everyone who saw it in the UK gets to judge a man they know little about and have never met. They will do this by appying the attributes in their own heart to another - and not by the character of the man himself. Soon silly Americans will get to do the same thing, and the war will ramp up to the next level. Terry
  13. What happened at midnight? I think everyone saw what happened at midnight (Oct. 31). We did exactly what we told Ben we were going to do. We blew a trumpet (recording), a copy of which had already been given to Ben a couple days before hand. We marched around our camp shouting "liberty" just as the bible told us to do. Ben was told of our exact intentions beforehand, though he acted surprised in the narration. This activity was a symbol of the beginning of a Jubilee year, in which all of mankind was forgiven of his sins and allowed to return to his Maker, no longer being enslaved to demonic forces. The children of Israel marched around Jericho 7 times, and no one thinks that to be strange. We did what God told us to do. Affiliate? I live in NM where our little community is located. We have been here for a little over 7 years, and were previously located in Idaho.
  14. Yes, that is part of my point. Most of the film was made to encourage people to talk and think the very way you are carrying on. After seeing the reaction of the people, it made me wonder: who is the lunatic here, the Travessers, or the gullible ones who were led by their noses by the films maker? Why should a man be thrown in jail if no laws were broken and no crimes committed? If the Child Protective Service, the Sheriff, the State Police and the FBI can't find something wrong, despite having investigated on multiple occasions and interviewing the children - maybe the something wrong is in the minds of the observers and not the "cult". I am one of the individuals living in NM at what some call "Strong City". During the 100 hours of filming that the interviewer had taken of the group, he had asked close to twenty times "what is going to happen on Oct. 31", he was always told that no one knew the answer to that question. He was given examples of what could happen (like a body change), but no one ever suggested the end of the earth. In one un-aired interview, Ben himself realizes and says that Oct. 31 represents a "beginning" for the group as much as the end of a time period (490 year prophecy) - this was conveniently left out of his film. What I have just explained is documented (recorded) by the group members themselves as well as by Ben. Let's be fair about it then. Have you thought about who in their right mind would give "unprecedented access" to the BBC, simply so they can make you look like a criminal? At this time the net is full of death threats against Michael, as well as hundreds of people crying out for him to be thrown in jail. Nobody in their right mind would have allowed this to be done on purpose. We have only let the media film us one other time. It was a local news agency and they claimed they wanted to dispel the fears of society about our "suicide pack" that everyone thought was supposed to happen several years ago. When the news piece aired, they did the opposite of what they claimed they were going to do. They made it look like they were watching us to prevent a calamity. We realized this was not going to happen again. Since then, many agencies have wanted to do a story on us (Guardian, National Geographic) but we always turned them down, as we are not interested in attention for its own sake. Then Ben Anthony came along. He portrayed himself as one who lets the subjects of the film tell their own story by letting them talk. He gave his word that this would happen, but He simply lied in the end, and it was due to his own offended self righteousness. If you knew the story behind many of the events portrayed, the film would have had a completely different perception. Instead of giving our story in our own words about the return of Christ, his voice suggests to the audience everything that he is wanting the audience to believe, such as, Michael predicted the end of the world. I would like to give one more example of the suggestive behavioralism that Ben excels in: it was in saying the members were preparing for death. I've been with these people for almost twenty years and you will never hear them say they are preparing for death. They may say they are preparing to leave the earth (like Jesus did), but not preparing for death. Our purpose has been to leave the earth just like Jesus did. Is that such a strange thing? I thought everyone who believed the bible wanted the world to end some day, and that they were preparing for Jesus to return and go away with him. Here is another thought for the bible believer - Yes, some of the things that happened here look very strange, but do you think it looked a bit sadistic for Abraham to go up on a mountain and attempt to kill his son? A person takes by faith that God told Abraham to do this. In like manner, I have accepted by faith that Michael did all that he did because God told him to do it. Is that so hard to accept? Jesus was killed for crimes he did not commit and the modern Christ is being put on trial for the world to judge at this time. Humanity gets a second chance.
  15. I saw this film the other day, but I observed it from a slightly different angle. If I were the producer, I would have named the film "The Art Of Deception". There are a number of reasons that I would have done this. Primarily, because it demonstrated that the media intends to give the viewers a skewed perception of the events, so that they believe things that were not true. By the way it was presented, many viewers had already prejudged the people that belonged to this little group, even before they had been given much more than a primer about them in the TV Guides and such. I will give a couple examples of what I am referring to. The first twisted projection was that neither the subject of the film, Michael Travesser, nor any of his "followers" had predicted that the world would end on Oct. 31 or Dec. 15. Did any of you notice this statement only came from the narrator Ben Anthony? It was preprogrammed into the psyche of the viewer by the various adds as well as the promo video clips that these guys are nut jobs, because the world did not end in October as they supposedly had said. Also, within the first two minutes of the film, viewers were given the impression that Michael is some kind of creepy pedophile by showing old clips of him hugging children, then having a young woman say she took her clothes off in front of him. This was all done for effect and to sway the perception of the viewer. Granted, the events that took place on the Strong City land were strange enough, but the film's maker seemed to have delved into excess by cranking things up a bit to get more viewers and build more controversy. I could list a multitude of events from the film which portray the "slight of hand work" that was done by the broadcasters. The end result of this film has accomplished its task however. When the Christ came 2000 years ago he was made to look like a mad man, like he had a devil. In like manner, this film brought about the same result to the one who claims to be the Christ in our age.
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