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Everything posted by TerryCzap

  1. Hi tony, I fished out a post I made a couple days ago on this thread. I decided to pull it out and keep it in my back pocked for the those who want to debate the existance of God and the merits of creation. I am interested in discussing the topic of this thread and the principles related to it however.
  2. I wrote the post referring in a general manner to those who feel Michael should be killed, maimed, prosecuted, investigated, scolded or imprisoned. The lie concept was also what I was addressing. I certainly cannot know your motives, but often those who do not want to believe in a God, simply want to debate the issue. They are not seeking anything but to prove themselves right (self righteousness). I may be wrong, but your comments and post strike me as one who walks lthat kind of path. I believe in my heavenly Father and am not interested in bantering for the sake of bantering. If you believe that my friend is not The Messiah, then you simply believe he is a false Christ. This is as simple as calling something that quacks, a duck.
  3. Yes, I believe they are.
  4. Yes, it is, but that is not what I was doing. And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked. 1Ki 18:27
  5. There are thousands of reasons for illness. Sin is only one of them and is fairly low on the list. Ailments such as cancer are only a symptom, demonstrating that the body (including the mind) is not functioning properly. Most diseases (dis-ease) are created in the mind by worry, stress, guilt and a host of other borrowed troubles. Some aspects of disease are due to the way one eats and lives. Yes, we are all quite ill. The body begins dying just as soon as it is born. It just takes a while to go back to the dirt from which it came. On the other hand, most of us rarely get sick (colds, flue, etc.) because we have discarded the foods which help create sickness, such as meat and dairy products. One of our members had a very serious tumor in her breast, treated it holistically and recovered. Many years later her cancer came back and it is still with her. She is somewhat of a walking miracle though, as she should have died more than a year ago. She felt in her heart she did not want any medical treatments (not even holistic) and has done none to herself since that decision, yet she still happily lives on.
  6. Villa, Even by worldy standards, nothing immoral happened here. You are simply believing in a lie. “This is the crisis we're in: The Christ came into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness. They went for the darkness because they were not really interested in pleasing God” John 3:19 I wish you the best as well.
  7. Not trying to spam you folks, just answering some of the reasonable questions which were asked while I was busy with the "monster" post and over the night. We have no evidence about the parents of Jesus or that he even lived. We only have a story that has been handed down through the generations and many people claim to believe it. According to that story, there was a delusional woman who claimed "I didn't have sex with anyone, but now I'm pregnant". Ya right! Yes the birth of Christ was miraculous, but so is every other birth that takes place on the planet. The Messiah (Jesus) was not his body, it was his spirit, his mission. That is what made his death different from any other man's. Just as God spoke and Mary was pregnant with Messiah Jesus, 2000 years later God spoke again and created a Messiah in Wayne Bent. Yes, but you must realize this, most of what is written in the bible about the return of Christ, is written in a figurative manner. For instance, in the book of Revelation (19:15) it says that when the Christ returns he will have a sharp sword coming out of his mouth. Do you really expect to see a sword sticking out of his mouth? Revelation 13 speaks of a beast coming out of the ocean and putting marks on peoples foreheads. Do you expect this to happen in a very literal manner? So to answer your question. In the verse I just referred to (Rev 19:15) it says the Christ will have a very sharp sword coming out of his mouth, which means tongue. His words are very sharp and stinging, they cut to the chase. I can tell you this is very true from personal experience. One can look on the message boards and spiritually speaking, the bodies are being cut up. Revelation 1:7 says that he "comes in the clouds and every eyes sees him". The Messiah comes to man's cloudy way of thinking. He is shrouded in mystery (child abuser, sexual deviant). Every eye that sees the Messiah gets to judge him, and it cannot be helped. The choices made are clear and easy to see. People hate him, or they see he is the Christ. I could give you another 50 or 60 examples of fulfilled bible prophecy, but this should give you an idea of the principle.
  8. The entire population of children on our property is 3. Their ages 12, 15, and 16. They want to be here, they love it here, and they don't want to be any where else. CAN YOU BELIEVE ME? I hope to demonstrate the hypocrisy in your statement though. Do your children (if you have them) have the right to chose whether or not they should to live with you? After all, the effects of your cult are far greater than anything you've seen here. The Brits have murdered and oppressed tens of millions of people as they ravished the earth. The great Churchill used mustard gas against the Iraqis long ago to try to bring them into submission. What what would you say if we gassed our children? I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. We have definitely adopted the position at the Peace Conference of arguing in favour of the retention of gas as a permanent method of warfare. It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell and to boggle at making his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gasses: gasses can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected. - Winston Churchill Should I have the right to say, your children have not made an informed choice about cult life in the UK? Would it be OK with you if I stole them from you and give them to some Chinese family, since all they know is what you have taught them? Is not the idea of "freedom of religion idiotic?
  9. We will do what we have been doing for a very long time. Nothing has changed except the for perception of some of the readers. We will listen for the sweet voice of the heavenly Father, and do what He says.
  10. For those who don't read their bibles, here is what heppened when Jesus and others began saying he was the Messah. As Jesus walked by, John looked at him and then declared, "Look! There is the Lamb of God!" Then John's two disciples turned and followed Jesus. Jesus looked around and saw them following. "What do you want?" he asked them. They replied, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher), "where are you staying?" "Come and see," he said. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when they went with him to the place, and they stayed there the rest of the day. Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of these men who had heard what John said and then followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother, Simon, and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (which means the Christ). Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, "You are Simon, the son of John – but you will be called Cephas" (which means Peter) The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, "Come, be my disciple." Philip was from Bethsaida, Andrew and Peter's hometown. Philip went off to look for Nathanael and told him, "We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth." "Nazareth!" exclaimed Nathanael. "Can anything good come from there?" "Just come and see for yourself," Philip said. As they approached, Jesus said, "Here comes an honest man – a true son of Israel." "How do you know about me?" Nathanael asked.And Jesus replied, "I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you." John Ch, 1:36-48 People want to see a miracle and then they think they would follow the Messiah (his teachings). But 2000 years ago a man (John the babptist) who looked like a lunatic and ate grasshoppers stood in a river and said "I see the Messiah". Suddenly two disciples left to follow Jesus. Later Jesus began calling his other disciples to follow him. This was done before any miracles were performed by Jesus. edited by limpid, please don't use red text
  11. No he didn't kill me. I did try to post this before bed, but I lost my internet service as happens sometimes. As I said yesterday, snowychap ol boy, you are right. Michael Travesser is a false christ and I have been deceived for the last 20 years. So this man, whom I will now call a monster and thought had been a good friend - I will now call a bad friend. In those twenty years he has never mistreated me once in any manner and I mean never - not a wrong look, not a wrong tone of voice, not a bad attitude - and I am not lying. But I guess that's what bad friends are for right? Everybody has friends like this don't they? So here I sit living on the monster's property. I only have 2000 beautiful acres to roam on so I will have lots of places to hide if I have to. Do you know how big 2000 acres is? This piece of land is about 2 miles long and almost 2 miles wide. There are canyons, 300 ft. bluffs, lots of trees, wildlife in abundance, including bear, cougar, large antlered mule deer walking in my yard every so often. Lots of little bunny rabbits running around. Birds of a multitude of variety flying here and there, as well as a large group of turkeys always grazing somewhere in the camp. I imagine the monster eats these critters when I am not looking, even though he says he's a vegetarian (he's probably lying). These animals used to be perfectly wild, but he must have cast his spell on them, for now they act almost tame. Where did I get access to 2000 acres? Well it was the monster that did it. He must have wanted to find a way to hurt me, so he invited my wife and I, along with about 70 other people to come here 7 years ago and live on church property. How did a monster locate such a fairy tale piece of ground you ask? It must have been though his powers of sorcery or something, after all, he brought us here just a couple months before he claimed to be Messiah (he says God told him that). Another thing happened about then. The phone company brought high speed internet service to this piece of wilderness in the middle of nowhere - this guy sure seems to have strange power over people. Why did he invite us here? Well, he made it seem like he wanted us to have a nice place away from the city influences where we could think and have some quiet time, but you know how evil people are, they always have some trick up their sleeves. Speaking of tricks, he really planned this one out. We are a long ways from nowhere. Over 80 miles to a WalMart, 200 miles to a major lumber yard or sizable city. He must have really plotted a way to "disappear" us in this scenario when the time was right (Jonestown). Anyway, this bad friend of mine did a really weird thing to us about 5 years ago (you probably shouldn't tell anyone because it was really bad). He said he wanted everyone to have some money with the hope they would hang on to it for a while. I don't know if the money was laced with poisoned koolaid or something cuz... well... everybody knows he is pretty sinister. So what he did was sold all but about 300 acres of the land. Then, I suppose to try and not look like a monster (reverse psychology) instead of buying a Rolls Royce or something for himself like other gurus, he gave each family on the property about $5000 hoping that they would use this money to live on and not work. He was always trying to get us to not work and stay on the property with him so he could teach us his sinister ways (his version of how the world operates). Back to when he sold the land he did something else that only a wicked person could do. It was arranged with the new owners that even though we no longer owned the other 1700 acres, we had permission to use the land perpetually. We could walk the trails, canyons and hills for as long we were here. Isn't that something only a true wizard would think of - what a shyster. Well anyway, now everyone on the property has more room to hide in case we have to run from him. About three years ago my precious wife woke up and started seeing that Michael was a monster, she was quicker upstairs than myself, if you know what I mean. She began to wonder about Michael's bigger picture and no longer wanted to stay here on the monster's land any longer. I don't know how we got away with it, but old Wayne Bent let us move off the property. Somehow he even forced a big smile on his face when we drove away. We located an old farmhouse nearby and fixed it up so my wife could have a nice pretty place to live in. While we were living off the land, the monster hatched out another one of his diabolical schemes. It was like his Messiah complex but a little different. This one was pretty bizarre though. He said he wanted everyone to stay home from work for two years - one was a Sabbath Year, and one was a Jubilee year. It was to begin in Oct. of 2006. Of course he had some dingbat bible verse for this, he always does. He wanted everyone to take a two year break from working for a living, stay home and enjoy life, cogitate, pray, and become better acquainted with his Father (which would have to be the devil). He hatched out a plan whereby all the bills would get paid and we wouldn't work for an income. Is this guy weird or what? Where would we get our food? A store room would be stocked, and whenever anyone needed some food, they just go and get it. Well, I was not living on the land so the monster's plans, diabolical as they may have been, did not impact me as much as it did others. But then, a little over a year ago, the story broke out that the monster wanted to "sleep" with the virgins. The story was not true, for I personally knew this, but it was the story which was put out (rumors have a life of their own). My wife went ballistic, as this was the proof she was looking for that Wayne was indeed a monster. Poor me, I was still deluded at this time in thinking that Wayne was my friend. The result of the story was that a huge tension was palpable in my house now because my wife saw Wayne as a monster and could not be convinced otherwise, even though she had never been mistreated by Michael either. Eventually the scene from Ben Anthony's film took place where Tiara and Matthew were taken from the land. This made things very unsettling at home, because, as happened when Healed was taken from the land, my wife knew in advance and was conspiring with those who were coming to get these children from the "cult". My wife was on one side of the battle, working against the side that I was on. It was a very strange thing to experience. For the previous 17 years, my wife had been my best friend on the earth. We enjoyed each others company and got along with each other quite well. But now, there was such anger swelling out of her heart against Michael that it seemed to pierce my own heart. It is hard to explain, but it was like a switch got flipped and my wife and I were no longer buddies - and there was nothing I could do about it. It so affected me that I could not live with my friend any longer, for now she was acting as an adversary to my friends and myself. I moved out of the house and into the workshop and stayed there for a few weeks hoping my wife would see she was believing in an illusion - if not, I had planned to move entirely off the property, though I did not know where I would go. Well... one day when I was on the monster's land after a meeting, the monster himself came to me and invited me to live on his land again. I'm sure he had some hidden plans for me as he always does, but he also offered me a nice little home to live in - truly, what are monsters for?. Now we have just passed the date that the nay sayers claim the monster had predicted as the "end of the world". I found this claim odd, as I had listened to his sermons intently for years, but I must have been too brainwashed, for I had never ever heard him say the world would end on any date. So snowychap: If Michael has lied to me all these years, how bad do you think it will get if things go on as they have been going? Let's suppose he is a fake, as you propose. If he has been a fake for the last seven years, and he treats me with his same fakeness for the next seven years, how do you think I will fare? Can you suggest a good reason why I should not trust him? Michael the monster has said he is the Messiah and has promised to take me to heaven. I will readily admit though, it seems to me that he has already done that in my heart. Yes, if he has lied to me, it seems the reward of the lie is pretty satisfying. A song - The Runaway Bride
  12. Dear snowychap, I am now thoroughly convinced that Wayne Bent is a monster. Bear with me on this as I am writing down my revelations. Its going to take a little while, as it is very deep.
  13. It is very true that as soon as Michael was pronounced the Messaih in 2000, there were those who said he was false christ. This is a bit broader, bigger, grander exposure, like many millions of times greater. The resulst were death threats. Bodily mutilation threats, and this is just the tip of iceberg. Would you like to have a C4 smear campaign ran against you? It did its work. Only those who have the heart of God will be able to recognize the Seed, and it is well.
  14. If any sane man saw the way in which the information was filmed, verses the way it was portrayed, they could not agree with you. There was no honest mistake involved. The biggest flag was the supposed "prediction" that the world would end on Oct. 31, which then got changed to December 15. These were not accidental events considering no prediction was ever made about any day the world would end. The entire thought was ficticious. This was part of their tag line. But it never happened. It may look like a small matter to some people, but it was about as small as WMD stockpiles in Iraq. This film was to have been the announcement to the world that the Christ had returned, wherein, the film was definitely made to say that Michael was a false Christ, and the effects are listed all over the net.
  15. Yes, snowychap, you have summed it up fairly well, except for one thing. It was originally a gent named Eddie Stafford who originally approached us, who later was listed as the producer when the credits rolled. Early in the project Ben came into the picture and was basically in charge after that. When they spoke to us in the beginning, Eddie said it was through BBC though it aired on C4. I don't know all the inner workings with their companies however.
  16. Let me see if I have this straight. A man is approached by 3 different divorced women over the course of 7 years who ask him if he would have sexual relations with them, and you consider that immoral? Is that what you are saying? Have you had sex with 3 different women in the last 7 years? Shall we call the police and have you locked up if indeed you have?
  17. No, we did not receive any money. Not being paid is not an indication that BBC would put this spin on things. We were under the impression the Brits had a bit of integrety left. We never even imagined it could look like it did. We didn't expect a FOX News style broadcast. Some time ago, Ben Anthony came to us and assured us, based on his previous documentaries, that his style of filming was to let the subjects tell their story rather than have someone narrate and spin a story about us. This was something that we could agree to, and he gave us his word that this would be what happened with the film. We’re not talking about some back woods teenage journalist all stoned out of his mind coming and telling us a sales pitch. Ben had a good reputation and we had no reason to believe he would not keep his word. As I stated elsewhere, the film did the work it was intended to do. 2000 years ago, Jesus was made to look like a deplorable rebel. He had witness say he wanted to destroy their sacred Temple. Others said he wanted to overthrow the government. He was made to look like an outlaw before the very people he came to bless. History has repeated itself and Messiah is again made to look like a criminal.
  18. Why did you stop ? and Why did you start ? We started with the purpose of giving a gift to those who wanted it. This gift was a much brighter, clearer presentation of the gospel of Christ than what had been trampled in the dirt by generations of apostate christians. In 1987 God pronounced that the churches of the world were now Babylon and He was calling his children out of them. As the years rolled by, we began to realize that the professed christians were out and out rejecting the Gift that was being offered to them, so all of our ministers resigned and we no longer conducted formal evangelism. We did continue at various times to distribute books, or run web sites, but these were more like pronouncements of judgment rather than evangelical in nature. One such book was called Shillum, which, to the unprepared heart means “all is hell”. These books were distributed in person to almost all of the State Congress and Governor offices in the U.S. in 1995 and 96. We’ve also had various web sites over the years, but as the purpose for each site would be accomplished, we would close the sites down.
  19. Had to get a bite to eat. Easter and Christmas were both pagan holidays, brought into the christian world by the Catholics in the early fourth century A.D. I haven't seen the easter bunny for a lot of years. Don't even know what he looks like any more. I do however, have a couple nice furry cottontails outside my door eating their dinner this evening though.
  20. Historically speaking Christmas was celebrated millennium before the birth of Christ by the pagans on Dec. 25, it was just called a by a different name. The scriptures do not mention the honoring of Dec. 25 so to me it is just another day. As most people know, it has been taken over by the money changers, but everyone just keeps on playing the game. The bible does speak of numerous other times of the year that men should mark, including one that says to "Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" (one of the ten commandments).
  21. There are a number of bit torrent sites that have the vid. That is how we ended up see it. It 45 minutes in length and about 350 meg in size.
  22. I would say that saying what was true was my motive.
  23. I wouldn’t say that your description above was my motive for coming on. This may explain it better: what would you think if a camera man followed you around for a few days snapping hundreds of shots of you walking around your house and yard. He says he is profiling you because your house is so neat and tidy. You agree that this would be OK to have the pictures published. Knowing that your pics are to be in the paper you start looking around. To your amazement, you find a picture that is actually a splice of two different shots. You can see through the illusion of what the two pictures were. In the first shot, you were walking across you lawn with your shovel in your hand looking for dog dung in your yard. In the second shot, you can see your 8 year old child laying on the grass. The photoshop however, spliced these two shots into one, and made it look like you were ready to smash your child with the shovel. As time goes on, the neighbors are thowing a fit, suggesting that you are a child abuser. Could a man’s motive for taking an add out in the paper be to say, “come now, this is not what happened, these are two different pictures put together in an effort to smear me”?
  24. Thanks, but I don't think I will. If he shows up here though, I wouldn't stop him. If you view the few threads he is on right now, it is a lot of work/interaction to try to keep up with the posts, which are mostly simply mockery. One more would be almost impossible. If all that was here was mockery, I would have been gone long ago.
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