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Everything posted by rjshare

  1. not that it alters your opinion at all probably... ...not tonight you arent!
  2. not all that surprising. if you look at the options, carew is cack at the moment, heskey is probably not fit and if he is, well, can you see him taking united apart? not the game to chuck fonz in either which leaves the only other option of bringing another midfielder in. nrc is still out and sidwell is...er... well, like i said - what other options are there?
  3. cant see us wining 2-1, even if it is good odds. i always feel with united that if they score one they will probably get several. best chance to win for us i feel starts with keeping a clean sheet.
  4. be more interesting to see how mon marked the support he and the team have recieved in his time at the club.
  5. nothing wrong with it at all .. .. we hadn't beaten them for 15 odd years and now suddenly we are going to win 3 out of 3 .... like i say his post was more a superstition thing and not him physically wishing we would lose god - lighten up a bit! anyway - three consective heads calls still means that the fourth flip is 50/50
  6. i think you need to read the post .. he is saying he doesn't believe we can beat Man u 3 times in a season thus he's sacrifice Weds for a Cup Final win ... it's a sort of tempt fate type thing not a go at the team whats wrong with beating them 3 times in a season? we have already done the hardest one of the three...
  7. That speaks volumes. You would prefer Villa lose to vindicate your controversial views on an internet message board? Or are you making some other obscure point? i was just thinking that that comment says a lot more about the poster than it does about the team. fwiw - i think that clattering rooney on wednesday night is more likley to help us win the final!! (only enough to keep him out for four weeks though - we need him back for the summer)
  8. well said. he has ability no doubt, but from where i'm watching he doesnt have the nuts. has he struck the ball or made a tackle in anger yet? maybe he is still wary after his injury but i seem to remember that the boro fans used to complain about him being too lightweight too.
  9. 6th in the league, in the 5th round of the FA Cup and in the League Cup Final. I really wonder about this place. well, we're seventh actually. and its not about where we are, its about how we have got where we are i think. a month ago we had liverpool by the danglers, now we have to beat manyoo on wednesday to get back level with them. for example.
  10. if you had said that then more people would have agreed with you - what you said is that since downing has come into the team we have changed our style of play and become worse for it - not the same thing.
  11. what - you mean like milners goal a couple of weeks ago when him and downing ran the length of the pitch directly from us defending a corner? we were a set piece team not all that long ago, but since milner has gone into the middle, he has become the 'it' player in the league (after rooney of course) because of his performances. downing IS becomming more and more disappointing with every passing match, but i think you are a making too many points with not enough facts.
  12. and he would surely be right in feeling that way. they were at home against a team below them in the league and the oppositions keeper and centre halves were the best players on the pitch. how else would you expect him to feel - lucky to have nicked a point?
  13. i thought you rated heskey paulanddonya?
  14. for every action, there is a reaction, and then not long afterwards there will be an overreaction on villa talk...
  15. look on the bright side - the more he plays like he did today, the less likely we will be to be forced to watch him play in the summer!
  16. you may have a point, or maybe its a case of warnock making downing look better than he really is. he is starting to really annoy me to be honest - no fight, no commitment and whilst he does have ability on the ball, he also is guaranteed to make two or three really woeful passes per game which either cost us a good attacking position, or worse still allow the opposition to counter us.
  17. for all the good heskey and carew did today we would have been better off with delph on the pitch in the middle - and that isnt an invitation to restart the infamous 4-5-1 debate, just an observation. for dunne it was just another routine day at the office - turn up, get changed, be the best player on the pitch, go home... friedel played excellently too. biggest worry for me is downing. it started as niggle and is now becoming really annoying - play with some b0ll0cks man!
  18. cant rate it cos i didnt see enough of the game, but a clean sheet, away win by two goals - what more could you ask for? from what i saw of the second half our support was fantastic
  19. petrov = 2 divine passes accross the width of the pitch showing great vision and anticipation and then gives it away trying to make a 5 yard pass!
  20. hi chaps, just got in unfortunately! whats the story of the first half?
  21. really proud of them after that. they played fantastically well, with real belief and to stop arsenal playing their usual game so well is not easy. young mom - i've been critical of him for a while but tonight was vintage. maybe that goal against blackburn was what he needed. only minus for me was downing. he is like the lion in the wizard of oz! he has great ability and looks classy on the ball but christ is he a lightweight.
  22. i thought we looked really good that half. apart from the last five minutes we totally stopped them from playing their game which is not easy to - especially the way they are going at the moment. quality from ash, heskey doing well too. less said about petrovs tackle the better - but to be fair i think he was probably thinking that there was two centre halves behind him and dont do anything to give away a free kick - still looked ghey though!
  23. as i understand it, shoreys loan has expired, he wasnt recalled. forest want to extend it but as it stands he is no longer on loan there.
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