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Everything posted by rjshare

  1. he's probably just bored and felt like livening things up a bit!
  2. I don't think Downing has been rated highly by the majority of fans that use this forum. he looked like messi for the first 20 minutes and now just looks a mess. how can he change so much in one game?
  3. not saying its right, but if mon doesnt change anything and we dont score then i think a lot of fans are going to turn on him. they have backed him well over the last few games but this is the last chance to get back in the race.
  4. wtf is young doing???? that is embarassing...
  5. But the scoreline says different a 1-0 scoreline doesnt say a team is playing badly in fairness do you feel we are being robbed?
  6. to be fair though, its not really his job to be our major creative force!
  7. why are we so fckiing static??? ash goes on a run and four defenders start following him, but we dont have a single other player on the pitch moving
  8. I think she is safe mate, does she know ? No it'll be a surprise when she gets in from work poor lass - gets in from a hard shift and then has to start doing freebies for his mates! only jestin, dont get the hump!
  9. it was a push, but if every push like that was given the game would have more stoppages than a game of yank footy.
  10. its that oh so depresingly familiar feeling of deflation again... looked great for twenty minutes - even that bloke that was wearing downings shirt looked dynamite - and then...
  11. no one saw that coming did they? god, i remember that game as though it was yesterday - i couldnt believe sid made it that far for the first goal!
  12. ^ they cant be fixed 100% but people can certainly do their best to try and help a team. look at how grobelaar was (alledgedly) caught admitting trying to let norwich i think it was score and then there was the story le tissier told about the throw in bet. to say that matches are fixed like a wwf wrestling match is unlikely, but i dont think that everything that happens in every minute of every game is totally innocent either.
  13. Sorry what do you mean by that? you were attacking another post, i said what i feel the other poster was trying to convey, in an albeit over-the-top way. if you dont get what i mean then ignore it i'm not going to spell it out or draw pictures. Thats great respond with a point and then don't explain it - well done The OP was clearly indicating the defeat WAS the manager's fault and you seem to agree by saying that MON doesn't give his players 'the best chance of competing' Now draw **** pictures if you like but explain what you mean by that statement dont get all fcking sweary @rsey aggressive fella. the point is, we didnt play as well as we could have done and THAT is mons fault for all of the very well documented reasons that have been discussed to death, ie not playing a right back, players knackered, etcetcetc. had we done absolutely everything possible all through the season so that the entire squad, club, support, pitch, kit man and tea lady were at the peak of their performance for that one single game...we would quite probably still have lost because chelsea are a better team. hence the point: it isnt the managers fault that we lost, but it is his fault that the players werent given the best chance of competing in the game. mon was given the handy smokescreen of complaining about decisions to divert attention away from the fact that he has a squad who are fading rapidly due in no small measure to the fact that he hasnt rotated them (in many peoples opinion) so as to get the best out of them throughout the entire season, and that he has no tactical "plan-b" other than taking off carew and putting heskey on. as it is the entire post match debate and press coverage has been focussed on the referee, not mons tactical weaknesses or poor use of players. if you dont agree fine, its all about opinions but if you can refrain from getting all "fùcking explain yourself" next time then the internet will be just a tiny bit more pleasant to use for everyone.
  14. the thing is, by booking the player webb is admitting that he saw the challenge and deemed it worthy of punishment - which proves he is a w@nk ref because his judgement is bad. look at terry's reaction afterwards too - he knows he is going off for it.
  15. Sorry what do you mean by that? you were attacking another post, i said what i feel the other poster was trying to convey, in an albeit over-the-top way. if you dont get what i mean then ignore it i'm not going to spell it out or draw pictures.
  16. MON might be pissed off about this and the 'penalty', but I think its a very valuable diversion tactic or him. Diversion from what? Thats pretty obvious. But if you need it spelt out...he is diverting attention from the abstract failure of his team to muster a single decent atempt on goal in 90 mins. He is diverting attention from the fact that despite his captain being being absolutely knackered, he was unable to change things and bring some fresh legs to the team when they badly needed it. He is diverting attention from the fact that our best hope of rescuing the game was to bring on **** Heskey. He is diverting attention from the fact that he is tactically inept, and when push comes to shove and when we REALLY,REALLY need a result, HIS team is not good enough. mate what planet are you on? Seriously... Chelsea are going to win the Premier League, they are one of the top 3 sides in the world right now. They had 3 of their first choice defence out but were able to call on 3 £10m+ players in Alex, Ferreira and Zirkhov to come in. They had Anelka and Ballack on the bench! Anyone criticising MON for not being able to compete with that is living in a dream world Our boys did very well yesterday and were unlucky. Ok we could have brought on Delf and Delph but do we honestly think these young boys could have made a difference in a game like this? Hopefully in a few years these two will be big players for us but not right now. i think the point is that mon doesnt give the players that he has the best chance of competing, not that the defeat is the managers fault.
  17. friedel 6 - didnt do anything wrong cuellar 5 - i have a sneaky feeling that maybe right back isnt his preferred position warnock 8 - all action, wasn't a perfect display but a good performance in front of capello collins 7 - did well generally, but we did conceed 3 dunne 6 - would have got the same as collins but the goal that changed the game was due to him clearing poorly downing 4 - sorry, i think he is getting worse young 6 - not his best game but he is always a threat even if his crossing is erratic milner 7 - covered every blade of grass but looked heavy legged petrov 7 - i thought he had a decent game carew 6 - at times very good holding the ball up, at times a passenger gabby 6 - should have had a pen, had good flashes but never looked like unlocking them heskey, yeah whatever
  18. and next up on tonights karaoke special... ***fat bird clears her throat***
  19. carew - this is how we throw the kitchen sink at them...
  20. i'm not going to start picking out players and blaming them for us being behind, but does anyone else have elderly relatives who they feel could contribute more to the team than downing?
  21. that should have been a straight red for terry. fckn dreadful tackle, foot up, knee high, studs first.
  22. thats good from wilkins because it really makes webb look a total cnut now. the decision wasnt "debatable" when both teams agree that the ref got it wrong!
  23. good solid hard working away win. cant ask for any more than that. i dont think it was ever going to be a classic game, but they stood up to be counted today after the mother of all batterings last week. there are things that could have been better but it doesnt matter right now, as a team they got the job done and when they see the table tonight they will realise that there is still something to play for.
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